[Tip: You have entered a special copy. This copy does not provide experience points or item drops.】

【Tip: Do you want to open the copy to challenge the level?】


The darkness around faded, turning into a plain covered with wild grass.

A moment later, five level 60 Northrend orc warriors rushed towards Chen Yu.

This strength is not low.

In the college entrance examination elimination match, the first wave was all cannon fodder garbage.

Chen Yu loosened his wrist and rushed towards several orc warriors.

The attributes of the orc warriors were just ordinary level 60 monsters, and their attributes were about one-thirtieth of his.

Under the violent attribute crushing, they had no power to fight back. After a brutal beating, the orc warriors turned into fragments and disappeared, just like in the college entrance examination elimination match.

【Tip: You have completed the first level of the special copy and obtained 100 Tenglong University credits. Do you want to start the second level?】

"These little pieces of trash are worth 100 points? How generous!"Open."

Chen Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that the rewards of the trial dungeon would exceed his imagination.

The second level was opened.

The monsters were still level 60 Northrend warriors, but the number was directly increased to 50.

"Is this the intensity?"

Chen Yu didn't want to fight with fifty muscle brothers.

So he immediately summoned hundreds of legendary plant life to fight with these brothers on his behalf.

A few seconds later, 50 Northrend muscle brothers died with hatred.

【Tip: You have completed the second level of the special copy and obtained 200 Tenglong University credits. Do you want to start the third level?】


Open it for me." Chen Yu said.

【Tip: You have completed the third level of the special copy and obtained 300 Tenglong University credits. Do you want to start the fourth level?】

"Wait, what is a monster?"

"Never mind, it doesn’t matter, just turn it on!"


The first-level Tenglong University trial copy has only 20 levels.

From the first level to the tenth level, there are monsters of level 50-100.

The tenth level has two ordinary BOSSes of level 100.

Starting from the eleventh level, it directly becomes 10 elites of level 120.

At the twentieth level, there are even two ordinary BOSSes of level 150.

This strength is not something that ordinary people can pass.

But for Chen Yu, he has never seen what the monsters look like, only some plant life has taken action.

If you don’t ask in person, you won’t know what monsters have appeared.

As the difficulty of the level increases, the credit income is also skyrocketing.

Breaking through 20 levels in a row has brought Chen Yu a total of 43,000 credits.

Together with the credits obtained from breaking the record before, the total is close to 100,000 points.

After leaving the trial area, Chen Yu rushed to the exchange building without stopping, spent 52,600 credits, and exchanged 526"unstable space fragment crystals".

After the goods arrived, he immediately returned to his villa and entered the Supreme Holy Land.

At this time, the Supreme Holy Land seemed a bit"crowded".

The World Tree and the Red Spider Lily occupied most of the area.

As a result, the remaining 100,000 plant lives were scattered in the remaining small piece of land.

Each legendary plant life could still occupy a square with a side length of 20 to 30 meters.

The newly planted ones really had to be crowded together.

"What a thriving scene!"It's so beautiful!"

Chen Yu observed the plant life everywhere and exclaimed with satisfaction.

Under the World Tree, a small lotus leaf grew out of the soil.

This was the mysterious lotus seed that the little Lolita Yun Biyue gave him.

The mythical plants grew slowly, so they have not matured yet.

Also not mature is the sword grass obtained in the first-level mission.

A little elf was sitting on the lotus leaf, holding a small leaf in both hands and eating it slowly.

Chen Yu walked over and picked her up.


Hou Tu quickly dropped the leaves in her hand and saluted Chen Yu.

"Why are you eating the leaves of the World Tree too?" Chen Yu asked in confusion.

In the past, he had only seen Xiao Yan and Xiao Feng like to eat leaves.

"Can't eat it?"Hou Tu looked a little confused.

"No, you continue."Chen Yu put Hou Tu back.

Perhaps, eating the leaves of the World Tree is a very normal thing for the original elves.

Then, he placed the space fragment crystals he exchanged on the roots of the World Tree.

The colorless and transparent crystals shattered instantly and were absorbed by the World Tree.

On the branches of the World Tree, a fruit was gradually dyed with a light silver-gray.

As if sensing something, the six original elves flew to Chen Yu and looked up.

After a while, the ripe fruit fell and landed lightly in Chen Yu's hands.

Then, the fruit split from the middle and turned into a silver dress.

In Chen Yu's hand, a little elf with silver-gray soft shoulder-length hair waved and put the dress on him.

"Original Space Spirit, meet the master, I will carry everything for you!"

In most people's impressions, space should be regarded as a concept, not a concrete thing.

In fact, it is not.

Space is also a basic element and can be regarded as"matter".

In a sense, space is more material than other substances.

Space is like a blank sheet of paper, and everything in space is a painting on the blank sheet of paper.

This sheet of paper is the basis of all material existence.

"From now on, you will be called Xiaokong." Chen Yu smiled and nodded, and opened the attribute panel of the elf.

Original Space Elf Xiaokong

Grade: One Color Myth

Level: 100


Strength: 15500

Agility: 15500

Constitution: 15500

Spirit: 31000

Vitality: 2000

Space Source: 200


Space Elementalization: Entering the elemental state, immune to all physical damage, immune to all space damage, and increasing its own space damage by 500%.


Original Space Elf: Using space skills reduces the consumption by 99% and increases the power by 100%.

Skills: Space Manipulation (Forbidden Spell); Space Domain (Forbidden Spell); Ten Thousand Void Barriers (Forbidden Spell); Space Wormhole ( Forbidden spell); High-speed curvature sliding (forbidden spell)

The original space elves and the original water elves are simply two extremes.

The water elves are extremely aggressive, and all of them are damaging forbidden spells.

And the space elves have almost no damaging forbidden spells, all of them are auxiliary and escape forbidden spells.

So, is the name too early?

Would it be better to call it Little Turtle or Little Rabbit?

At this moment, Xiaoyan and Xiaofeng flew over, stood on the left and right of Xiaokong, and fed two small pieces of candy to Xiaokong.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

These two little guys are really focused on unity and friendship

"Food? Thank you."Xiao Kong took a bite, his expression did not change at all.

Xiao Yan flew away with a smile on his face.

Chen Yu's keen hearing caught Xiao Yan's barely perceptible voice.

"Great! Xiaokong doesn't like to eat, so he will definitely not fight with me for delicious food in the future"

"What did Xiao Yan say just now? I've been hearing a little hard of hearing lately. Never mind, it's not important, just continue with the mission."

Chen Yu walked out of the bedroom in a hurry, pushed the door open under the puzzled eyes of the maid, and went straight to the dungeon area.

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