"AH~~~~~"Xiao Yan yawned, lay listlessly on top of Chen Yu's head, and said sleepily,"Master, do you want to fight?"

"I'm not asking you to fight." Chen Yu took Xiao Yan down,"I'll treat you to good food."

At this time, Xiao Feng had already consciously flown into the food box, picked up a crystal bun and took a bite.

The crust of the crystal bun was so thin that even the elves could bite it.

The soup slid out, Xiao Feng took a shallow sip, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he lowered his head and began to bite fiercely.

""Wow! It smells so good!" Xiao Yan exclaimed, flew to Xiao Feng, picked up a bun, and ate it happily.

"Is this the legendary elemental spirit?"Lin Ruoyu on the side exclaimed secretly.

It is no secret that Chen Yu has an elemental spirit. Anyone who has seen the college entrance examination rankings knows it.

However, the opportunity to get close to an elemental spirit is not something that everyone can have.

"So cute!"

Lin Ruoyu stared at Xiaofeng and Xiaoyan intently, with a silly smile on her face, her pupils almost turned into a heart shape.

A delicate little person, holding a small bun bigger than their heads and eating it, really touched her cute spot

""Hmm?" Xiao Feng seemed to have sensed something, tilted his head and looked at Lin Ruoyu blankly, then turned back to continue eating.

This look was like a bullet that broke through Lin Ruoyu's defenses.

"ah~~~~~~It's so cute!" Lin Ruoyu felt her heart was about to melt, and she wanted to scream loudly.

"I really want to raise one!"

"Beep Beep——"

Chen Yu knocked on the table.

The elves all looked at Chen Yu, leaving only Xiao Feng and Xiao Yan still working hard.

Chen Yu directly took the two foodies out of the food box.

"Let me introduce you to Lin Ruoyu, my maid."

"Dear elemental elves, it's our first meeting. Please take care of me. My name is Lin Ruoyu. If you need anything, please let me know."Lin Ruoyu quickly stood up and bowed elegantly to the elves.

"Oh, oh ~ Wuxi duckling, mud monkey"

""Um~Gu~My name is Xiaofeng!"

Xiaoyan and Xiaofeng said they understood, and then picked up the buns and started eating.

"Hello, maid! I am Hou Tu. Hou Tu held the sword at her waist and nodded to Lin Ruoyu.

"Hello, maid~ My name is Xiaoguang."Xiaoguang returned the greeting while holding her skirt.

At this moment, Lin Ruoyu suddenly felt a chill on her back.

She looked around and saw a little elf with long ice-blue hair on Chen Yu's shoulder, looking at her coldly.

""Hello, just a maid. I'm Xiao Miao." Xiao Miao greeted with a smile.

Perhaps she noticed the contractual relationship between Lin Ruoyu and Chen Yu, so she didn't say anything mean to her.

In Xiao Miao's heart, besides Chen Yu, the highest status is the World Tree, followed by other elves and the Road to the Afterlife, and finally other plant life.

Now a new level has appeared, that is Lin Ruoyu.

Apart from that, it's probably the level of"maggots","livestock" or even"bacteria".

"Uh, hello."

Lin Ruoyu picked up three buns and distributed them to Xiao Miao, Hou Tu and Xiao Guang.

"Dear elemental elves, please enjoy. If you have any favorite food, please feel free to tell me."

"Where's mine? Won't you give me one?"A laugh came.

Lin Ruoyu turned her head and took a closer look, only to find a transparent elf floating beside her.

"I am Xiao An~" Xiao An painted himself in colors and said with a smile

"Please use it~" Lin Ruoyu quickly presented a crystal bag

""Ah~" Xiao An took a bite and nodded his head,"It's delicious!"

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an intermediate cook.

Except for Xiao Miao and Xiao Guang, the other four elves were immersed in the joy of food.

A box of crystal buns was quickly eaten up.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Yan quarreled over the ownership of the last food as usual.

In order to prevent the two of them from making a fuss and overturning their dormitory, Chen Yu reluctantly took the last crystal bun from their hands and put it into his own mouth.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Yan could only sit in the food box, stunned.


Lin Ruoyu couldn't help laughing.

She quickly took down the first layer of the food box along with the two elves, revealing the second layer of the food box.

The second layer was a fruit salad made of various fresh fruits, covered with a layer of plastic wrap, and sprinkled with crushed ice.

Xiaofeng and Xiaoyan lay on the edge of the food box and looked down, and were immediately dazzled by the colorful colors.

The two elves looked at each other and rushed over.


Lin Ruoyu brought not only food, but also a list.

Tomorrow is the day for Tenglong University freshmen to choose their mentors.

Lin Ruoyu listed all the mentors who will be there to receive students tomorrow for Chen Yu's reference.

The mentor is not responsible for teaching theoretical courses, but will help students to designate growth plans and control a large number of public resources such as dungeon quotas and school tasks.

A responsible mentor is of great help to the growth of students.

"Tsk, I'm such a strong genius, but not many deans are eager to accept me as their disciple."

Chen Yu complained as he flipped through the information.

Wasn't it said that after a super genius showed his talent, there would be masters who would offer all kinds of attractive conditions to compete to accept him as a disciple?

Why didn't this happen with him?

Of course, he was just complaining, not really wanting to be treated specially.

In fact, he himself knew that the preferential treatment given to him by Tenglong University and even the Empire had been fixed.

All the preferential treatment was carried out in secret and had never been made public.

This represents an attitude: Your path is decided by yourself, and we only protect you, not interfere.

Therefore, Chen Yu did not openly obtain any privileges beyond the status of"top scorer".

Although they did not interfere, the top brass of the Empire and Tenglong University still hoped that Chen Yu would grow quickly.

Otherwise, they would not have given him an"experience baby"."

"By the way, we have international students from other countries in Tenglong Empire, right?" Chen Yu suddenly asked,"Do international students have dormitories like mine and study partners like you?"

"Study partner? That's a very apt description."Lin Ruoyu said with a smile,"Although there are international students, it is very difficult to get the same high-level treatment as the imperial people."

"As the strongest power on Blue Star, many foreigners are eager to get in."

"But isn't it better to use our resources to train our own people? Why should we give them to outsiders?"

"If outsiders want to gain access to the empire's resources, talents, and money, they must pay a price."

"That's right!" Chen Yu nodded.

How does the saying go?

If you bloom, butterflies will come.

If you are poor in the city, no one will care about you. If you are rich in the mountains, you will have distant relatives.

"Master, is there anything else I can do for you tonight?"

After Chen Yu finished reading the information and the elves finished eating, Lin Ruoyu asked Chen Yu

"Do you need me to use my skills for you?"

Skills? What skills?

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