"Hello, Mr. Leng. What can I do for you?"

Chen Yu stopped.

This instructor named Leng Xiong is a celebrity in the academy.

His teaching quality is very high, and he can be said to be the most"responsible" instructor.

He will carefully tailor a growth plan for each student, and never be stingy with the resources in his hands.

At least five out of ten students under Leng Xiong can reach the fourth level very quickly, which is the graduation level of the basic students of Tenglong University.

Among these five people, two or three can advance to the fifth or even sixth level in a short period of time and become professionals at the backbone level of the empire.

However, looking at the few people in front of his podium, you can know that his flaws must be great.

The teaching plans formulated by Leng Xiong are all extreme squeezes on the vitality and potential of his students.

This extreme teaching method can easily put students in danger.

It is said that the casualty rate of Leng Xiong's students is as high as 40%.

What is Tenglong University?

It is a unique professional university in the Tenglong Empire.

Even the last one is a top genius in the country.

In Tenglong University, it is obvious what a 40% casualty rate means.

This instructor Leng Xiong has been punished by the academy many times because of the casualties of students.

Even so, there are still many geniuses from civilian families who are not well-off and choose to enter Leng Xiong's school. The

"civilian family" here is not a real civilian, but a civilian relative to the big power and big family.

For example, the Su Miaoyue family.

In a small city like Jiangyang City, it is considered powerful.

But in a place like Tenglong University, it is undoubtedly a civilian family.

It is absolutely impossible for a civilian family to support a professional to grow to the fifth or even sixth level in a short period of time.

Su Zhenghui, the pillar of the Su family in Jiangyang City, the strongest person in the entire Jiangyang City, is only a fifth level.

There are always people who urgently need to improve their strength quickly.

Leng Xiong's"generosity" and"responsibility" became their first choice.

In fact, it is not only Leng Xiong's students who will suffer casualties.

In any university, no instructor dares to guarantee that all his students can graduate safely.

The world of Blue Star is not a safe and peaceful world.

In addition to the frequent internal struggles between countries for resources, collisions with other worlds are also happening all the time.

The strong enjoy power and also bear the obligation to protect this world.

While the students of professional colleges are trained with a lot of resources, they will also gradually begin to come into contact with the dangerous side of this world under the guidance of the school.

As for those who can't get into college?

That's it for the rest of their lives. On the battlefields between countries and between the world, they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

However, although the students of professional colleges will experience the test of blood and fire, everything is under the control of the school, and the casualty rate generally does not exceed 5%. The casualty rate of the colleges of Tenglong University will not exceed 2%.

They are all super geniuses!

The death of any one of them is a heartbreaking loss!

""Student Chen Yu! I, Leng Xiong, invite you to become my student and work with me for the prosperity of the empire!"

Leng Xiong had a resolute face, a powerful voice, and was very contagious.

The freshmen and instructors present were already paying attention to Chen Yu, and their interest increased greatly at this moment.

"That's Professor Leng Xiong, right? He actually came out to invite us directly. What a bold guy!"A student exclaimed.

Chen Yu was the top scorer in the college entrance examination who had refreshed the ranking competition points table. He was very popular.

If the professor came out to invite Chen Yu, it would be fine if he agreed. If he didn't agree, it would definitely affect his reputation.

""I've read the information about Leng Xiong, he's good in every way, except that he's too harsh on his students." Another student said,"The casualty rate is too high, following Leng Xiong is like gambling with your life every day."

"Do you think the big boss will agree to Leng Xiong's invitation?"

"I think it's possible. Leng Xiong is a little cruel, but he has strong teaching ability! And he is also famous for his generosity."

"Strong teaching ability? Are you kidding? What's Chen Yu's level? Do you need his teaching ability? Isn't it better to upgrade step by step? Why do you have to take that risk?"

"What you said is not right. Leng Xiong will put Chen Yu in danger? Is this possible?"

"Leng Xiong's subordinates have always been a bunch of crooked people, with few real geniuses. Even a real genius would look down on him."

"I guess he is just taking a gamble. If he wins, his reputation will increase and more people will choose him in the future. If he loses, it's no big deal, because his reputation is already bad enough anyway."

"The betting is open, betting on whether Chen Yutong agrees to Leng Xiong's invitation!" A student shouted in a low voice,"If he agrees, it's 1 to 5, if he doesn't agree, it's 1 to 2... Ouch!"

""Bullshit! Be quiet!"

The instructor on the podium of the student who opened the market came down with a dark face and slapped him on the head.

It's okay to watch the show, but it's a bit too much to open the market in front of others.

The students didn't know the real weight of Chen Yu, but the instructors knew a little bit.

This year's top scorer, and even the two girls who came with him, have been labeled as untouchable by these instructors.

In the waiting area.

Leng Xiong's sudden invitation made Chen Yu stunned for a moment, and then smiled and replied:

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Leng, but I have already chosen a mentor, so I will not trouble you anymore."

It doesn't matter to Chen Yu which mentor he chooses.

He can just find a few copies and start growing wildly, without any upgrade plan.

Leng Xiong, who is extremely concerned about his students, is more harmful than beneficial to him.

In addition, Chen Yu is also a little uncomfortable with Leng Xiong's teaching method.

He can indeed make students grow quickly.

But the price is too high, right?

Every student of Tenglong University is a top genius, and so many of them were killed by him for no reason.

Chen Yu felt that he even had reason to suspect that this man was a spy sent by other forces.

Of course, it was just a thought. That's all.

Most of the time, the number of casualties among Leng Xiong's students will not exceed the red line set by the academy.

There are many instructors whose student casualties are higher than Leng Xiong.

This involves the base number problem.

In the auditorium, some instructors had long queues under their podiums, with at least nearly a hundred students.

And in front of Leng Xiong's podium, only four people have been confirmed.

For an instructor who accepts a hundred people, if two of his students die in the future, the casualty probability is 2%.

And as long as one of Leng Xiong's men dies, that would be a terrifying 25%.

Chen Yu decisively refused, but Leng Xiong did not give up. Instead, he said in an unquestionable tone:

"Chen Yu, I hope you can think about it more."

"Because! I! am definitely the most suitable mentor for you here!"

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