The mecha warriors were able to distinguish between friend and foe.

Even though they were squeezed by the plant life, they did not attack them.

However, their intelligence was also very limited, at least much lower than that of the evil spirits in the purgatory-level dungeons.

They had no doubts about the appearance of the legendary spirits, and just stared blankly at the approaching Kosoda Zerg soldier ants, taking an attacking stance.


Chen Yu gave an order.

The high wall of the base suddenly turned into a sea of plants.

Countless lilies bloomed, swaying and fragrant.

Dense vine whips and carnivorous plants directly surrounded the city wall.

The soldier ants lying on the city wall were instantly submerged in the sea of flowers.

The soldier ants charging under the city wall were also killed.

The plant lives soon became dissatisfied with the speed of food being automatically delivered to the door, and began to push the front line forward.

The high wall is not far from the white fog area.

In a few minutes, the monsters in the entire dungeon were cleared.

The plant lives blocked the entrance of the white fog and began to"grab food".

Seeing this, Chen Yu released other plant lives in the holy land.

After the Supreme Holy Land was promoted to LV2, its nurturing ability increased again.

In just one day, the 100,000 plant lives that had just been purchased had evolved to the rare level.

However, it was difficult for these latecomers to snatch food from the"big sisters". It was not until Chen Yu ordered the legendary monsters to give up some of their food that the flowers and grass behind them were qualified to absorb nutrients.

【Kill a level 52 Kosoda Zerg soldier ant, experience value +368+36.8】

【Kill a level 54 Kosoda Zerg soldier ant, experience +235+23.5】


The experience prompt sounded.

Chen Yu's face darkened.

What kind of mutant species is this thing?

The attributes are no worse than other monsters of the same level, but the experience value is seriously reduced.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of monsters in this copy.

The experience value is still considerable.

On the high wall, even if there are no monster threats, the soldiers are still on high alert, preventing any monsters that may rush into the defense line.

It is estimated that the program is set up in this way. These soldiers will not leave the wall during the copy time, nor will they do anything unrelated to the battle.

"Hi, hello!" Chen Yu walked to the officer's mecha and waved at him.

The mecha's head immediately turned to Chen Yu, and then made a mechanical sound.

"Comrade, please return to your battle post!"

"I have something I want to know." Chen Yu said

"Yes, but don't ask questions that are not related to combat."The officer said

"Where do these monsters come from? Where is their lair?"Chen Yu asked

"The Kosoda Zerg are from another planet."The officer said,"They have a huge nest to the east of the base, which hides the Kosoda queen ant, as well as a large number of Kosoda soldier ants, worker ants and other monsters."

"After the [Yanjing] air-space combat platform arrives, if I am still alive, I can give you the map leading to the Zerg nest."

Sure enough, this kind of defense copy will have hidden monster nests.

However, you have to wait until the official mission is over before you can go and clean it up.

"Another question."Can you tell me about our country?" Chen Yu said."

"We belong to Daxia."The officer said

"Can you tell me about the country of Daxia?" Chen Yu continued to ask

"Soldiers, please do not ask questions that are not related to combat."The officer said coldly.

"Well, forget it."

The copy character obviously wouldn't tell him more.

With a large area of plant life watching, there would definitely be no trouble in defense.

Chen Yu left the high wall and tried to enter the base to find relevant information himself.

The elevator he used to leave the base had been closed, and he didn't know where to open it, which cut off his idea of returning the same way.

So he could only come to the gate of the tower.

But the gate of the tower was also tightly closed and couldn't be opened at all.

Chen Yu summoned a plant mind and violently blasted the gate open.

This move immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers on the high wall.

However, after the soldiers found out that it was Chen Yu, they didn't pay any more attention.

Behind the gate was a spiral corridor, one end was upward and the other end was downward.

Chen Yu walked up the corridor and soon saw a closed door.

The location of the circular corridor was the outside of the tower.

The space inside this door was obviously the interior space of the tower.

Chen Yu tried to push the door.

A mechanical sound immediately rang out.

"Please show me your ID."

Chen Yu searched his whole body and found nothing.

So he summoned the plant mind and whipped it.

Under the huge force of the plant life mind, the door collapsed.

However, the next moment, a rapid alarm bell rang.

"Warning! Warning! Trespassing!"

"Warning! Warning! The self-destruction program of this cabin has been activated!"

Before Chen Yu could see the state of the door clearly,


There was a loud bang.

Then, a scorching wave of air, carrying boundless flames, gushed out from the door.

""Damn it!"

Chen Yu cursed inwardly, and quickly took out the little flame from the Supreme Holy Land, then held it in his hand and blocked it.

After encountering the little flame, the blazing flame suddenly became extremely gentle and could no longer cause any harm.

After more than ten seconds, the air waves and flames in the door stopped gushing out.

【Tip: One researcher died, please take protective measures. If the number of researchers who died reaches two-thirds, the mission will be considered a failure.]

Chen Yu:...

I never expected that this experimental base would be so strong and would not allow any outsiders to invade.

His idea of obtaining information from inside the base was also ruined.

"Forget it, let's just play the dungeon honestly."

Chen Yu shook his head and left the tower.

He explored the base only because he was attracted by a red flag before.

Curiosity is something that doesn't matter whether it is satisfied or not.

If he continues to destroy, he will probably get no information, and the dungeon mission will be a failure.

"Master? What's the matter?" Xiao Yan flew to Chen Yu and looked at him blankly.

���Uh, I'm just a little bored, so I want to ask you out to play."

""Great, great!" Xiao Yan clapped his hands excitedly and flew around in front of Chen Yu,"Master, what shall we play?"

"It's over, you can go back now." Chen Yu threw Xiao Yan back to the Supreme Holy Land.


Chen Yu, who had nothing to do, returned to the high wall and watched the soldiers' mechas and the technological weapons outside the wall.

The killing prompt sound kept ringing.

An hour after the start of the dungeon, a level 60 ordinary BOSS was killed.

Then, the monster's strength immediately increased by a level.

Another hour later, a level 70 BOSS died, and the monster's level increased again.

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