Outside the gate of the dungeon venue, there is a basic dungeon information.

Including the dungeon map and some monster information.

Chen Yu glanced through it roughly.

This information is still useful to him.

At least, it will prevent him from getting lost in the dungeon.

Just as Chen Yu was about to enter the venue, a message prompt suddenly came from the friend panel.

Chen Yu clicked on the friend panel.

It was a message from Ling Xiuhe.

Ling Xiuhe: Have you communicated with the instructor? How do you feel? If it is not suitable, you can tell me.

Chen Yu replied immediately.

Chen Yu: It’s okay. By the way, Sister Ling, do you know a mentor named Leng Xiong?

He was originally going to ask Ling Xiuhe about Leng Xiong.

Since Ling Xiuhe contacted him, it’s a good opportunity to talk about it.

Ling Xiuhe: Leng Xiong? It seems that there is such a person, with a little reputation, but not a good reputation. What? Did you choose him as a mentor?

Chen Yu: No. He took the initiative to invite me to be his student, but I didn’t agree. I think this person seems to have some problems. In order to make me choose him, he is a bit unscrupulous.

Chen Yu recounted what Leng Xiong did at the freshman meeting.

He did not exaggerate, but just told the facts as they were, without mentioning his speculation that Leng Xiong was a traitor who wanted to assassinate him.

Leng Xiong is a tutor at Tenglong University. He does not like Leng Xiong, but he cannot let his emotions affect Ling Xiuhe's judgment.

After all, his speculation about Leng Xiong is groundless.

It doesn't matter how much you curse when you are arguing, but when it comes to real investigation, you can't talk nonsense.

Ling Xiuhe: It does seem a bit unreasonable. In this way, I will inform the management of the Basic College of this matter and let them start an investigation.

Ling Xiuhe: However, I hope you can understand that Leng Xiong is a tutor at Tenglong University after all. In the absence of evidence, the college will not take any radical actions. At most, it can only conduct inquiries and simple investigations on basic information, interpersonal relationships, etc.

Ling Xiuhe: If the investigation results prove that this is just a misunderstanding and Leng Xiong simply wants to use you to become famous, then this is just a personal character issue and nothing else is involved.

Ling Xiuhe obviously understood what Chen Yu meant by this, but she did not explain it.

Chen Yu: Okay, thank you, Sister Ling.

Ling Xiuhe: You’re welcome.


In the dormitory area of Tenglong University, in a small villa with an ordinary appearance.

Ling Xiuhe walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a white bathrobe.

With a flick of her hand, the air turned into a layered light blue.

The water stains on her hair were instantly evaporated.

Then, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

After a moment, the call was connected.

An illusory figure in a black robe appeared in front of her.

The black-robed figure reached out and took off the hood on his head, revealing his true face.

Her entire face was covered by messy hair, revealing only her pink lips and round chin.

"Shorty, what happened to Leng Xiong?" Ling Xiuhe asked with a bad look on her face.

"I had a quarrel with the target, but it's not a big deal."The black-robed man said casually.

Her voice was hoarse, as if she had had a cold for a long time.

"Did he do anything special to Chen Yu?" Ling Xiuhe nodded, her expression slightly relieved.

"No," the black-robed man shook his head."Speaking of which, after this kid got the resurrection, the number of people protecting him has decreased. There is no one to take over the shift, and he can't take the initiative to eliminate suspicious threats."

"This task is becoming boring."

"What are you complaining about?" Ling Xiuhe smiled disdainfully,"Didn't you receive the secret order yourself?"

"What's more, if you don't take the job, there are plenty of people who will. If I didn't know him, I would have taken the secret mission."

"Okay, you keep watching, I have other people to contact"

"Oh, Bai~bai~" The black-robed man stretched out a chubby little hand and waved at Ling Xiuhe.

Then, the virtual image disappeared.

Ling Xiuhe saved the call record and dialed another number.


Tenglong University Intelligence Department.

The director,"Zhuxu Throne", was wearing gold and silver, shining all over, gorgeous and incomparable. He sat in the boss chair, pointing and criticizing his subordinates with high spirits.

The subordinates looked ashamed, but due to the majesty of the taboo strong, they could only nod and bow.

At this moment, the phone ringing sounded on Zhuxu Throne's body.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to go out and answer a call." Zhuxu Wangzuo shook his phone and walked out of the office slowly.

After answering the call, Ling Xiuhe's shadow immediately appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Throne of Fire, nice to meet you. What brings you here?"

""Stop talking nonsense." Ling Xiuhe said seriously,"Check Leng Xiong. Check carefully! Check seriously! Use whatever means you have, and make sure to check him thoroughly!"

"Leng Xiong is the college instructor." Zhuxu Throne frowned,"How did he offend you?"

"Provoke me?" Ling Xiuhe sneered,"Just now, at the freshman meeting, he incited public sentiment and put pressure on this year's top scorer, intending to recruit him as his disciple. He even went so far as to confuse right and wrong and smear the reputation of this year's top scorer."

"Think about what is going on here!"

"What? The top scorer of this year?"

Zhuxu Wangzuo immediately ran back to the office and hurriedly retrieved the video footage of the freshman meeting.

After watching it, Zhuxu Wangzuo felt terrible,"Fuck, has this dog eaten a leopard's courage?"

"Someone come!"

"Inform the Human Resources Department and the Discipline Inspection Department to initiate the highest level investigation into Leng Xiong, the instructor of the Basic College!"

"Oh, right! Go to the Flame Throne's office and ask them for a letter from the dean. They cannot initiate any action in our name!"


First-level public dungeon area.

After Chen Yu closed the conversation with Ling Xiuhe, he walked into the dungeon venue.

The dungeon venue of Tenglong University is much quieter than that of Dongfeng Town. There are only a few professionals making preparations. In the middle of the dungeon venue is the dungeon portal.

Above the portal, there is a screen that displays the dungeon ranking.

First place: dungeon rating: S-level. Time: 12 hours and 36 minutes. Captain: Anonymous. Team members: Anonymous.

Second place: dungeon rating: S-level. Time: 12 hours and 57 minutes. Captain: Li Lanyue. Team members: Liu Ang, Li Xi, Lin Yude


It is worth mentioning that the dungeon rankings of Tenglong University are not calculated on a flat basis, but are refreshed every two years.

After the rankings are refreshed, all the rankings of the previous session will disappear.

One week after the refresh, the first place on the list will receive a record reward.

Every time a higher record is set, a record-breaking reward will be awarded.

Of course, not just passing the level will get you on the list.

The list only records the clearance results of the highest difficulty S level and above.

The last time the rankings were refreshed was at the beginning of last year.

New students enter school in July every year.

In other words, in a few months, the rankings will be refreshed again.

And now the records on the rankings are the result of being broken again and again by countless ruthless people.

"In that case, it doesn't matter if I do it this time, right?"

Chen Yu took a step forward and walked into the dungeon portal.

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