Damaging a copy means that the core operating mechanism of the copy is harmed.

For example, a copy is a server, and the professional players who brush the copy enter through the client.

No matter how much you play in the client, you can't damage the server.

And damaging a copy means that someone plays the game too hard.

Not only did he break the keyboard, but he also broke the wall separating the client and the server, and then smashed the server.

To be able to damage a first-level copy, at least seventh-level power is required.

Using seventh-level consumables to brush first-level copies? You can't play it that way!

As the boss of the Copy Management Office of the Logistics Department of Tenglong University, Liu Jingming thinks he knows something about the students with big families and big businesses in the school.

Occasionally, it is possible that someone will damage one or two copies because they have accepted some strange tasks, or they just happen to lack skill points and free attributes.

But damaging five copies in a row is a bit ridiculous.

The cost of repairing a broken copy is very high, and the cost of consumables to damage the copy is even higher. This is completely a matter that harms others and does not benefit yourself.

"Have you checked? Is it the same person?���Ming asked, pinching his chin.

"I'm sure it's the same person, but this person……"The staff hesitated to speak

"Don't say things half-heartedly, if you have something to say, say it properly." Liu Jingming glared at the staff,"Tell me, who is it?"

"Director, it's... it's Chen Yu." The staff member said cautiously.

"Chen Yu?" Liu Jingming frowned and thought for a moment, then his voice suddenly rose,"Are you talking about the top scholar of this year who is known as the greatest genius of ancient and modern times?"

"Yes." The clerk nodded.

""Shit!" Liu Jingming suddenly lost his composure,"Am I in conflict with that guy named Chen or what?"

"Last year, a guy named Chen broke a lot of copies, and this year, it's another guy named Chen who's trying to make things difficult for me!"

At this moment, another female employee rushed in and said in a panic,"Director! Something happened! Something serious happened!"

"What happened?" Liu Jingming shuddered,"Is it that the guy named Chen is destroying the copy?"

"Yes! Yes!" The female employee who just came in nodded repeatedly,"Director, please go and take a look!"

"Don't panic! Tell me, how many copies has he destroyed?" Liu Jingming asked, pretending to be calm.

"He breaks one every few minutes!" The female employee cried,"So far, he has broken more than ten!"

"More than ten!?"Liu Jingming's legs suddenly went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

"Let's go! Take me to him! Quick!"


In the dungeon, a purple baby with a big head and a small body bit Chen Yu's left shoulder tightly.

Chen Yu pulled it off and held it in his hand to observe.

The purple baby was struggling vigorously in Chen Yu's hand.

Unfortunately, Chen Yu's attributes were too high and he couldn't struggle at all.

"What the hell is this thing? Why is it so fascinating? No, it's puzzling."

This time, he entered a small dungeon of purgatory difficulty, which was full of ghost-shaped monsters.

Most of them were spirits, but a few were physical.

The Road of Rebirth and the legendary plant life worked together to clear the dungeon in a few minutes.

After killing a physical female ghost BOSS, a baby ghost burst out from the ghost's stomach.

No matter how hard he hit it, it didn't lose blood. Several abyss thorn spirits whipped it for more than ten seconds, but nothing happened.

The bright yellow red spider lilies on the ground couldn't suck it in, and it even jumped out and bit Chen Yu.

This little ghost did not appear in the dungeon introduction, and it should be a hidden dungeon BOSS.

Chen Yu took out the eye detection glasses and put them on, and launched a detection spell on it.

【Dead Baby]

Level: 100

Template: Bronze BOSS

Race: Weird

Attributes: Strength 1500, Agility 3200, Constitution 1200, Spirit 1800

Talents: -

Skills: -

Description: It is very powerful, but very weak.

From the attribute panel, there is no useful information at all.

Helplessly, I had to summon the Road to the Dead.

"Look at this, what is this? You may not believe it, but I can't even kill a level 100 bronze BOSS."

The shadow of the will of the road to life appeared, and Chen Yu threw the purple baby to the road to life.

In mid-air, a bunch of bright red flowers bloomed and caught the dead baby.

The dead baby's mouth was cracked to the ears, revealing fine and sharp teeth, and it kept biting the flowers.

"It's this kind of thing——"

The message from the will of the road to rebirth

"Do you know what this is?" Chen Yu asked immediately.

"My [Road] has extended into hundreds of small worlds, and I have encountered some of these creatures... let's call them creatures for now." Wangshenglu replied

"How to kill it?" Chen Yu asked the question that concerned him most.

He was not a scientist who studied monsters. If he was wasted here by this dead baby, it would undoubtedly slow down the progress of his job transfer task.

"This monster is actually a regular aggregate."The will of the Path of Rebirth continued to send messages.

"Conventional damage cannot kill regular aggregates."

"There are only two ways to kill it. One is to use rule damage that exceeds its rule level, or in other words, lethal level damage."

"Second, a rule aggregate is composed of a main rule line and the rest of the rules wrapped around it."

"Just like this."

A red flower appeared in front of Chen Yu, and then dense yellow flowers rose up, wrapping the red flower to form a huge flower ball.

"Understand its main rule line, then remove this main rule line, and it will automatically dissipate."

The shadow of the will of the road to rebirth waved his hand, and the red flowers of the other shore flew out of the flower ball, while the yellow flowers of the other shore that were rolled into a ball instantly exploded and fell to the ground.

"A humanoid rule aggregate. The main rule line is usually an obsession. As long as this obsession is resolved, the main rule line will dissipate, and it will naturally lose its reason to continue to exist."

"Looking for obsession? In other words, you still need to slowly explore the plot of the dungeon?" Chen Yu immediately shook his head,"You should be able to kill this thing, right? Do it for me!"

""Yes, sir!"

A huge red flower bloomed and swallowed the purple dead baby into its petals.

A few seconds later, the sound of the killing came.

【Kill the level 100 bronze boss Dead Baby, experience +1000000]

Then, another prompt sounded.

【The copy is being settled……】


【Tip: The copy is settled. You have 10 minutes to rest. You can also choose to exit the copy immediately.】

【Warning: Because the copy is severely damaged, you have lost your rest time and are ready to be forced to transfer——】

"Wait! No!"

"What did I do? Did I break the copy again? I was gentle enough this time, okay?!!!"

Unfortunately, the copy running program did not listen to Chen Yu's excuses and kicked him out directly.

(Dear Immortal Emperors, what should the third supreme plant life upgrade to? )

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