Leng Xiong's purpose was too strong.

Although his methods were more sophisticated, Chen Yu couldn't help but think of a person.

Or rather... a monster!

The monster he encountered in the real difficulty of the novice copy"Guarding the Village" of Jiangyang No. 1 Middle School

""Castor, the commander of the heavy cavalry of Tut City"

At that time, Castor appeared as a friendly reinforcement.

As soon as he arrived at the mission site"Pioneer Village", he found various excuses to target Chen Yu, and then dismantled the defense of Pioneer Village.

Facts have proved that Castor is a traitor.

At this time, Leng Xiong overlapped with Castor in Chen Yu's eyes.

Why did Leng Xiong do this?

Let Chen Yu choose him as a mentor.

Then what?

Quickly train Chen Yu to become a talent? Serve for the empire? Fight for the world?

It looks quite noble and in line with the character setting.

But compared with the performance just now, there is a strong sense of disobedience.

In addition, what is he Identity? An ordinary tutor.

What is Chen Yu's identity? He is the top of the college entrance examination ranking list throughout history, and he even killed two demon clones by himself.

Even if Leng Xiong has no self-knowledge, he should be able to think that Chen Yu's future achievements are beyond his reach.

No matter how Chen Yu grows, he will eventually become the backbone of the empire.

So, does Chen Yu need him as a tutor? Is his teaching method really meaningful to Chen Yu?

Doesn't he know that his teaching method is dangerous and there may be accidents?

Compared with the possible accidents, he thinks he can save Chen Yu a lot of money. What does this little bit of growth time count for?

In this way, the inconsistency between Leng Xiong's behavior and his personality becomes even stronger.

Even if he is essentially a clown who seeks to attract attention and gain popularity by scheming against Chen Yu to enhance his reputation, he should not have done such a thing.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Let's imagine that he didn't want to train Chen Yu, but wanted to assassinate Chen Yu?

Suppose Leng Xiong is a death warrior sent by other forces to infiltrate the Tenglong Empire. Other forces don't want to see a super genius like Chen Yu rise, so they arrange for Leng Xiong to take action and strangle Chen Yu. First, he tricked Chen Yu into becoming his apprentice.

, and then relying on his personality, he arranged for Chen Yu to perform some high-value but dangerous tasks.

Over time, after Chen Yu got used to the high-risk and high-return model, he escalated the danger step by step.

Finally, in a seemingly"reasonable" incident, he leaked the news and cooperated with other forces to eliminate the huge threat of Chen Yu.

If you think along this line of thought, then all the sense of incongruity will be eliminated.

Leng Xiong's so-called"military order" is simply a cover, and a reasonable excuse for frequently arranging dangerous tasks for Chen Yu later.

However, these are Chen Yu's speculations, and we cannot jump to conclusions.


""Student Chen Yu, please answer my question!"

Leng Xiong shouted fiercely.

The instructors present all frowned.

Chen Yu was not a top intellectual.

What he could think of, others could think of.

It was just because of their status that others did not dare to be as bold as Chen Yu, directly suspecting a teacher of the highest institution of learning in the Tenglong Empire of treason.

The instructors would not be instigated by Leng Xiong, but many students who were young, talented, and had no social experience were instigated.

"I think what Mr. Leng Xiong said makes sense. A genius like Chen Yu should maintain this invincible and unstoppable momentum.、"

"Maybe Leng Xiong is really the most suitable mentor for Chen Yu?"

"Let's see how Chen Yu responds. After all, Leng Xiong has said this."


"Teacher Leng, I said, I refuse."Chen Yu said expressionlessly,"I remember that Tenglong University does not have any regulations that teachers have the power to force students to choose." As soon as

Chen Yu said this, the other teachers in the auditorium laughed.

Especially the teachers who thought that Leng Xiong had problems, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Chen Yu could not stand the provocation and chose Leng Xiong as his teacher.

Even if they thought that Leng Xiong had problems, they could not do anything to him without evidence.

Leng Xiong's performance today was a bit inconsistent, but inconsistency was not a reason to report or accuse.

Tenglong University has plenty of means to find out a person's background, but it will not be used because of unwarranted speculation.

Some students in the auditorium had exactly the opposite idea from the tutor.

"The top scholar has only this much courage? It's so funny!" A student in front of Leng Xiong's podium sneered,"I thought he was so awesome, but it's all propaganda, right? Does the empire need to establish a heroic image?"

"Teacher Leng has made such a promise, why doesn't he accept it? Is he really afraid of death?"

"He is a talented person now, and he has gained so much benefits. Why should he risk his life?"

"If you are afraid of death, then be afraid of death. Who is not afraid of death? What does it have to do with me whether others die or not? As long as I have the resources, I don’t care if you die!"


"Why are these people talking so harshly? Have they forgotten who saved them in the ranking competition?" Lu Pingping said indignantly in front of a podium.

"In this world, most people are brainless, and Tenglong University is no exception."Su Miaoyue sneered and shook his head

"Yueyue, there must be something wrong with this Leng guy." Lu Pingping said angrily,"Look at what he has done, he is just like the guy who tricked me into buying the ritual Band-Aid!"

"We have to go and warn Chen Yu!!"

After saying that, Lu Pingping walked towards Chen Yu.

"Wait a minute!" Su Miaoyue quickly grabbed Lu Pingping and said,"Don't go up and cause trouble."

"Don't you think about it? If you can see that Leng Xiong has a problem, how can Chen Yu not see it? Hasn't he already refused?"

""That's right!" Lu Pingping stopped and said,"Indeed, he must have realized it too!"

"Wait! What do you mean? What do you mean by my brain? ? ? ?"

"You know it yourself." Su Miaoyue glanced at Lu Pingping and said,"Who else could be tricked into bringing two demon god ritual objects into the examination room?"

"……"Lu Pingping's face suddenly fell.

At the same time, under another podium,

Li Wei and Min Hongyi were also paying attention to Chen Yu.

"Your brother is in trouble, why don't you go up to help?" Min Hongyi bumped Li Wei's shoulder excitedly, and said as if he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos,"Let's go up and rush to that Leng Xiong!"

Li Wei put his hands behind his back and said calmly:"Is this a big deal?"

"Just watch carefully. If Lao Chen doesn't scold him to death today, I will kill you."


"well——"Leng Xiong sighed, shook his head and said,"Student Chen Yu, you disappoint me so much!"

"I really misjudged you."

He turned around, with a lonely expression on his face, and walked away slowly step by step.

In the eyes of those who don't know the truth, Leng Xiong seems to be doing his best and is full of passion to cultivate talents for the empire.

And Chen Yu, who rejected Leng Xiong, was inevitably labeled as"timid" and"cowardly" after that emotional speech.

Although, after calming down, this kind of rhetoric will soon be untenable, but in the public opinion scene, under the watchful eyes of the public, few people can withstand the pressure.

Not to mention teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old, even adults who have already entered society can easily feel aggrieved and indignant and want to prove their ideas.

It has to be said that Leng Xiong's trick of stealing concepts is better than a person called"XXN"All species are powerful.

But he didn't know that Chen Yu was not affected by him at all, but wanted to laugh.

Leng Xiong's series of actions could only be described in two words in Chen Yu's eyes - awkward acting.

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