Shortly after Chen Yu left, a small group of professionals came out of the dungeon portal. The leading professional was wearing a Taoist robe and holding a peach wood sword. He was obviously a Taoist professional who specialized in restraining evil spirits.

The Taoist professional wiped his sweat and said confidently to the team members behind him:

"It doesn’t matter if we failed this time, we are already very close to first place. Next time we come, we will definitely break the record!"

"We have definitely got these 1,000 credits!"

"We will win!"

Several players also raised their arms and shouted confidently.

"Let's go back and rest for a while, and try to take the top spot in another ghost dungeon tomorrow."The Taoist professional smiled and waved his hand.

""Wait, Boss! Look!"

A team member suddenly patted the Taoist professional on the shoulder, then pointed at the ranking screen hanging above the portal, with a look of astonishment on his face.


The Taoist turned around and looked at the ranking list.

""What the hell?!"

After seeing the list, his expression suddenly collapsed.

The other team members also looked at the list and were instantly petrified.

"3S rating, 10 minutes to clear the game? Only one player on the team? Holy shit, who is this great player?"

"The rating wasn't there when we entered. Was it just updated?"

"Anonymous again? I remember someone anonymously picked a lot of 3S records last year. Could that person be here again?"

"It should be different from the one from last year." The Taoist captain shook his head and said,"I know the great god from last year. His name is Chen Mo. He played more than ten dungeons in a few days and reached the first level and changed his job."

"It is very likely that they are already at level 3 or above, so there is no way they can come back to play this book."

"Damn, this is leaving no way for future generations to survive! How can we still make it to the list like this?" A team member said anxiously,"Boss, let's go to another evil ghost book and earn credits before the great god does!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" The Taoist captain consoled him,"You still have to replenish your status first, otherwise you won't be able to get the record even if you force it."

"Also, do you know how fast you can upgrade with an SSS-level score plus exclusive dungeon experience?"

"It is estimated that after a few copies, the master will reach the maximum level and change his job."

"So, what if the master wants to brush up on attributes and skill points?" A team member asked cautiously,"Just because the previous master didn't brush up on them doesn't mean this one won't either!"

"Look, our Tenglong University dungeons are so concentrated, how cool and neat it is to brush them?"

The Taoist captain paused for a moment, then shouted loudly,"Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up and rest and recover!"


Chen Yu didn't care whether others could get the record-breaking credits for the dungeon he had cleared.

At this time, he had already walked into the dungeon portal of the second venue.

Dungeon name: Guard Base

Level limit: 50-100 (completed the first level, not completed the second level)

Number limit: less than or equal to 6 people

Dungeon cooldown: 7 days

【Tips: Level adaptation completed, number of people adapted, copy cooling completed, entering the copy, please select the difficulty】

【Simple、��Pass, Difficulty, Nightmare】

"Downgraded? No Purgatory, OK, I choose Nightmare."

The highest difficulty of the novice dungeon is Nightmare, but some dungeons do not have Nightmare difficulty.

The highest difficulty of the first-level dungeon has been raised to a higher level, Nightmare is always there, but not every Purgatory has it.

After the teleportation was completed, Chen Yu appeared in a futuristic metal room.

Around him were soldiers standing in a square formation, wearing green military uniforms, about three or four hundred people.

In front stood an officer wearing a green military cap, with a resolute face and a solemn expression.

""Everyone! It's time to test us!" the officer said loudly

"Our [Fuxing-class] aerospace combat platform [Yanjing] will arrive at the experimental base in 6 hours."

"We must ensure the safety of the base within these 6 hours!"

"Even if we fight till the last man! Even if we shed our last drop of blood! We cannot let any monster break into the base!"

"have you understood?!"

"Got it!"The soldiers shouted in unison

"Daxia is immortal! It will last forever!"The officer shouted

"Daxia is immortal! It will last forever!"The soldiers followed suit and shouted in unison.

""Turn right! Run!"

The officer took the lead, and the soldiers followed him, running out of the steel room in a line.

No one made a noise during the whole process, only the neat"stomping" sound of leather boots hitting the ground.

【Tip: You have obtained the copy mission"Guard the Base"】

【Mission content: Guard the"Chuanwu" experimental base for 6 hours until the Daxia"Fuxing-class" aerospace aircraft carrier"Yanjing" arrives at the experimental base】

【Failure conditions: base lost, more than two-thirds of researchers dead]

The red flags in the steel hall brought back some memories for Chen Yu.

However, there was no other information available in the hall.

Chen Yu could only follow the soldiers and leave the hall.

Outside the hall was a bright steel passage.

At the end of the passage, there was a wide lifting platform.

Chen Yu and the soldiers stood on the lifting platform together, and the platform started.

After rising about one or two hundred meters, the ceiling above opened up.


The lifting platform stopped.

There were solid walls at least ten meters high in all directions.

In the middle of the wall was a thirty-meter-high spiral spire.

Not much of the entire base was exposed on the ground.

Including the open space within the wall, the area was only about one acre, and the area occupied by the spiral spire was even smaller.

Walking up the wall, Chen Yu discovered that the wall was densely packed with intelligent weapons.

About one kilometer outside the wall, there was a layer of hazy white fog.

Chen Yu was very familiar with this white fog. It was the boundary of the dungeon map and also the monster spawning point.

Hundreds of soldiers were quickly evenly distributed on the wall. The intelligent weapons had been activated, and the aiming lasers lit up.


At this moment, circular holes appeared on the high wall.

In each circular hole, a three-meter-tall humanoid mecha rose up.

The soldiers quickly entered the mecha and started it.

"It turns out that the real fighting power is this stuff."Chen Yu suddenly realized.

Before, he was still wondering why some ordinary people with few attributes could become the fighting power in the first-level copy.

It turns out that this mecha is the main body.

Not long after, in the white fog in the distance, a series of hideous monsters appeared.

Their hind legs are very sharp, their forelimbs are slender, they have sharp claws, and their bodies are covered with metal-like shells.

The lower jaw is flat, and the head is like a teardrop-shaped helmet, without eyes.

The tail is at least several meters long and covered with sharp bone spurs.

As soon as it left the white fog, it roared towards the base.

【Kosoda Zerg Soldier Ant, Level 52 Monster】

【Kosoda Zerg Soldier Ant, Level 63 Elite】


A mechanical voice sounded on the wall of the base.

Then, deafening gunfire sounded.

Countless weapons on the wall fired at the same time, and the mechas controlled by the soldiers turned their arms into gun barrels and began to spit out flames.

However, since the monsters were not densely packed and moved very quickly, the human artillery fire could not effectively kill the enemy.

The Kosoda Zerg soldiers from all directions quickly rushed to the bottom of the wall and began to climb up.

Their sharp front claws could easily pierce the wall and support them to climb.

The mecha warriors on the wall also gave up the gun barrels on their arms, holding melee weapons and ready to fight.

"Tsk, a personal experience of a science fiction film. However, it would be a pity if you killed too many monsters."

Chen Yu snapped his fingers.

Densely packed legendary plants appeared, instantly blocking the city wall.

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