The job transfer hall of Tenglong University is no different from that of Jiangyang City. It still has a bare pillar of origin and a matching formation.

Chen Yu stepped forward to touch the pillar of origin.

【Tip: The Pillar of Origin detects that you have reached level 100. Do you want to accept the job transfer task?】


【Please select the task level: Normal, Difficult, Nightmare, Purgatory]

Compared with the first level, the second-level job transfer task has lost its simple difficulty, but the highest difficulty is still Purgatory level.

This shows that starting from the first level, the difficulty of upgrading faced by job transferees is gradually increasing.

For professionals from Tenglong University, this is nothing, and few people will pay attention to simple trial tasks.

But for some professionals who are not strong in strength and talent, this is a difficulty in front of them, preventing them from being promoted. For professionals whose strength and talent are at the bottom, even if they are promoted to level 100, it may take a long time to settle down, and they must reach the limit in equipment, skills, etc. before they dare to accept the job transfer task.

"Purgatory." Chen Yu made the choice without hesitation.

The disappearance of the simple difficulty level did not attract his attention.

He just felt a little regretful that there was no new difficulty level higher than the Purgatory level.

【Tip: You can accept the job transfer task of difficult level and below three times, the nightmare level can be accepted twice, and the purgatory level can only be accepted once. If you fail, you will lose the job transfer opportunity. Are you sure to accept the"Purgatory" level job transfer task?】


【Tip: Task is being generated——Generation completed】

【[Second-level promotion task]

Task difficulty: Purgatory level

Executor: Chen Yu

Task content: Within one month, clear at least ten first-level dungeons of Purgatory difficulty, with a clearance score of no less than SS level.

Note: In this task, if you enter the dungeon with others, it will not be counted in the evaluation.

Note 2: In this task, if you use harmful consumables in the dungeon, it will not be counted in the evaluation. (Potions that temporarily enhance attributes、BUFF、Skills, scrolls, etc. are not considered as damaging consumables)

Note 3: After completing the basic indicators, you can continue to perform tasks to improve your rating. The higher the rating, the richer the task rewards, but at most 50 different copies are counted.

At first glance, this task is much simpler than the previous trial task of winning the college entrance examination.

Isn't it just brushing the copy?

You can even use consumables that temporarily increase combat power and add BUFF to the copy.

In fact, it is really hard to say how difficult the two are.

Professionals with a big background behind them can rely on their background to operate after accepting this kind of job transfer task.

For the second-level job transfer task, you can get the rating by clearing the copy and directly spend consumables.

You can also spend money to win the first-level college entrance examination.

It is not to bribe the examiner to challenge the bottom line of the empire, but to directly bribe the top candidates and discuss it together.

The title of the top scholar is sometimes not that important to the top geniuses.

When the gap between everyone is not very large, and the proposer is of a very high level and has outstanding paper strength.

As long as you don't encounter an over-standard existence like Chen Yu, paying some benefits can make a group of top geniuses gather together and help you get to the top.

In fact, there are many top talents who form groups in the college entrance examination.

If you are a professional who has no background and relies entirely on your own strength, generally speaking, the second-level tasks are more difficult.

After all, there are top scorers in the college entrance examination every year, but it is not every year that there are masters who can get SS-level evaluation in the first-level Purgatory Dungeon.

Chen Yu has played so many first-level dungeons, except for a few SSS, most of the original records on the rankings are S.

These records are not made by freshmen randomly, but by seniors who are close to the second level and have carefully prepared for a long time.

Tenglong University, which represents the highest level of the new generation of the empire, is like this, not to mention other places.

"Phew… This task is so easy, much easier than winning the college entrance exam."

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

For him personally, winning the college entrance exam required him to be on guard against all kinds of hidden tricks, accidents, and even tricks. This made him nervous and ready to summon the Abyss Will to save him at any time.

In comparison, this dungeon evaluation task was so easy.

"Then, let's get started now."

Chen Yu left the job transfer hall and returned to the dungeon area without stopping.


Tenglong University Logistics Department, Copy Management Office.

In the office, Liu Jingming, the director of the Copy Management Office, was lazily leaning on the sofa, holding a beautiful woman with a red face and sweat on her forehead.

In his mouth was a burning black long object, similar to a cigarette, but without smoke.

"Husband, come again!"The beautiful woman's eyebrows were like tearing

"Ahem, this is an office, so you better be more restrained.

Although Liu Jingming wanted to run at full speed, his physical condition did not allow it, so he had to refuse with a serious face.

"Oh, if you can't do it, then don't do it. Why are you pretending?" The beautiful woman's face suddenly changed. She sneered and said disdainfully:"It was you who first said that the office was stimulating, and now it's you who says you should be more restrained. You have said all the good and bad things!"

"Who, who said I can't do it! Get up, let's run another 300 kilometers!"Liu Jingming shouted fiercely.

"Boom boom boom——"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

The two immediately put on their clothes.

The beauty sat upright, and Liu Jingming went forward to open the door.

The door opened, and a professional immediately walked in in a panic,"Director, it's bad, something happened!"

""Ahem, don't panic, what happened? Tell me slowly!" Liu Jingming immediately looked serious and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he winked at the beautiful woman without leaving a trace.

The beautiful woman quickly got up and left in a hurry.

Seeing his wife walking away, Liu Jingming finally breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thanked God that his men came in time, otherwise he would lose face immediately.

Then , he said with a smile,"Tell me, what happened?"

"Director." The clerk wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,"A first-level copy has been damaged."

"It’s not a big deal!" Liu Jingming sat down slowly, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip,"Which prodigal son used a prop of mass destruction again?"

"Have someone warn them and go to a new copy. Don't make a big deal out of it."

"But Director!" The staff member hesitated,"So far, five first-level copies have been damaged."

"What?"Liu Jingming stood up suddenly,"Five? Whose bastards are they? Are they picking on me?"

The dungeon is not fragile, it has a certain self-repair ability.

Generally speaking, it is normal for the scenes in the dungeon to be destroyed, and it is not considered damaged at all.

Even if the professionals who brush the dungeon do not destroy the dungeon scenes, these scenes will disappear by themselves when they leave the dungeon. When the next batch of people who brush the dungeon enter, a new scene will be generated.

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