"I don't know either." The little girl shook her head."The last time I got news about her was from the Tear Church."

"I am very familiar with Chen Mo's tutor and can help you ask for the details."

"However, don't hold your hopes too high. Chen Mo's mentor probably doesn't know where Chen Mo is."

"Thank you."Chen Yu tore off a piece of chocolate and fed it to the little Loli.

Although he knew that Yun Chenyu was not Yun Biyue, he still couldn't suppress his desire to feed her.

The little Loli didn't care and bit the chocolate into her mouth.

After eating it, she said to Chen Yu:"You have turned once now, right?"

"Are you interested in visiting the secret realm?"

"By the way, this secret realm is somewhat related to the ranking match copy."

"What's the connection?" Chen Yu asked

"In the ranking match instance, there is a faction called the Horadric Kingdom."The little girl said

"In the new secret realm, there is a tribe of indigenous people called the Horadric Gravekeepers.】"

"They have a special piece of equipment called [Emblem], which has also appeared in the ranking match dungeon."

"If possible, please take me with you!" Chen Yu agreed immediately.

The Book of Emblems left by Delia is still stored in the Supreme Holy Land.

If there are natives in the new secret realm who really use emblems, can they help him repair the Book of Emblems?

The combat power of the Heart Seed is linked to its own attributes.

If the Book of Emblems can be used, Chen Yu's own combat power will immediately soar.

"Okay!" Yun Chenyu said,"I was originally planning to borrow someone from other instructors."

""I'll feel relieved if you're here."

Yun Chenyu's first-level professionals are not outstanding.

It's hard to get a high score in the first dungeon with only the few who have signed up.

If you brush the dungeon multiple times, you will waste a lot of time, and you don't know what will happen in the middle.

Moreover, the [Dungeon Challenge Talisman] also costs money.

If you use the challenge talisman but fail to win the dungeon, it's a big loss.

Chen Yu's combat power is recognized as outrageous, and people all over the country know it.

Winning the first-level dungeon is definitely not a problem.

"Since this is a private task issued by me, there will be no grading from the school."Yun Chenyu said,"However, for every copy you help me take down, I will pay you 1,500 credits personally, how about that?"

""Okay!" Chen Yu nodded.

It would be great if he could make some extra money from the little Loli.

Then he asked:

"What are the indigenous people like? Can we visit them?"

"The natives live in tribes and city-states."Yun Chenyu said,"One of the copies that has been assigned to me is right next to the native city-state."

"If you are interested, I can take you there."

"Thank you very much!"


After the matter was settled, Yun Chenyu and Chen Yu returned to the classroom.

The old students who signed up for the dungeon exploration had already gathered in groups of three or five.

The new students tried to get information from some idle old students.

Seeing Yun Chenyu coming back, several more old students came up and signed up with Yun Chenyu.

Yun Chenyu wrote down the list and then walked up to the podium.

"That's settled then. Everyone go back and prepare. The meeting is adjourned."

""Teacher, please wait a moment!" A freshman raised his hand and stood up.

"So what should we freshmen do?"

""Ah?" The little girl was stunned, then suddenly said,"Yes, there are new classmates."

"Well, Feng Rao, you stay and explain to the new students what they should pay attention to after entering school."

"New students, if you have any questions, you can ask your seniors for help. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, she left the classroom without looking back.

The students in the classroom looked at each other with a look of disappointment.

It seems that this instructor Yun Chenyu doesn't care about the freshmen at all!

Just now, when Yun Chenyu explained the secret realm to them, everyone thought she was a serious and responsible instructor.

However, now, only a few minutes have passed, and the freshmen began to feel uneasy.

Yun Chenyu is indeed strong, but is she really reliable?

After a while, in the classroom, a woman sitting in the front row stood up and walked onto the podium.

The woman was dressed coolly, with only a few circles of black cloth wrapped around her waist and a pair of tight black hot pants that were as short as they could be. There were several leather straps wrapped around her waist, arms, and thighs, and various weapons such as darts, daggers, and poison needles were tied to the straps.

I don't know if this look is a professional requirement or a personal hobby.

"Dear new students,"Feng Rao patted the desk and said helplessly,"Now, I will take the place of Mr. Yun to teach you the first lesson."

"Don't worry, new students, our sister Feng is the substitute. I'm not saying that as long as she completes the fifth transformation, she can directly become a mentor!"A girl said loudly with a playful smile


A sound of breaking through the air was heard.

A flying knife was stuck on the table in front of the girl who was speaking.

"Shut up yourself. If you can't shut your mouth, I can help you sew it up!" Feng Rao on the podium retracted her throwing posture and said expressionlessly.

The old students were suddenly silent, and the freshmen were even more silent.

Of course, some freshmen were dazzled by the white-haired senior sister and didn't notice what happened at all.

"cough cough——"Feng Rao cleared her throat and said,"As Lin Man said, because Teacher Yun is quite busy, I will be the one to help tutor the new students she accepts most of the time."

"First, let’s talk about the credit issue that everyone is most concerned about."

"There are usually three ways to obtain credits at Tamron College."

"The first is to complete the tasks assigned by the college."

"Tasks are divided into public tasks and non-public tasks"

"Public tasks can be taken in the mission building of the college"

"Non-public tasks are learning���Delegated to the instructor, who then distributes it to the students"

"After completing the task, you will receive corresponding credits."

"The second type is that there is a trial area in the college, which is similar to the first round of the college entrance examination."

"From level 1 to level 4, each job transfer stage can be challenged by the corresponding level of trials."

"You can get corresponding credits according to your achievement."

"The third type is that every year, the school has an annual assessment. After passing the assessment, students can obtain corresponding credits based on their assessment results."

"Of course, if you fail the assessment, you don't have to worry about the credits because you will be expelled from the college."

"I believe everyone already knows the role of credits, so I won't go into details."

"Let’s talk about the college’s public resources"

"The dungeon area in the academy has dungeons from level 0 to level 4. Each student has two free dungeon opportunities per week."

"If you have more, you will need to use credits to redeem."

"However, I do not recommend that you use credits to exchange for dungeon access opportunities. If you like to play dungeons in large quantities, it is more cost-effective to go outside and buy tickets with gold coins to play dungeons than in the academy."

"Oh, by the way, I would like to add that there are cleared rankings for the dungeons in the academy. You can also get credits by refreshing the dungeon ranking records, but I personally do not recommend that you work hard to get on the rankings. It is not worth it."

"You can log in to the college intranet from the computer in the dormitory to view the details of other benefits and systems of the college."

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