Chen Yu has always believed that insulting people is also a science, which was inherited from the famous politician, military strategist, and writer Zhuge Kongming during the Three Kingdoms period.

Compared with the master, Leng Xiong's tricks seemed too low-level.

"Tsk tsk, it's just a simple foul mouth, the ultimate enjoyment"

"If Leng Xiong is really a problematic person, will there be a story about Chen Yu scolding Leng Xiong in Tenglong University in the future?"

The victorious Chen Yu straightened the wrinkles on his clothes and walked leisurely to an empty podium.

This podium belongs to a mentor named"Yu Shuquan", a sixth-level professional.

Instructor Yu Shuquan uses a ranking system for his students.

In addition to preparing a certain basic share for each student, all the public resources in his hands are distributed according to the strength ranking.

The key is that this mentor is often away from home, and his students are left alone.

If the students do not take the initiative to ask for advice, and he happens to have time at school, he will basically not manage the students too much.

To put it bluntly, it is a self-service resource distributor.

For Chen Yu, this teaching method is the most suitable for him.

Etiquette The tutors in the hall have been focusing their attention on Chen Yu.

Seeing Chen Yu make a choice, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

At the same time, they were secretly cursing Yu Shuquan for being so lucky.

There was not even a shadow of a person in sight, but he was able to recruit this year's top scorer as his tutor.

Chen Yu watched the situation on other podiums with some boredom.

There were only three tutors who had not yet appeared, including the tutor he chose.

At this moment, Chen Yu suddenly felt someone poking him in the back.

Looking back, he saw a cute little loli standing behind him with a sweet smile.

Chen Yu rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then looked at the little loli carefully.

No matter which direction you look from, this little loli is Yun Biyue for sure.

"What you said just now is so good! That Leng Xiong should be cured! It’s so refreshing!"The little Loli waved her fist and gave Chen Yu a thumbs up.

"Are you from Tenglong University too?" Chen Yu asked in surprise.

"Hmm~" The little girl nodded,"Why? Not like that?""

""Yes! Of course!"

Chen Yu reacted. He knew that Yun Biyue was a member of the management of Jubao Pavilion, but he didn't know anything else about her.

It was not surprising that she was also a student of Tenglong University.

"Come on, open your mouth, ah——"

Chen Yu peeled a lollipop and put it next to the little girl's mouth

"Thank you!"The little girl bit the lollipop

"By the way, how are you doing recently? Has the trouble been solved?"Chen Yu asked.

Yun Biyue was in trouble, it was the new general manager of Jiangyang City Jubao Pavilion who said it.

However, this person inexplicably targeted Chen Yu at the time, and what he said might not be credible.

At that time, Chen Yu asked the little Lolita through the friend panel, and the little Lolita told him that the problem was not serious.

The little Lolita curled her lips and said:"The problem has been solved, but it costs money to ask people to help, and the benefits are much lower."

"Hey, wait, how do you know I'm in trouble? Do you know me?"

"Of course I know you. What? Are you going to turn your back on me?" Chen Yu said with a smile.

The little girl was stunned, frowned and thought for a moment, then said,"Then tell me, what's my name?"

"Yun Biyue, what else can you call her?" Chen Yu said

"Wait, you are a freshman this year? Not Yun Biyue?"

Chen Yu realized that although Yun Biyue looked very young, she was definitely not a real girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

In this case, she could not be a freshman at Tenglong University.

"Of course not." The little girl rolled her eyes at Chen Yu and said,"My name is Yun Chenyu. Yun Biyue is my sister, my biological sister."

"It seems that you have a good relationship with my sister."

Yun Chenyu smiled and shook the lollipop in her hand.

"In addition, I am not a freshman, I am a tutor at Tamron University"

"I'm going to talk about something first, we'll talk later."

After that, Yun Chenyu waved to Chen Yu and walked straight to the podium in the middle of the auditorium.

"Everyone, I am Yun Chenyu, a senior tutor at Tenglong University."

"Here, I have an important news to announce to everyone."

The auditorium was suddenly silent, and the teachers and students all turned their eyes to Yun Chenyu.

""It's actually a mentor?"

Chen Yu was slightly startled.

Senior mentors are different from ordinary mentors.

Ordinary mentors are fifth- or sixth-level professionals, while senior mentors are seventh-level professionals.

"It's embarrassing."

Not only did he recognize the wrong person, but he also stuffed a lollipop into his mouth for no apparent reason.

Fortunately, Yun Chenyu didn't mind.

On the podium.

Yun Chenyu saw that the teachers and students in the auditorium had focused their attention on her, and continued to speak:

"Today, three of the mentors who were attending the freshman orientation were unable to attend due to some reasons."

"They are: Li Wen, Yu Shuquan, and Zhang Fu.

The three names correspond to the three empty podiums.

Among them, Yu Shuquan is the one Chen Yu is going to choose.

""Teacher Yun!"

A student under the empty podium immediately raised his hand and asked loudly:"So can we continue to choose these three mentors? Or do we have to choose someone else?"

"You can't continue to choose these three mentors."Yun Chenyu replied:"The reason why these three mentors can't be here is because they died in the secret realm battle mission not long ago."

The auditorium suddenly became noisy again.

The mentors were a little surprised, but they didn't have too much emotional reaction.

Obviously, it was not uncommon for mentors at Tenglong University to die in missions.

But this incident had a big impact on the students.

Three mentors who accepted new students who hadn't officially enrolled had died.

Isn't Tenglong University a little too dangerous?

"Silence!"Yun Chenyu said loudly

"Now, students who have chosen three mentors who are unable to be present can voluntarily choose other mentors, or choose me as their mentor!"

"Students who choose me can stand next to me."

Upon hearing this, the students dispersed from the three empty podiums.

Choosing a mentor is not like buying vegetables, it is related to one's future development.

But no matter how reluctant you are, you have to make a new choice at this time.

In the end, a small number of students chose to follow Yun Chenyu, while most of the others chose other mentors they liked.

Yun Chenyu's reputation as a seventh-level strongman did not attract too many students.

She did not publish her own information, which made the students unclear whether her teaching method was suitable for them.

Those who chose her did so because the resources controlled by seventh-level strongmen were generally more than those of lower-level ones.

Chen Yu was one of the students who chose Yun Chenyu.

As for the reason... it doesn't matter who you choose, it's better to choose someone with nepotism.


Dormitory area of Tenglong University.

Leng Xiong walked into a villa with an expressionless face.

Just as he was about to close the door, a man in a blue school worker uniform followed him in.

"Who are you?" Leng Xiong's hair stood on end.

As a sixth-level professional, how could someone follow him silently without being discovered? What kind of strength is this?

"As you can see, Mr. Leng, I am a janitor.

"I don't need your service! Please leave!" Leng Xiong looked alert and took a few steps back without leaving a trace.

""Teacher Leng." The janitor smiled and spread his palms,"I am a cleaner. There is something on you that needs to be cleaned."

A beam of white light suddenly shot out from his palm and covered Leng Xiong's head.

After a few seconds,

"It's clean."

The janitor wiped his hands, took a step forward, and disappeared on the spot.

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