In the dark and empty space, the only color is two human figures standing opposite each other.

"You are doing stupid things."

The woman wearing a rabbit mask said to the man wearing a rat mask.

The woman with the rabbit mask waved her hand, and a picture appeared in front of the two of them.

In the picture, there was a man with a hideous expression and blood all over his body, holding a dagger and stabbing himself in the chest frantically.

Due to the strong vitality of the professional after being digitized, he was still alive even with such a serious injury.

However, as time passed and the injury deepened, his vitality became weaker and weaker.

"You only need to erase the memory of your contact with him to wash away all traces."

"He himself is a death soldier controlled by the White Eagle Empire. It is normal for him to target the genius of the empire. The only answer obtained by Tenglong University in the investigation is this."

"But you manipulated him to commit suicide, and Tamron University will go all out to find out the truth."

"No matter how clean your hands and feet are, they will inevitably be noticed."

"Haha." The man with the rat head mask chuckled,"So what?"

The woman with the rabbit head mask said in a deep voice:"With that person's talent, he must have entered the sequence of the Great Xia Fire Plan, or even the first sequence."

"Are you provoking the Daxia Fire Committee?"

"With our strength, why should we provoke the behemoth that secretly controls the entire world?"

"This is not a provocation."The man with the rat head mask said calmly,"but it's to alert the enemy."

"The Fire Committee will only take action once it notices something, thus revealing the flaws!"

"If we don't take the initiative, we will never have the chance to catch them and find out the truth about the world!"

"Only you can treat the Fire Committee as a snake."The rabbit-head masked woman said softly,"I admire your arrogance, but sometimes you have to restrain yourself."

At this moment, a flawless white hand, as white as pearls, cut through the space and appeared in the dark space.

Then, the hand grabbed the edge of the space gap and gently tore it.

A huge gap appeared in the dark space.

A light-bodied girl in a white robe and a snake-head mask walked in from the gap with graceful steps.

The girl had a golden halo on her head and two glimmering white wings gathered on her back.

"I seemed to hear someone calling me just now?" The girl in the snake-head mask came up to the man in the rat-head mask, tilted her head and said with a smile,"Is it you?"

"It has nothing to do with you."The man with the rat head mask was not surprised by the appearance of the girl with the snake head mask. He just said calmly

"What a boring man~" The snake-head masked girl waved her hand,"You are annoying~"

Then she walked to the rabbit-head masked woman again.

"I just heard you talking about the Fire Committee. I'm very interested. Can you tell me more about it?"

"This is our Daxia people's internal affairs."The rabbit-head masked woman said coldly,"It's not something you, as the Abyss Demon God, should be concerned about."

"How can it have nothing to do with me?"The girl with the snake-head mask gently took off the mask, revealing a flawless face.

She pointed to her forehead and said,"Isn't this the language of your Great Xia?"

"I was born at the bottom of the endless abyss. As one of the clan members, I was born a demon god. Your language and writing exist in my inherited memories."

"Even my godhead is an image of Daxia characters."

"Don’t you think it’s strange?"

"Isn't the purpose of the establishment of the Truth Alliance to pursue the truth of the world?"

Where the girl pointed, under the dense bangs, a blood-red crystal"king" symbol could be vaguely seen.

The man with the rat head mask pondered for a long time, and finally said:

"I agree that you join our plan, but you must not act on your own, otherwise I would rather give up all plans immediately."

"That's right~" The girl smiled and nodded, then put the mask back on with satisfaction.


Tenglong University, dormitory area.

Three rank 6 professionals rang Leng Xiong's doorbell.

For a long time, no one answered.

One of them threw a small stone into the courtyard.

The stone flew over the courtyard wall and bounced back immediately.

Upon closer inspection, it can be found that there is a thin layer of transparent barrier above the courtyard wall.

The three looked at each other, and one of them immediately put on the headset,"I am Lin Ling who is in charge of the Leng Xiong case. Please tell the logistics department that I request to close the defense barrier of Leng Xiong's dormitory villa. Over."

A few minutes later, the transparent barrier disappeared.

The three of them jumped lightly and landed in the small courtyard of Leng Xiong's villa.

As soon as they landed, they frowned at the smell of blood everywhere.

The three did not stop, and immediately rushed to the villa and broke into the door.

In the main hall, there was a large area of blood.

In front of the sofa in the middle of the living room, there was a bloody body with a bloody chest.

The source of the blood was that mutilated body.

He was... Leng Xiong!

"In trouble!"

"We can't handle this!"

The three of them frowned.

They were ordered to come to Leng Xiong's house to investigate secretly.

However, at this moment, Leng Xiong appeared in front of them in the form of a corpse.

A sixth-turn professional, a mentor of Tenglong University, died in his dormitory, and his death was extremely miserable.

Regardless of whether Leng Xiong is a problem or not, this is a vicious incident with a huge impact.

This is Tenglong University!

A mentor was killed in his own dormitory, which is ridiculous!

This is a slap in the face of Tenglong University and even the Tenglong Empire, and it is so loud!

The three did not dare to hesitate, and even did not dare to enter the door. They directly recorded the situation on the scene and sent it back to the Intelligence Department of Tenglong University, which was leading the investigation of the Leng Xiong case.

In less than a minute,

Zhuxu Wangzuo, the Minister of Intelligence of Tenglong University, who was covered in jewels and had a murderous look on his face, appeared in Leng Xiong's villa.

The three people who came to investigate earlier immediately stepped aside

"Have you moved the scene?" Zhuxu Throne looked at the three people.

""No." The three of them immediately shook their heads.

This matter was not as simple as the death of a sixth-level instructor.

Leng Xiong had signs of harming Chen Yu, but when he failed, he was found dead in his dormitory. Is there any need to explain the trick?

The three people who came to investigate were just ordinary sixth-level professionals, and they didn't want to get involved in such a thing.

"Very good." Zhuxu Throne said,"Don't go anywhere for the time being, stay with me."

After that, Zhuxu Throne's body floated into the room.


Tenglong University, Trial Zone.

The entire trial zone is a building divided into separate rooms.

There is a small dark blue portal in each room.

This is the trial copy of Tenglong University.

Every student above level one can enter for free and earn credits.

The trial copy is the fastest way to make money at Tenglong University and the favorite copy of students.

Unfortunately, credits for each level can only be earned once and cannot be repeated.

Moreover, as long as you change your job and upgrade, you can no longer continue the unfinished trial copy level of the previous level.


"Fortunately, I remembered it, otherwise it would have been wasted!"

Chen Yu wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead.

After accepting the job transfer task, he played a total of 45 dungeons in the dungeon area, 18 of which were of purgatory difficulty.

If he only wanted to transfer with the lowest completion rate, he could submit the task directly.

To get the maximum reward, he still needed to play 32 purgatory difficulty dungeons.

After being kicked out of a dungeon, Chen Yu remembered that he still had a trial dungeon to play.

If he was promoted to level 2, he would not be able to play the first-level trial dungeon.

"For credits"

"For my unborn original spirit of space and time!"

Chen Yu resolutely stepped into the dark blue dungeon portal.

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