"Literally." Lin Ruoyu said

"My work area is your dormitory."

"Responsible for solving your life problems"

"In addition, if you have any questions about some general information about Tamron University, you can also ask me"

"You can think of it as, I am your personal secretary, or maid."

Chen Yu looked at Lin Ruoyu carefully and found that the clothes she was wearing were indeed maid clothes.

However, they were not two-dimensional sexualized maid clothes, but the kind of formal maid uniform.

"Dormitory manager, managing my dormitory?"

Ling Xiuhe told Chen Yu that there would be a maid in the dormitory, but she didn't expect that she would be equipped with one on the first day.

"You serve me exclusively? And you live here?"

"Yes." Lin Ruoyu nodded.

"I am a normal man!" Chen Yu couldn't help but complain,"Tenglong University sends a maid like you, aren't you afraid that it will affect the students' academic performance?"

"Hehe~" Lin Ruoyu smiled and covered her mouth,"A genius who can rank among the top in Tenglong University will not be affected by such things."

"On the contrary, proper release of desire helps to resist bad temptations"

"That makes sense."Chen Yu suddenly realized.

The situation of the girls is unclear and difficult to judge, so let's just talk about the boys.

Would a boy who can rank at the top of Tenglong University lack women?

Obviously not. A veteran in the flower world has tasted everything, and a chaste man will not be tempted at all.

In this case, what can a maid influence?

Even if he had suppressed his nature before, he can be better controlled by the maid.

The maid is likely to have received relevant training on how to correctly guide the genius she is taking care of.

"All the exclusive waiters recruited by Tenglong University come from its subordinate Life Professional College."Lin Ruoyu continued

"The top 100 students in each class will be equipped with a dedicated waiter"

"In addition, those who are ranked in the top 100 of their level after admission will also be equipped with exclusive waiters."

"Each waiter will only serve one person, and will not follow a second person, whether they accompany the person until graduation or are fired midway."

"The waiter spends his days and nights with the genius, and more or less he will be exposed to some of the genius's secrets."

"After graduating, the genius can choose whether to take in the waiter"

"The waiters who are not accepted, like the waiters who are fired midway, will have their memories erased and receive a generous reward that is unimaginable for ordinary people, and live the life they want."

"In addition to the exclusive waiters, there are also ordinary waiters, which are available in every villa in the villa area. However, ordinary waiters cannot live with geniuses and only provide basic services such as cleaning and running errands."

"That's quite thoughtful." Chen Yu nodded secretly.

He had just arrived at Tenglong University and was unfamiliar with the place. He really needed someone who was familiar with the situation.

"If you decide to hire me, please sign this contract."

Lin Ruoyu put a golden contract paper in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu picked up the contract paper and checked it.

After reading it, he found that this was a master-servant contract.

The master has no obligations except that he cannot abuse or harm without reason.

The servant needs to meet all the requirements of the master within his ability.

The most important point is that the servant must not disclose all the personal information of the master.

This contract is a notarized contract of the Heavenly Dao.

If one party violates the contract, it will be directly punished by the"Heavenly Dao".

This contract alone is worth a lot of money.

Who doesn't want it for free?

Chen Yu picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract.

After signing, the contract paper turned into golden light and merged into the bodies of Chen Yu and Lin Ruoyu respectively.

【Tip: You have signed a master-servant contract with"Lin Ruoyu". You can view its properties on the property panel and give it instructions.

Chen Yu opened the property panel.

Next to his own main panel, in addition to his friends, there is another contract servant panel.


Lin Ruoyu

Occupation: Maid

Level: 128

Skills: Housekeeping (low level); Cooking (intermediate level); Sleeping aid (low level); Dancing (low level); Encouragement (intermediate level); Experience baby (intermediate level); Romance (low level)

"It really is a maid profession."

Chen Yu clicked on Lin Ruoyu's skills one by one and looked at them in amazement.

Housekeeping and cooking are ordinary business skills, nothing to say.

Sleeping aid is a useful skill. After using it, the released object will quickly enter high-quality sleep and quickly restore mental and physical strength.

Encouragement can temporarily increase the four-dimensional attributes of the released object.

Experience baby is just as its name suggests.

After the contract is signed, it will take effect directly. The experience gained by Chen Yu from killing monsters will be divided by Lin Ruoyu by 20%, but Chen Yu's income will not only not decrease, but will increase by 10%.

As for"Dance" and"Wind, Flowers, Snow and Moon", it is actually a two-hit entertainment skill!

It can make the released object feel high-quality entertainment, so as to maintain a state of not needing entertainment for a long time.

It can be said that there are all kinds of wonders in the world.

This kind of thing can actually become a skill!

"Master." Lin Ruoyu smiled and pushed the food box she brought to Chen Yu,"This is the midnight snack I prepared for you."

"If you have any dietary habits or taboos, please tell me first"

"Food? Thank you!"Chen Yu immediately brought the food box to himself,"I'm just hungry."

He hadn't eaten normal food for more than ten days in the trial mission, and his mouth was almost empty for two and a half years.

The first layer of the food box was twenty thumb-sized crystal buns.

The dough was as thin as paper, crystal clear, but not greasy, with a faint plant fragrance.

Chen Yu picked up one and put it in his mouth.

After biting it, an indescribable wonderful taste bloomed in his mouth.

From the taste point of view, it was salty and fragrant with���A little sweetness.

Chen Yu himself doesn't like salty and sweet, but this crystal bag, with a perfect combination, firmly grasps his taste buds.

It's as if the world tree seamlessly switches between loli and queen

"How is it?"Lin Ruoyu's face showed an undetectable nervousness.

Chen Yu was stunned for a second, searching for the poor adjectives in his mind, and finally uttered only two words:"Delicious!"

"Thank you!" Lin Ruoyu smiled, like a night-blooming cereus quietly blooming in the midnight.

"You eat too." Chen Yu waved to Lin Ruoyu.


Lin Ruoyu stood up, walked to Chen Yu and sat down, and also picked up a crystal bag and put it in her mouth, chewing slowly.

However, her eyes were always fixed on Chen Yu, not willing to miss any of his subtle movements and expressions.

Understanding the master's emotions and judging the master's preferences are the basic qualities of a waiter.

"That's right!"

Chen Yu quickly communicated with the Supreme Holy Land and summoned six elves.

Good food is only fun to eat when shared with close people.

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