"The Knights Templar!"

The little saint's face lit up with joy.

"Protect the Saint! Kill!"

Hundreds of heavily armored knights charged forward like a torrent of steel.

The demons surrounding Chen Yu and the little Saint flapped their wings in fear and flew into the sky like frightened crows.


The leading knight shouted angrily.

Hundreds of knights immediately raised their lances and shot at the densely packed demons in the sky.


A buzzing sound rang out.

The lances wrapped in white holy light instantly pierced countless demons.

The living demons did not dare to touch the tiger whiskers of the Knights Templar, and they all flapped their wings and fled.

Those demons without the ability to fly were not so lucky, and directly became the dead souls under the hooves of the Knights.

The torrent of knights slowed down when they rushed in front of Chen Yu and the little saint, and then automatically separated, surrounding Chen Yu and the little saint in the middle.

Countless noisy horse hooves whizzed past his ears, but Chen Yu felt extremely peaceful.

This mission was finally completed!

After a while, the leader of the Commander Knights rode his horse to Chen Yu and the little saint, turned over and dismounted, and took off his helmet.

He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, with long flaxen curly hair, a resolute face, and awe-inspiring without anger.

There were some dark red bloodstains on the bright silver armor.

Upon closer inspection, there were countless faint scratches


The knight leader bowed to the little saint.

"Lady Dalia!"

The little saint's expression had returned to calm, and she said in a calm tone:"We need treatment, please come as soon as possible"


Dalia turned and called a knight.

The knight dismounted and walked over, with a white holy light in his hand, sprinkling it on Chen Yu and the little saint.

Chen Yu suddenly felt a gentle power blending into his body, warm and comfortable, as if all his fatigue was cleared.

But... my head still hurts!

This is the result of excessive mental damage, which hurts the soul.

For other people, this kind of injury can only be healed slowly. As for

Chen Yu, the Road to Rebirth is a professional in this regard.

Without the forced use of mental power and the damage caused by the explosion of the mind, the power that penetrated from the Road to Rebirth has begun to gradually repair Chen Yu's soul injuries.

""How do you feel, Saint?"

After the treatment was completed, Dalia asked the little Saint.

"I have recovered a little." The little saint nodded, then looked at Chen Yu,"Thanks to the ascetic, I was able to return safely."

""Sir Heratugus!"

Dalia stood straight, looking at Chen Yu with respect.

He held the center of the helmet with his right hand, supported his right chest with his left hand, and then bowed to Chen Yu.

This was a serious and solemn knight's salute.


Chen Yu smiled and returned the greeting.

"Your Excellency, please."

Dalia stretched out her right hand.

The Knights immediately made way.

"Do you have something to say?"Chen Yu looked at Dalia in confusion.

Dalia nodded.


Chen Yu followed Dalia and left.

After walking out of the Knights' encirclement, Chen Yu found that the Knights were surrounded by a dense army of demons.

There were at least a thousand fourth-level demon bosses, who were confronting the Knights from a distance.

"Want to fight?"

Chen Yu's spirits immediately lifted.

"Lord Heratugus." Dalia stared at the demon army and whispered,"I just want to ask, is it worth doing this?"

"How should I answer?" Chen Yu's expression froze.

Now should be the plot time.

But he himself is a plot NPC, but he has never read the script. He really doesn't know how to answer this kind of plot dialogue.

However, the next moment, a phantom appeared beside him.

The phantom's face could not be seen clearly, his clothes were a little dirty and full of patches, and his hair was messy, as if he had not washed it for many years.

Although the whole phantom was in a blurry state, the familiar holy power and abyss magic power in his body all showed that this phantom was the virtual body he used before.

"Of course it's worth it."The shadow slowly spoke

"Oh, so the plot character is here." Chen Yu suddenly realized.

At this point, other trial participants might have been in the third-person perspective.

But because he brought his real body here, he was still watching the scene with his own eyes.

"It is very dangerous for a god to come to the world with only the wisdom of a god but without human emotions."The shadow also looked at the demon army with a compassionate expression.

"For God, this world is just a place of gestation, an existence that can be abandoned at any time."

"And for us, this is our home!"

"Why wouldn't it be worth sacrificing just one person to give the world hope for redemption?"

"Moreover, experiencing the sufferings of the world is also a necessary test for her on her way forward."

"Lord Heratugus!" Dalia saluted once again.

"Your glory will be remembered by the world!"

"Your contribution will be appreciated by the world!"

"Follow the plan, don't let my efforts go to waste!"The shadow sighed softly, turned into countless dim points of light, and disappeared into the air.

After listening to the conversation,

Chen Yu roughly understood that this Heratugus seemed to be a selfless and fearless noble character who dedicated himself.

Through self-sacrifice, he created an opportunity for the world to be redeemed.

The god who came to the world was most likely the little saint.

""Heratugus" was probably trying to awaken the little saint's love for this world in some way, so that she would not run away in a dangerous moment.

Therefore, the capture of the little saint by the Fallen was probably planned by him.

Of course, this is just a speculation based on one-sided words, and the specific situation must be a boring story that is long and stinky.

This plot solved a lot of doubts.

But Chen Yu always felt that there was a strong sense of disobedience in Heratugus.

First of all, why is a third-level weak chicken a person who has great prestige in the temple?

Secondly, why didn't Dalia feel strange at all when she saw Chen Yu using the abyss magic so skillfully?

It stands to reason that with the purity of the power of the temple, the Fallen will never exist.

Did the two communicate about the specific plan through Qi before?

Thirdly, Heratugus How did she die just now?

Disappearing into a point of light, is this the way a mere third-level priest can die?

Finally, and most importantly, the appearance of this plot means that Chen Yu has completed the mission, which means that he has met Heratugus's expectations. Did

Heratugus expect to rescue the little saint girl or to have an emotional entanglement with her?

Judging from the conversation, it's probably the latter.

What Chen Yu did was to make the little saint girl feel dependent and attached to him.

If the little saint girl hadn't seen through Chen Yu as a"player", then the root of this emotion would belong to Heratugus.

In order to make the little saint girl attached to this world and protect this world in the future, wouldn't it be better to send other priests to share the joys and sorrows with her, or even die for her, to stimulate her emotions? Why do you have to go into battle yourself?

"Tsk tsk, it's not simple, most likely it's Lao Liu."Chen Yu sighed,"It seems that I have to remind the little girl, so that she won't suffer from Lao Liu in the future!"

At this moment, a pulling feeling suddenly appeared on Chen Yu.

It was the force that pulled the soul in the dark space before.

The plot of Heratugus ended, which meant that Chen Yu's mission was also over and it was time to return.

However, something very ridiculous happened.

In the potential trial world, Chen Yu's body was his real body.

If the soul was pulled away and the body was still here, it would be funny.

It is estimated that Tenglong Academy will publish a news report the next day:

"Shock! The strongest top student came to Tenglong University and turned into a ghost overnight!"

Helplessly, Chen Yu could only rely on the power of the Road of Rebirth to calm his soul.

"Who are you!"

At this moment, Dalia on the side suddenly drew out the knight's sword and looked at Chen Yu vigilantly.

"Are you amnesiac?" Chen Yu wanted to curse at me instantly.

"Eh? Is this... the power that Lord Ascetic used just now?" Dalia took back the knight's sword with a puzzled expression,"Are you Lord Ascetic?"

"No, didn’t the ascetic master already sacrifice himself?"

""Yes, cheating has created a bug." Chen Yu's face twitched.

In the eyes of others, Chen Yu was undoubtedly the ascetic Heratugus.

But just now the ascetic exploded in front of everyone.

Logically, the trial-taker should have completed the task and returned to the original world.

But Chen Yu's real body was here, which resulted in the NPC's cognitive barrier being lifted.

What they saw was no longer the ascetic Heratugus, but Chen Yu himself.

"What should I do?"

Chen Yu was confused.

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