Teaching area.

Each instructor at Tenglong University has his own classroom in the teaching area.

When Yun Chenyu led the freshmen into the classroom, there were already more than 20 students waiting in the classroom.

These students had different strengths.

The weakest was only level one, and the strongest reached level four.

Yun Chenyu led the freshmen into the classroom, and the old students all looked at them.

"New students, please take your seats."

Yun Chenyu arranged for the new students to sit down, then walked to the podium.

"Everyone, I think you have guessed the reason why I called you together this time, right?"

""Teacher, is this about the new secret realm?"

Next to Chen Yu, a tall girl with long black hair, wearing a white shirt and a blue pleated skirt stood up and said.

The girl had a full figure, and a pair of slender and round legs were covered with white stockings. The edge of the stockings left a shallow dent on her extremely elastic skin.

"White silk is so tight that even gods can't save it."

Chen Yu couldn't help but think of the long legs of the royal sister version of the world tree in white silk, which made him love it every time.

This girl also has the same effect.

"Yes, that's exactly why."Yun Chenyu said

""Secret realm? What is that?" a freshman asked in a confused voice.

"If you have any questions, please ask them." Yun Chenyu looked at the freshman who asked the question,"I am your instructor, so I will naturally be responsible for answering your questions."

"The so-called secret realm is actually a small space"

"It is said to come from an ancient, decaying, and ruined world, or a newly born small world."

"The secret realm may contain endless treasures, but also deadly dangers."

"In addition, most secret realms have copies. In the long run, this is the greatest value of the secret realm."

"Some secret realms will connect different worlds"

"Therefore, the secret realm is also a bridge for the alien world to invade the blue planet, or for the blue planet to capture the alien world."

"As for the secret realm, there will be a special cultural course to explain it in the future, so I won’t say more here"

"Dear new students, do you have any other questions?"

The students in the classroom were silent.

After a moment, Yun Chenyu continued:"This new secret realm is the broken fragments of an ancient world."

"The space-time structure of the secret realm is unstable and can only accommodate professionals below level 7."

"After I received the exploration mission, I have teamed up with five other seventh-level professionals and forty-three sixth-level professionals to conduct a preliminary survey of the secret realm and eliminate some dangerous factors."

"This time, I got the development rights for five first-level copies, three second-level copies, and one third-level copy."

"Anyone interested can sign up now."

As soon as Yun Chenyu finished speaking, more than a dozen senior students stood up and walked onto the podium.

The senior student next to Chen Yu, who was the first to stand up and speak, was also somewhat tempted, but she still seemed to have concerns and was still thinking.

"Senior, may I ask, what does the copy development rights mean?" Chen Yu couldn't help but ask Senior Baisi.

Senior Baisi's face was a little cold, but not arrogant.

Seeing Chen Yu's question, she answered him:"This is a term for ownerless copies."

"When there is no master in the dungeon, professionals of the corresponding level can use the [Dungeon Challenge Symbol] to】"

"Challengers enter the dungeon, select the highest difficulty, and clear it with at least an S-level rating to gain control of the dungeon."

"Once you gain control, you can move the copy freely and perform various settings and operations on the copy."

"Control can be transferred and challenged"

"If the later challenger uses the dungeon challenge symbol and scores higher than the previous controller, he or she will be able to seize control."

"So, the dungeon development rights that Yun Chenyu mentioned mean that these dungeons belong to her, but her level is too high and she can't enter, so she treats it as a task?" Chen Yu asked

"Yes." Senior Sister Bai Si nodded, then smiled and said,"Junior brother, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"My name is Chen Yu, a freshman this year." Chen Yu also said with a smile,"Where is the senior sister?"

"My name is Li Yalu, and I enrolled last year." Senior Bai Si said.

After a moment, Li Yalu seemed to remember something and looked surprised:

"Wait! You said your name is Chen Yu? You are the top scorer of this year's exam?"

"That's right." Chen Yu nodded.

"Are you Chen Mo's younger brother?" Li Yalu asked again

"Do you know my sister?" Chen Yu immediately became interested."She is also in the college, right? Where is she?""

"She can't be in the academy."Li Yalu complained,"She hasn't been in school for more than a year."

"If you want to find her, I'm afraid you'll have to ask the Academic Affairs Office."

"I do know a little about Chen Mo."Yun Chenyu suddenly appeared beside Chen Yu silently.

"Please let me know!" Chen Yu quickly pulled a stool and placed it beside him.

"Come with me."

Yun Chenyu did not sit down, but took Chen Yu away and walked into another empty classroom, closed the doors and windows, threw out a barrier, and then said:"You know about the Tearing Church, right?"

"I know." Chen Yu nodded.

He was very familiar with the Church of Tear, and they were enemies of the Church of Pain.

However, he defeated Yuna Sivers in public in the college entrance examination ranking competition. I wonder if the Church of Pain will still recognize him as the archbishop.

"You may not believe it."The little girl looked like she had seen a ghost," Some time ago, she accepted a mission to spy on the information of the Tearing Church."

"As a result, he got an oracle of the Tear God from somewhere and became the Archbishop of the Tear Church, sitting on an equal footing with the Pope."

"Then, less than a month after becoming Archbishop,���God, they swept away the three treasure houses that tore apart the church headquarters."

"The key is that the church has not yet noticed the tearing apart of the church."

"It was not until she found the seventeenth time to tear apart the church branch that she was discovered by the current Pope, who then ordered her to be hunted down."

"However, all the people sent by the Tear Church were defeated, and not a single one returned alive."

"Later, because of the College Entrance Examination Demon God's clone incident, the Tear Church was purged. I also participated in the mission and caught the tongue to know the news of Chen Mo."

""Huh?" Chen Yu was stunned.

He thought that he was already a great person by becoming the Archbishop of the Church of Pain, but he didn't expect that his sister was even better than him and became the highest leader of the cult.

"Suddenly I realized that I was too kind. How much money did I make as the Archbishop of the Church of Suffering? It's nothing compared to my sister!"

"So, do you know where she is now?" Chen Yu asked.

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