Not only Chen Yu was numb, but also Knight Daria of the Knights Templar. Lord

Heratugus had just disappeared, but the man in front of him was clearly Heratugus.

Although the appearance was a little different, the aura and strength were exactly the same.

Could it be that Lord Heratugus had something else to say and needed to come back to life to say it again?

"Sir, what's going on?" Knight Commander Dalia asked cautiously.

""Ahem, aren't there still so many demons here? The Saint is not completely safe yet, I'm worried." Chen Yu said awkwardly.

At this moment, he could only continue to use the identity of Heratugus.

How else to explain?

Just say that he was just a player who came to do a mission, and because of the use of plug-ins, the system had problems, and he was not teleported away after the mission was completed?

"Huh? Is that so? Darya looked as if she had seen a ghost.

""Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

In the back, the knights' formation made way for a path.

The little saint ran out stumblingly.

When she saw Chen Yu, her eyes widened.

Her astonishment was beyond words.

"Why did you come out? Why don't you go back and stay here?" Chen Yu hurriedly drove the little saint back.

His mission was completed, but he hadn't left yet. He didn't know if the settlement had been finalized.

What if the little saint got hurt and lowered his score?


The little saint opened her arms towards Chen Yu.

"Why are you hugging me? Go back and hide!" Chen Yu patted the little saint on the back and pushed her into the knight formation.

"Hold me!" The little saint turned around, pouted her lips, opened her arms again, her big eyes sparkling with water, and she looked like she would cry if you didn't hold me.

Dalia was stunned.

Then he hurriedly said,"Sir Ascetic, since Her Highness the Saint has this request, you should satisfy her."

Chen Yu took a deep breath and picked up the little saint.

The little saint looked at Dalia and said softly,"I want to talk to Lord Ascetic, you are not allowed to eavesdrop."

"Oh? Okay, okay! I will never eavesdrop, never eavesdrop!"

Dalia hurriedly drove the knights away, leaving a space for

""Did you see it?" The little saint bit Chen Yu's ear and asked in a low voice.

Chen Yu hugged the little saint and whispered in her ear,"What did you see? What are you doing?"

""Heratugus should have disappeared, right?" the little saint said, with a look of joy on her face,"I thought you would disappear with him, but I didn't expect you to stay!"

"Great!" The little saint narrowed her eyes and smiled, then asked expectantly:"Are you going to stay here?"

"No, I can't stay here temporarily, but I don't have much time left."

The force pulling Chen Yu became stronger and stronger.

Although the Road to Rebirth suppressed it, no matter how strong it was, it couldn't shake Chen Yu's soul.

But Chen Yu was not sure that this force would always exist.

If this force suddenly stopped working, he would be trapped in this trial mission world.

"Is that so?" The little saint's mood became depressed again.

"Cheer up, I haven't left yet." Chen Yu said with a smile,"Also, I have a question"

"What image did you see me in before?"

Just now, from Dalia's reaction, it can be seen that his appearance is different from that of Heratugus.

Before the end of the plot, he was the image of Heratugus in the eyes of the NPC.

However, the little saint did not show any surprise.

How could the little saint see through his true appearance?

"That's your current appearance!" said the little saint."At first, you were the same as Heratugus, but since you told me your name, you have become like this."

"Got it." Chen Yu nodded.

No wonder when he told her his name in the cave, the little saint sighed that she and she were of the same race.

It turned out that it was because the little saint saw his true face at that time.

Then, why didn't others see his true face? Was it because others had never heard his name?

This is probably another topic related to the Daluo Dao Fruit.

"That's right." Chen Yu continued,"I feel that Heratugus seems to be a bit strange. Do you know him?"

"I didn’t understand it before." The little saint’s mouth curled up with a sneer,"But thanks to you, now I know it very well!"

"I was just about to tell you about this guy!……"

"You just need to know, no need to say more!"

Chen Yu's face suddenly changed.

The problem he had been worried about appeared.

The pulling force that was pulling him was getting weaker and weaker.

The little saint was at a loss:"You……"

"My stay is almost up." Chen Yu said,"Before that, I will solve one more problem for you."

"Solve the problem?"The little saint was stunned.

Chen Yu picked up the little saint and quickly walked out of the knight formation.

""Mr. Ascetic, Her Highness the Saint, have you guys reached an agreement?" Dalia asked with a smile.

Chen Yu ignored him and walked right past him.

At this time, the number of demons confronting the Knights had increased. There were at least 1,000 fourth-level bosses.

There were also sporadic fifth-level bosses.

This combat power was almost on par with the Knights Templar.

Chen Yu held the little saint in one hand and stretched out the other hand, opening his mouth towards the place where the demons gathered.

"you want……"The little saint was shocked

"I'll use my remaining strength to help you kill these monsters!"

""The seed of the mind! The world tree!"

A transparent ripple suddenly appeared in front of Chen Yu, spreading out from the palm of his hand to a range of dozens of meters.

The next moment, a huge, thick and vigorous branch extended from the ripple.

Through the ripple, one could vaguely see the endless supreme existence that seemed to penetrate the entire world.

The branch was only a phantom, but the terrifying pressure and momentum had already suppressed all creatures within a radius of ten miles.

"What is this?"

Dalia half-knelt on the ground, her face showing panic and cold sweat.

The other knights were even worse off, falling to the ground.

As for the demons who were targeted, they were even more miserable.

Some weak beings exploded into a ball of meat paste. Those who didn't die on the spot were not much better off, crawling on the ground and unable to move.


The little saint girl who was held in Chen Yu's arms and not oppressed by the phantom of the World Tree suddenly became excited.

She stretched out her hands excitedly, and through the ripples, she stroked the branches of the World Tree of Heart, revealing a longing expression.

"Powerful, perfect, everything seems to belong to it"

"This is true nobility! This is true holiness!"The little saint trembled slightly and muttered to herself.

""Die, you shameless creatures!" Chen Yu waved his hand.

The branches of the World Tree, which stretched for several kilometers, fell down with a bang.

"Click, click, click——"

Spider-web-like cracks appeared in the space.

Wherever the branches swept, everything was annihilated.

As powerful as the fifth-level demon boss, there was no difference between him and the ants on the ground.

Even the mountains and the earth quickly returned to nothingness.

At this moment, all the creatures in this world were trembling at this terrifying power that surpassed everything!

This power came quickly and went away quickly. It only lasted for a moment before disappearing without a trace.

However, even if it was only a moment, countless demons were completely destroyed, and not even a corpse was left behind.

"Does it look good?" Chen Yu pinched the little saint's face.

"Mmm! That’s amazing!" The little saint girl looked adoring and obsessed,"Does He really exist too?"

"Um, that's right. If there is a chance in the future, I can introduce him to you." Chen Yu said,"But there is no way now."

"Let's stop here for now." Chen Yu put the little saint girl on the ground and rubbed her hair,"Goodbye, little one!"

"Wait a minute!" The little saint hurriedly hugged Chen Yu's arm, raised her head and asked anxiously:"Can I still see you?"

"Of course." Chen Yu smiled and said firmly:"Believe me, I can do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the little saint felt her arms empty.

Chen Yu's body had turned into an illusory image and waved to her.

"Yes! I believe it! It will definitely work!"

"I! Wait! You!"

The little saint smiled brightly, nodded vigorously, and shouted loudly towards Chen Yu's disappearing shadow.

After a long time, crystal-like tears slid down her cheeks.

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