In the [Guarding the Base] dungeon, there is a wave of monsters every hour.

There is no interval between waves, but the strength of the monsters in each wave will increase, and a BOSS will spawn.

The sixth wave of BOSS is two level 100 [Kosoda Zerg Devourers].

But in front of the dry rice group composed of plant life, it still didn't last a few seconds.

As soon as the BOSS died, the whole base was shrouded in a shadow.

Chen Yu looked up at the sky.

I saw a huge steel battleship hovering over the base.

At the bottom of the battleship, sixteen huge jets were spraying out hot orange-yellow ion streams.

As the battleship slowly descended, the shadow became larger and larger, and finally directly covered the entire dungeon.

Chen Yu walked up to the city wall and came to the officer.

"Are you sure you want to stay?" the officer's voice came

"Yes." Chen Yu nodded.

"Well, I wish you good luck."The officer's mecha hatch opened, and a hand-drawn map was delivered by a mechanical arm.

【Tip: You have completed the copy task and can settle the copy at any time】

【Tip: You have 24 hours of free exploration time. You can end the instance at any time during the exploration period. The instance will be forced to end after the exploration time is used up.】

"Thank you!"

Chen Yu took the map.

At this moment, the battleship in the sky was less than 100 meters above the ground.

Eight huge mechanical arms stretched out from the belly of the battleship and extended toward the ground.

When approaching the ground, the front end of the mechanical arm turned into a high-speed rotating drill bit and drilled into the soil.

A few minutes later, the base rose from the ground.

This is really rising from the ground, not an adjective.

The entire base, including the huge underground part, was lifted up by eight mechanical arms.

Then, a warehouse door opened in the belly of the battleship, and the base was pulled into the cabin.


An extremely strong airflow suddenly gushed out from the jet nozzle at the bottom of the warship. In just a few seconds, the huge warship disappeared from Chen Yu's sight.


Chen Yu looked at the huge earth pit in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

"Forget it, let's go find a monster nest to earn some extra money."

As the warships withdrew, the white fog in the dungeon map disappeared, and the dungeon range was greatly expanded.

However, the battle of the plant life was not over.

After the white fog disappeared, they found the enemy hidden behind the white fog.

There were at least thousands of"Kosoda Zerg Soldier Ants"

With all the BOSS dead, the soldier ants were leaderless and ran around in the open wasteland.

Some even ran into the arms of legendary plant life and enjoyed a warm and soft jade.

Chen Yu took out the map and compared the terrain.

The nest marked on the map was not far from the base, only about ten kilometers away.

After the plant life had cleared the monsters on the scene, Chen Yu immediately led the large army to the next battlefield.

Along the way, sporadic monsters and even ordinary creatures could not escape the hunting of plant life.

More than ten minutes later, the army of plant life arrived at the monster's nest.

Although the name of the monster is mostly called"soldier ants", their nests are not built underground, but a layer of fungal carpet at least 20 centimeters thick is laid on the ground.

This kind of organic fungal carpet is not valued by the legendary plant life, and it is directly ignored. It steps on the fungal carpet and begins to attack the Zerg on it.

But the rare plant life just now is very interested in the fungal carpet. Nearly 100,000 rare plant life immediately lie on the fungal carpet and start chewing.

【Kill a level 56 Kosoda Zerg, experience +358+35.8】

【Kill the level 87 Kosoda Zerg elite, experience value +1157+115.7】


【Kill the 100th level bronze boss Kosoda Zerg Nest, experience +2000000】

The legendary plant life pushed forward and soon cleared the monsters on the fungal blanket.

However, he did not leave immediately, but waited for more than an hour.

The newly born rare plant life was like an eraser, wiping away all the fungal blankets left by the Zerg.

Afterwards, Chen Yu sent out all the plant life to sweep the entire dungeon.

He chose to end the dungeon only when there were no more creatures that could be killed.

【Tip: The copy has entered the settlement stage】

【The copy is being settled——】

【Instance Difficulty: Nightmare】

【Instance completion: 100%】

【Dungeon exploration degree: 300%】

【Time taken to complete the copy: 9 hours, 25 minutes】

【Overall rating: SSS】

【Profit settlement: Gold +6000, Experience +1500000, Free Attribute Points +10, Skill Points +2, Legendary Dungeon Treasure Chest +1】

""Exit the dungeon." Chen Yu ordered.

The next moment, the scene changed.

Chen Yu walked out of the dungeon portal.

On the big screen above the portal, the first place had become his score.

After the Guard Base dungeon was completed, 1,000 credits were immediately obtained, and the level increased by 7 levels.

This"Guard Village" dungeon is a typical experience dungeon.

The monster explosion rate in the dungeon is very low, and all the monsters that appear are some scraps, but the number of monsters is extremely large.

Of course, in Chen Yu's eyes, it is an experience dungeon, but in the eyes of other ordinary students, it may be a chicken rib.

Other students don't have such a watertight ability. When he walked out of the dungeon venue of the Guard Base, it was already dark.

However, Chen Yu was still full of energy and could continue to grind.

Brush the Tenglong badge again and walk into a dungeon venue. Chen Yu subconsciously looked at the ranking list above the dungeon portal.

First place: Rating: SSS level. Time: 5 hours and 21 minutes. Captain: Not disclosed. Team members: Not disclosed.

Second place: Rating: S level. Time: 6 hours and 7 minutes. Captain: Li Yafei. Team members: Liu Yue, Long Feiyuan……

"Tenglong University is indeed a place where talented people come from"

"Don't underestimate the world!"

Chen Yu looked at the record of the first place and sighed as he walked into the dungeon portal.

He selected the difficulty, entered the dungeon, investigated the information, released the plant life and pushed forward in one go.

More than an hour later, Chen Yu left the dungeon portal.

After checking the badge and confirming that the points had been credited, he immediately rushed to the next dungeon.


One day passed.

Chen Yu cleared 18 dungeons in a row, and his level soared to level 100.

Some time-consuming defensive dungeons were skipped directly.

Most of the dungeon time was consumed in the process of plant life eating.

Among them, two dungeons were directly processed with forbidden spells because the top of the leaderboard took too little time, and there was no time to wait for the plant life to eat slowly.

As a result, he was kicked out for damaging the dungeon.

This situation is no longer surprising.

After reaching level 100, Chen Yu did not continue to brush dungeons, but went to the job transfer hall set up in the school, intending to take the job transfer task first.

It was just right to take advantage of the time to brush the remaining first-level dungeons to analyze how to complete the job transfer efficiently.

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