Tenglong University, student dormitory.

Chen Yu appeared beside the bed.

A series of heavenly reminders immediately rang in his mind.

【Hint: You have completed the first-level potential trial task"Saving the Holy Fallen Elegy""】

【[First-level Potential Trial Mission]

Mission Difficulty: Abyss

Executor: Chen Yu

Mission Completion: Perfect (While protecting the Saint, you saw through the conspiracy of the"Ascetic" and gave the Saint a hint; you destroyed the vanguard of the demon invaders and killed more than ten sixth-level demon bosses.)

【Reward settlement in progress……】

【Settlement completed】

【Tip: You get the first-level potential trial reward"Potential Level +6"】

【Tip: As your potential level increases, attributes gain growth compensation】

【Note: For each job transfer stage, the potential trial completed can only obtain the attribute compensation of that stage.】

"The potential level has increased by six stars."

Chen Yu looked at the attribute panel.

The potential level has increased from eight stars to 14 stars.

At the same time, from level 50 to level 70, the corresponding attributes of these 20 levels have been supplemented.

The four-dimensional attributes and free attributes have increased by 600 points, and the vitality attribute has increased by 120 points.

From the prompt, the potential added by the job transfer task and the trial task is calculated according to the stage.

For example, a professional gains a potential level during the second transfer at level 100, which will only increase the attribute acquisition of the 100-150 stage.

Completing the potential trial task during the second transfer stage will only compensate for the attributes of the 100-150 levels.

Now, Chen Yu's potential level is 14 stars.

That is to say, between levels 50-100, every level he upgrades can gain 70 points of four dimensions, 70 points of free attributes, and 14 points of vitality.

The original elves increase 100 points of three dimensions and 200 points of spirit for each level from level 1 to 50.

After level 50, each level increases 200 points of three measurements, 400 points of spirit, and 40 points of vitality.

In other words, the potential level of the original elf at this time is equivalent to 40 stars. The potential level of legendary plant life, thorn spirit, lily spirit, and gluttonous spirit is equal to 20 stars. The potential level of epic plant life is equal to 8 stars.

Chen Yu’s current potential level is between epic and legendary.

In other words, the growth potential is higher than that of ordinary BOSS and lower than that of bronze BOSS.

The difference between professionals and non-professionals is that the growth potential of professionals is not fixed.

Non-professionals will automatically obtain the growth of corresponding quality every time they grow to a stage.

Professionals obtain potential star levels through job transfer tasks, potential trials, or other methods.

""The Road to the Past."

Chen Yu called softly.

In an instant, the dormitory room was filled with bright red red spider lilies.

A gray shadow of will condensed in the flowers.

"My soul has been severely damaged, please help me heal it."Chen Yu ordered

"Seriously injured?"Wang Shenglu tilted his head, and a puzzled thought was conveyed to the person who came over.

"What? Is there a problem?"Chen Yu was also confused.

The Road to the Rebirth is the highest underworld, an expert in the soul, it is impossible that he can't cure his injuries.

"Master, your soul is not seriously injured."

"I was indeed injured, but it was only a small scratch on my skin."

"Now, it's almost recovered."

"Oh, that's how it is. That's fine."Chen Yu nodded.

When he was still in the trial mission, he relied on the power transmitted through the time and space gap by the Road of Rebirth to heal his soul injuries.

He believed that his soul was severely damaged, all thanks to the little saint's tearful narration.

Now think about it, the little saint is a priest, still in a weak state, and her perception must be wrong.

Although she has some level, it is just average, limited to being able to see that Chen Yu has suffered soul trauma.

With the guarantee of the Road of Rebirth, there must be no problem with the soul.

Now, what makes him uncomfortable is that his body feels extremely tired, as if he has been in the world tree for a day and a night.

This is the sequelae of the trial mission. Ling Xiuhe had already told him when exchanging the mission slate.

In addition, there is a headache.

It has nothing to do with the injury, it is purely because of excessive mental consumption.

Chen Yu took out a bottle of potion from the inventory, opened the cork, and drank it with his head tilted back.

The fatigue of the body and the dizziness of the brain slowly disappeared.

This potion was exchanged in the copy of Jiangyang No. 1 Middle School and has never been used.

I didn’t find out until today that it works very well.


A mechanical reminder sounded

"Chen Yu, someone is asking to enter your dormitory. Do you want to make a call?

This is the intelligent control system in the dormitory, which can recognize commands with low complexity.

"Someone is visiting me at this time? Answer it."Chen Yu ordered

"Connecting... Video call connected"

A virtual screen appeared in front of Chen Yu.

On the virtual screen, it was the image of the entrance to the dormitory.

A woman wearing a white apron with a black background and a good-looking face was standing in front of the door with a food box in her hand.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Chen Yu asked

"Student Chen Yu." The woman said with a warm smile,"I am the dormitory administrator."

"Are you the dorm manager?" Chen Yu was surprised.

In his impression, aren't dorm managers all middle-aged uncles and aunts?

"Yes." The woman nodded,"Is it convenient to disturb you now?"

"No problem, come in."

Chen Yu ordered the intelligent control system to open the courtyard door, and at the same time he walked from the bedroom to the living room.

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart, if he had met such a dormitory manager in his previous life, would he stay out all night every day?

After a while, the woman in the white apron came in and put the food box on the dining table.

Then, she folded her hands on her lower abdomen and bowed slightly to Chen Yu:

"Hello, Chen Yu, my name is Lin Ruoyu. It's our first meeting. Please take care of me."

"Hello, you're welcome, please sit down. Chen Yu pulled out a chair for Lin Ruoyu.

"Thank you very much."Lin Ruoyu sat down on the chair.

Chen Yu walked to the opposite side of Lin Ruoyu, sat down and said,"I wonder if Dormitory Manager Lin needs anything for work? Why are you coming here at this time?"

"Of course." Lin Ruoyu smiled and said,"I work 24 hours a day."

"Okay, go ahead and tell me. I'll try my best to cooperate with you." Chen Yu nodded and said,"It's not easy for you to be the dormitory manager."

"Are you checking rooms or doing registration or something else?"

The dormitory area of Tenglong University is very large, and it takes a long time to run through it all.

This dormitory manager is clearly a professional, with ridiculously low attributes. I'm afraid he must be exhausted after running around.

"Hmm? Classmate Chen Yu, don't you know?" Lin Ruoyu showed a surprised look,"I am your dormitory manager!"

"My dorm manager? What do you mean?"

Chen Yu's smile froze.

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