Dungeon name: Late Night Haunted Building

Level limit: 50-100 (completed the first level, not completed the second level)

Number limit: less than or equal to 6 people

Dungeon cooldown: 7 days

【Tips: Level adaptation completed, number of people adapted, copy cooling completed, entering the copy, please select the difficulty】

【Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Inferno】

"The first-level dungeons are starting to get more difficult? Then let's go to Purgatory."

The highest difficulty of the novice dungeon is only nightmare level.

【You have selected the Infernal difficulty level. Please confirm your selection.】


【Tip: This instance has a clearance ranking list for the highest difficulty level. Do you want to disclose your own and team information?】


【Selection completed, copy begins]

The black scene in the copy portal lights up.

Chen Yu found himself standing in a modern-style bedroom.

The lights were on in the bedroom, and it was dark outside the window.

In the middle of the bedroom was a double bed.

The quilt on the left was scattered.

The quilt on the right was neatly folded and placed at the head of the bed, under the pillow.

There were some slight wrinkles on the bed sheet, which looked like someone had just gotten up and hadn't had time to tidy it up.

In addition to the bed, there was a row of wall cabinets and a bookcase in the bedroom.

"dad~~"At this moment, a cute little girl with a beautiful face ran in with a smile on her face.

""It's really good at pretending." Chen Yu commented.

From the information outside the dungeon venue, Chen Yu learned that the monster in this dungeon is a spirit monster"evil ghost".

Unlike"ghost","evil ghost" belongs to the Eastern ghost.

Low-level evil ghosts are good at illusion deception, and their attack method is mental attack based on psychological intimidation. The physical damage ability can only be considered average, as long as the defense is a little higher, it can be directly immune.

The difficulty of wild evil ghosts lies in their extremely high intelligence and good disguise. Ordinary professionals can't tell them apart at all.

You must use detection equipment to check the attributes to know whether it is a human or a ghost.

Except for those extremely bored professionals, who would use detection skills when seeing people?

However, in the dungeon, it is not difficult to distinguish.

Or rather... there is no need to distinguish at all!

""Daddy, hug me~" The little girl opened her arms, and her action was similar to that of the little saint asking for a hug.

Chen Yu walked forward and slapped her.

The little girl flew backwards in an instant, hitting the wall with a dull"dong" sound.

"Dad, why did you hit me?"After a moment of confusion, the little girl said with tears in her eyes.

""You can't even tell the difference between dad and grandpa, who should I hit if I don't hit you?" Chen Yu said viciously.

The little girl was confused for a moment, then called out obediently:"Grandpa~ I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"Hey Yo~"

"Come here, little idiot, come into grandpa’s arms!"

"Grandpa, there are candies in your pocket!"

Chen Yu opened his arms to the little girl.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and then she asked blankly:"Grandpa, who is the little idiot?"

"You are the little idiot, you bastard!" Chen Yu touched the little girl's head kindly.

"Grandpa, I'm not Xiao……"


Chen Yu slapped the little girl again, sending her flying, his fierce face revealed:"If I say you are called Little Idiot, you will be called Little Idiot, understand?"

"I know, I know." The little idiot admitted it reluctantly.

Then, it stood up again, walked to Chen Yu, lowered its head and said,"Grandpa, I'm hungry."

"I'm hungry." Chen Yu nodded, looked around, and found an ashtray full of cigarette butts on the bedside table.

So Chen Yu picked up the ashtray, walked to Xiao Shabi, handed it to her, and said kindly

"Good if you are hungry, eat quickly~"

"Grandpa, you can't eat this!" The little idiot wanted to cry but had no tears.


The familiar sound of a slap rang out.

The little idiot stuck to the wall again, and then slowly slid down.

"I said it's edible, so it's edible! Do you have any objection?" Chen Yu clenched his fist and looked at Xiao Shabi.

"Yes, I can eat it!"

The little idiot cried as he lay on the ground, picking up the cigarette butts scattered on the ground and eating them one by one.


Chen Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

For the mental attack of a low-level evil spirit to be effective, it must meet certain intimidation conditions.

In essence, the low-level evil spirit intimidates and guides the target of attack, and then intimidates and attacks after guiding it to a certain degree.

For example, the little ghost in front of him asked Chen Yu for food, and Chen Yu looked for it in the room as he said.

If he couldn't find it, the little ghost would say,"There is food, aren't you the dad?"

Then, with a miserable look of death, he began to attack Chen Yu.

The intimidation and induction of evil spirits is a kind of illusion. People with low mental attributes can easily fall into it and be led by the nose. But Chen Yu's mental attributes are undoubtedly overwhelming the little ghost in front of him.

This results in the little ghost being led by Chen Yu in turn, and it has to do whatever Chen Yu tells it to do.

Of course, evil spirits can also attack directly without intimidation.

But the physical attack power of ordinary low-level evil spirits... dogs would shake their heads when they see it.

"Forget it, I don't want to play anymore. I have to remember that I am here to buy goods, not to have fun."

Chen Yu walked forward, grabbed the head of the kid who was eating a cigarette butt, lifted him up and threw him to the ground.

The next moment, the kid raised his head, and black dirty blood flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

There was a wound on his neck that was almost split in two, with only a thin layer of skin connecting the neck and head.

His clothes became tattered, and his body was covered with scars from being hacked.

"Grandpa, why did you hurt me?"

The little ghost let out a shrill roar and rushed towards Chen Yu.


Chen Yu raised his hand.

The little ghost subconsciously stopped and looked at Chen Yu.

"Didn't you say I was your father? How did I become your grandfather?"

""Huh?" The little ghost tilted his head in confusion, thinking about this question.

Finally, he came to the conclusion: Didn't you ask me to call you grandpa?

Before the little ghost could react, Chen Yu grabbed its head again and lifted it up.

This time, the little ghost was not lifted up completely, but only its head was pulled down.

"Uh, sorry."

"Go to paradise, and be a good person in your next life!"

Chen Yu spread out his palm, and a bright red flower appeared in his hand.

The flower swayed gently, and the little ghost with its head and body separated was immediately sucked into the flower.

【Kill a level 60 evil spirit, experience +600】

"Such a high experience value?"

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

A level 60 monster in the wild should provide 120 experience points.

In the Purgatory difficulty dungeon, it was 5 times higher.

"Is this little ghost useful?"Chen Yu shook the red spider lily in his hand.

The next moment, a gray human figure appeared in front of Chen Yu.

"Reporting to the master, this is a pure dark power. There seems to be some kind of law inside that supports it to run according to the program, which makes it have a certain self-awareness, but it is not a soul. Probably equivalent to... artificial intelligence?"

"I see." Chen Yu nodded,"Is this dark power useful to you?"

"It works!" The Will of the Path of Rebirth replied,"It can enhance my own strength."

"How much can it be enhanced?" Chen Yu asked with great interest.

"It's probably equivalent to one more drop of water in the ocean."Wang Shenglu replied seriously.


"Xinxin! My Xinxin!"

At this moment, a young woman burst into the room crying bitterly and shouted at Chen Yu:

"Husband! Why did you hurt Xinxin? Why?!!"

"Tell me! Why!"

The woman raised her head, tears of blood flowing from her eyes, and her body began to rot rapidly.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt Xinxin, look, isn't Xinxin here?"

Chen Yu smiled and handed the red spider lily in his hand to the female ghost.

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