"At this stage, your primary goal as freshmen is to reach level 50 and change jobs." Feng Rao continued.

"Below level 1, you cannot take on cost-effective academy missions, and you cannot enter the trial area."

"Regarding the job transfer tasks, I would like to remind you to try to accept the job transfer tasks with higher difficulty."

"Everyone should know that the difficulty of the task is related to the potential star level, right?"


Feng Rao was very detailed, and she explained the precautions for novice professionals during the first transformation. The senior students were not impatient and sat in their seats waiting quietly.

Sometimes, the freshmen around them would help to answer questions if they didn't understand something.

The overall atmosphere of the class was very harmonious.

After Feng Rao finished speaking, the students in the classroom dispersed.

The senior students gathered to discuss the dungeon strategy plan.

Most of the freshmen went to the teaching building.

Tenglong University also arranges cultural courses.

The content ranges from on-campus dungeons, basic courses for various professions, to the current situation of Blue Star.

Students can choose the courses they are interested in.

This is the knowledge provided by Tenglong University to students for free, without paying extra credits.

Of course, there is no such thing as getting credits after completing a certain subject.

After leaving the classroom, Bai Si and several other first-level senior students invited Chen Yu to participate in the strategy discussion.

Chen Yu politely declined and went directly to the public dungeon area.

The public dungeon area is divided into zero-level to fourth-level.

There are 107 first-level public dungeons alone.

The dungeons in the hands of the instructors are not among them.

The strong foundation of Tenglong University can be seen from this.

The area of the first-level dungeon area is much larger than the entire teaching area.

Each dungeon has a separate venue.

As soon as he entered the dungeon area, in the square in front of the dungeon area, Chen Yu saw a large group of noisy professionals.

"The hidden profession Phantom Assassin, with explosive single-target output, good positioning awareness and no need for healing, looking for a high-scoring team!"

"Mutated profession Magic Swordsman, has learned the fundamental method, does not care about professional attributes, violent output, looking for a high-scoring team!"

"I am a healer by profession, and I have a basic method. I am looking for a team to gain experience!"

"The big team brings in newcomers, 1 credit for two copies, I'll kill you and you'll lie flat! At least an A-level score!"


Unexpectedly, even in Tenglong University, this phenomenon of standing outside the dungeon to seek a group still exists.

For a moment, he thought he was back in Dongfeng Town.

When he arrived at the entrance of the area, Chen Yu showed his Cloud Dragon badge to the administrator.

""A freshman this year?" The administrator looked surprised,"Did you go to the wrong place? This is the first-level dungeon area. Come back after you have completed the first level dungeon."

"Thank you for reminding me." Chen Yu smiled and said,"But I didn't go wrong."

"You have changed jobs? That's pretty fast."The administrator said,"Okay, then you can go in."

"No rush." Chen Yu said,"I want to buy the number of times to use the copy. How do I do it?"

"Each credit can be redeemed for 5 copies of the dungeon."The administrator said,"However, I want to remind you"

"The college provides two free uses per week, which is basically enough."

"The strength of the first-level dungeon is different from that of the novice dungeon. Generally speaking, the time taken to complete the first-level dungeon is much longer than that of the novice dungeon."

"In addition to the time it takes to complete the dungeon, it also takes time to repair the dungeon after leaving, especially the recovery of professional attributes."

"Besides."The administrator said with a smile,"I have to tell you, at the risk of being fired, that it is really not worthwhile to exchange credits for the number of times you can use the dungeon."

"The first-level dungeon in Kyoto City outside costs only 40 to 50 gold coins. You can calculate the cost-effectiveness yourself."

"If you want to grind a lot of experience books, I suggest you go to Kyoto City to grind"

"Apart from the 2 credits cost of taking the teleportation array back and forth, I don't need to tell you how much the rest can be saved."

Hearing this, Chen Yu couldn't help laughing,"Brother, you are a public official of the college, is it really okay to say this?"

"Haha, what's wrong with that?" The dungeon administrator laughed,"Tenglong University's credits are very valuable."

"Except for the top few, no one dares to waste it. Everyone tries to save as much as possible."

"An ordinary first-level freshman works hard to complete tasks for a month, and only gets 100 to 200 credits. Sometimes he has to rely on the credits he gets in the trial area to pay for the 1,000 credits."

""Thanks for reminding me, please help me to redeem it." Chen Yu said.

The price of redeeming additional dungeon usage times is indeed a bit unfair at Tenglong University.

One credit can be directly exchanged for 1,000 gold coins, but the number of dungeon usages can only be exchanged for 5.

In other words, it costs 200 gold coins to refresh the internal dungeon of Tenglong University, which is several times more expensive than outside.

Moreover, according to the actual value of credits, this price should be at least doubled.

However, this has nothing to do with Chen Yu.

Others spend credits to refresh dungeons.

But he is here to purchase goods!

"Since you have made up your mind, there is no need for me to persuade you. Tell me, how much do you want to redeem?" The administrator asked,"Oh, by the way, the number of copies you redeem must be an integer number of credits, which means you need to redeem at least 1 credit."

"Exchanged 105 times."Chen Yu said

"How much?" The copy manager's hand trembled, and the cup he was holding fell onto the table, splashing tea everywhere.

""I exchanged 21 credits, a total of 105 times, did I calculate correctly?" Chen Yu asked.

There are a total of 107 copies in the public area of Tenglong University.

105 times of exchange, plus the 2 copies given every week, just enough to scan all the copies.

"No, I didn’t make a mistake." The administrator couldn’t help but ask,"Are you sure?"

"Of course." Chen Yu nodded.

"This... is fine."

The dungeon administrator nodded several times, then pointed to the large golden cloud dragon emblem hanging on the window.

"Just touch it."

Chen Yu followed his instructions and gently touched his student ID card on the large badge.

When he checked the attributes again, there was an extra line of attributes on his Cloud Dragon badge.

First-level copy additional use times: 105

"Can I go in now?" Chen Yu pointed to the gate of the dungeon area.

"Please come in!" The dungeon administrator couldn't help but stand up and bowed his head to make a gesture to Chen Yu to come in.

The dungeon manager was once a student of Tenglong University, but he belonged to the subordinate Life Vocational College.

Since he took office in the dungeon area, it was the first time he saw such a domineering freshman.

Chen Yu entered the dungeon area and walked directly to the dungeon venue closest to the gate.

Anyway, it was a purchase, and all had to be brushed, so he started from the beginning and brushed them one by one.

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