Chen Yu stood there, watching Leng Xiong's"reluctant" steps.

He counted silently in his heart.

"One, two, three, turn around!"

"Tsk, I guessed wrong, but I'm also right. Someone who can perform such a show can't be without this little bit of concentration."

"Four, five, six, turn around!"

"Tsk tsk, I guessed wrong again. It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise I would drink three glasses of wine as punishment."

"Seven, Eight……"

When Chen Yu counted to the eighth step, Leng Xiong suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Yu with expectation and encouragement.

"Classmate Chen Yu!"

"The teacher believes in you in his heart and is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of death!"

"The teacher will give you another chance to prove your courage!"

"It also proves that the teacher was right about you!"

As he said that, Leng Xiong stretched out his right hand towards Chen Yu.

Chen Yu took a step and slowly walked towards Leng Xiong.

When Leng Xiong saw Chen Yu walking towards him, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, but he did not show it on the outside.

The expression on his face changed from loss and disappointment to relief.

He quickly walked up to Chen Yu and said,"Congratulations, Chen Yu, you have made the right choice."

"The teacher knows that he will not make a mistake in choosing a person!"

"Teacher Leng." Chen Yu sneered and said softly,"It turns out that you really misjudged him."

"It must be hard to hide normally, right?"

"You are a sophist with a burning desire to show off, but you insist on pretending to be serious, cold-faced, warm-hearted, righteous and patriotic."

"Hmm?" Leng Xiong frowned,"Student Chen Yu, what do you mean?"

""Everyone!" Chen Yu suddenly said loudly,"Listen to me!"

"I, Chen Yu, come from Jiangyang, a small city in Yunnan. I was born in poverty and my parents died early."

"Fortunately, with the protection of the empire, he was able to grow up"

"Although I am not talented, I am always grateful for the kindness of the empire! I am grateful for the kindness of the thousands of people who sacrificed themselves to protect the peace of the area! I think about repaying them day and night."

"Because of this, in the college entrance examination ranking competition, I will not hesitate to fight against the two demon gods as a novice professional."

"Fortunately, I was slightly better and killed the two great demon clones, thus protecting the safety of thousands of candidates and preserving the reputation of the empire."

"I, Chen Yu, ask myself: I have no regrets towards Heaven above me, no regrets towards my conscience below me, and no regrets towards the grace of the empire in nurturing me!"

"And what have you, Mr. Leng Xiong, done?"

"I've seen your resume."

"You were born into a wealthy family, you are extremely talented, and after changing jobs, you were specially admitted to Tenglong University as the provincial champion."

"After enjoying the resource supply for fifteen years, I completed the fourth transfer and graduated from the academy."

"After another five years, he was promoted to level five, passed the college's tutor recruitment exam, and became a tutor."

"From then on, instead of being grateful for the academy's training and the empire's kindness, you became obsessed with evil ways, using all means to become famous, disregarding the lives of students, and researching your so-called extreme training plan."

"Chen Yu!" Leng Xiong said angrily,"My teaching method is obvious to everyone! Although it is a bit dangerous, it is definitely effective! How many talents have I trained for the empire over the years?"

"Remember your identity! Although you are the top scorer, you are just a new student! As a tutor at Tenglong University, I will not allow you to question me!"

"I wanted to……"

""Shut up!" Chen Yu suddenly shouted,"Leng Xiong, you bastard, you are a Lu Hu bastard!"

"You keep mentioning the frontline fighters!"

"Let me ask you, what were you doing while the soldiers on the front line were fighting for the empire?"


Leng Xiong was about to be born, but was interrupted by Chen Yu

"Let me answer this for you. You are relying on your status as a tutor at Tenglong University and using the name of training practical geniuses to disregard human lives and harm the empire's geniuses!"

"Let me ask you again, your so-called outstanding achievements, how many level sevens have you trained for the empire? How many taboos?"

"I'll answer it for you again! None!"

"What you call training is nothing but squeezing out students' potential and disregarding their life and death!"

"The so-called generosity is nothing more than being generous to others! It is just to use the resources given by Tamron University where they should be used!"

"The so-called rapid growth is nothing more than an illusion caused by the fact that everyone knows your tricks and few people are willing to work under you. There are plenty of resources but few people!"

"What is Tamron University? And how talented are its students?"

"As long as you grow steadily, your achievements will never be lower than what you call extreme training!"

"That’s not all!"

"Today, you insist on targeting me!"

"You tried to get me to become your disciple, and use my reputation to lure more passionate young talents into your school, causing their early deaths, so as to achieve your ulterior motives!"

"What nonsense!"Leng Xiong's eyes widened with anger."I, Leng Xiong……"

""Shut up, you bastard!" Chen Yu shouted again,"You are just trying to attract attention, how shameless!"

"A dark and twisted person like you is only fit to hide in dark corners and sewers, doing your shameful and treacherous deeds that may not be seen in the light of day!"

"I am Chen Yu, the top scorer in the college entrance examination, and the number one in the ranking competition points list. I will definitely fight for the empire in the future."

"But you just changed the concept with a few words, denied my achievements, and openly belittled my character."

"You keep saying give me a chance, you didn't misjudge me, as if it's my luck to be your disciple"

"Even the forbidden masters dare not treat me so lightly! Who on earth are you? Where do you get the face to do this?"

"You keep saying that you are the best fit for me, but where do you think other talented mentors are?!"

"The sinister villain and cunning evildoer actually dared to stand in such a sacred place and bark in a high-sounding manner!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"You, you are slandering me!" Leng Xiong's eyes widened and his face flushed.

"I'm slandering you? It's obvious that you have something to hide!" Chen Yu shouted again.

"Tell me! You have racked your brains and used all your means to confuse right and wrong, spread rumors, humiliate the instructor, deceive the students, incite public opinion, slander me, and ruin my reputation. What exactly do you want to do?!"

"You! Me!"Leng Xiong pointed at Chen Yu, shaking with anger.

Every word Chen Yu said was well-reasoned, and he didn't know where to start to refute.

However, the fact that he was stirring up trouble and stirring up emotions was exposed by Chen Yu. The students who were instigated by him had already reacted and were staring at him with disgust.

In this situation, no matter how he defended himself, it was pale and powerless.

"How am I? How do you treat me?" Chen Yu glared at him.

Not only Chen Yu.

At this time, all the teachers and students in the auditorium looked at Leng Xiong with strange eyes.

"You! You have no respect for your elders! I invited you out of kindness, but you didn't appreciate it. You slandered me like this. You will regret it!"

Leng Xiong saw that he could not do anything, so he could only make a harsh remark and fled in embarrassment.

In the auditorium, there was a sudden booing.

"Haha, Leng Xiong ran away, he must be guilty, what Chen Yu said couldn't be true, right?"A student sneered

"Hahaha! Good scolding! I've long been fed up with this Leng Xiong, and today someone finally spoke out what was in my heart!"A tutor also laughed heartily on the spot

"However, no matter how wrong Leng Xiong was, he was still a student mentor, right? Was it really okay for Chen Yu to slander him like this?"

"What's wrong with that? And how do you know it's slander? If it was slander, would he run away?"


"Are you going to play tricks on me? Where do you get your confidence from?"

Chen Yu looked at the direction where Leng Xiong left and smiled disdainfully.

"However, Leng Xiong's behavior is indeed suspicious, so we must pay attention and not take it lightly."

"If he is really a spy, he will definitely attack me again."

"Well, provided he has another chance to strike back."

(Soliciting comments, what would be a good name for the original spirit of space and time?)

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