"Leng Xiong, you think too highly of yourself."

A tutor said sarcastically on the spot,"Don't you know what level you are at?"

Many tutors at Tenglong University have complaints about Leng Xiong.

The reason is the same as Chen Yu's. They can't stand Leng Xiong's teaching attitude of using any means to achieve his goals and disregarding the safety of students.

Usually, Leng Xiong lives in seclusion and rarely contacts other tutors, so there is no friction.

But at this moment, he stepped on all the tutors with just one sentence, so naturally some people can't stand him.

Only you are the most suitable, then what are we?

Does it mean that our teaching level is not as good as yours?

"I dare to say this, of course I have my reasons!"Leng Xiong's eyes were like an eagle, scanning the entire auditorium.

"I can guarantee that as long as Chen Yu chooses me as his mentor"

"Within one year, you will definitely be promoted to the second level!"

"Within three years, you will definitely be promoted to the fourth level!"

"Within five years, you will definitely be promoted to the fifth level!"

"Moreover, at every stage, Tenglong University maintains the top combat effectiveness in the same level!"

"I, Leng Xiong, dare to sign a life and death statement!"

"If I fail to achieve this goal, I will give all my assets to Chen Yu, and then commit suicide on the spot!"

"Do you dare?"


There was a sudden commotion in the auditorium.

"Oh my god, is this mentor Leng Xiong? Too bold, isn't he?"

"Is it possible to upgrade to level 2 in one year? Most people are still at the beginner level in the first year, and it takes half a year to reach level 50 and do the job transfer task, right?"

"There are still many geniuses in Tenglong University who can upgrade to level 2 in one year, but it is simply impossible to upgrade to level 4 in three years! Not to mention upgrading to level 5 in five years, even if you ride a rocket, it is not that fast, right?"

"Not to mention upgrading, even the job change tasks will take a while to complete!"

"Upgrading quickly and ensuring that the combat power is the first in the same level is a bit exaggerated"

"This is the simplest, right? Who doesn't know that Chen Yu has elemental spirits to assist him? If there is one of those, anyone can become the number one in the same level of combat power!"

"That's too much. By making such a vow, isn't that putting your life in the hands of others?"

"Do you believe his nonsense? It's 8020 now, and people still believe this pure fraud?"

"But I have to say, he is really courageous! He is the only instructor present who dares to say such a thing, right?"

"Is this courage? Are you sure this isn't just a clown trying to attract attention?"

The students were talking about it, but the instructors all had sullen faces and said nothing.

Indeed, none of them could make the same kind of guarantee as Leng Xiong.

Seeing that all the instructors present were speechless, Leng Xiong smiled and looked at Chen Yu again,"Student Chen Yu, what do you think?"

""I'm sorry, Mr. Leng, I refuse." Chen Yu refused again without hesitation.

No matter how determined Leng Xiong was to say this, it had no appeal to Chen Yu.

To put it bluntly, even if he found a dog as a mentor, he would level up countless times faster than Leng Xiong promised.

Not to mention the long-term, he had only changed his job for two months, and he was already level 70.

As long as he found another wild area and set fire to the mountain, he would be able to level up to 100 and receive the second job task.

"What are you worried about?" Leng Xiong suddenly frowned and his voice suddenly rose by three points.

"I have said so much, do you think there is anyone else who would be willing to do his best for you like I am?"

"I appreciate your kindness, but I have my own ideas, so no need for that!" Chen Yu walked around Leng Xiong and headed forward.

After all, he was the instructor of Tenglong University, so he couldn't say something like"You are worse than a dog, you are only holding me back" in public.

"What worries you is the casualty rate of my students, right?" Leng Xiong stood in front of Chen Yu again and said.

"That's right." Chen Yu said impatiently,"So, please move aside, teacher."

"I think this is the problem you shouldn't worry about the most. Leng Xiong sighed and shook his head.

"In the college entrance examination ranking competition, you fought against two demon clones on your own and saved countless candidates. You are the hero of the Tenglong Empire."

"Now, don’t you even have this little courage?"

"Or is it because of the benefits of being the top scorer in the college entrance examination that you have lost your original courage?!"

"I tell you! Professionals should be brave and fearless! Go forward courageously! Fight for your life!"

"Do you know why I invited you? It's not your talent that matters to me! It's your courage to face the Devil's clone head-on!"

"Why do you think you were able to grow up without worries, change jobs, take the college entrance examination, and stand here as the top scorer?"

"That's because there are countless warriors blocking deadly threats in places you can't see!"

"They are using their lives to protect you and the peace of this world!"

"Can you willingly enjoy the sacrifice of others and the resources of the empire without facing a little danger?"

"If you are still the same person you were before, then accept my invitation and become my student!"

"I will train you into a true warrior!"

"Agree or refuse? Show me your generosity! Let me see if you have become a coward!"

"Do you dare?"

Leng Xiong's impassioned speech made the auditorium noisy again.

This time, some people actually agreed with Leng Xiong's point of view.

Because most of what Leng Xiong said was true.

They were infected by Leng Xiong's emotions, and they aroused their obedience and awe for the professionals fighting on the front line.

However, Chen Yu frowned.

"This guy has a problem!"

As a mentor, it is unreasonable to pester him again and again when he clearly refused.

If the first two times were due to Leng Xiong's personality and his good opinion of Chen Yu, then the third time was a bit too much.

He seized Chen Yu's impatient refusal and made an impassioned speech.

It seemed that every sentence was expressing the passion in his heart, but in fact, he repeatedly changed the concept.

He directly equated Chen Yu's failure to choose him with cowardice.

During this period, he even incited the emotions of the crowd in the name of frontline soldiers.

As for Chen Yu himself, he first raised the story of monopolizing the two great demon clones, and then belittled him with the argument of"fear of the mortality rate of his students".

He pulled and stepped on him, and finally used strong emotions to coerce the students present as public opinion pressure to provoke Chen Yu and force him to submit.

If it were other genius teenagers, they would really fall for this if they were arrogant and passionate.

But Chen Yu is not a passionate teenager.

His emotions were not affected at all, and he was even analyzing the other party's behavior.

"From the first invitation, to criticizing all the instructors present and signing a military order, to the final pull of the whole audience stealing concepts and accumulating emotions to provoke me"

"The means are too skillful"

"Leng Xiong's character is a serious man who doesn't like to communicate with others. He is indifferent to students but very concerned about them. He is a tough mentor who is keen on training combat talents for the empire."

"Such a person is an absolute doer, how could he be so skilled in guiding emotions?"

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