Tenglong University Logistics Department.

Liu Jingming had a sour face, looking at everyone as if they owed him five million.

The members of the Instance Management Office understood his feelings.

After all, more than 30 copies were destroyed for no reason, and the original owner ran away and was not found at all.

As the director of the Instance Management Office, it would be strange if he didn't have a sour face.

"Director, are we still looking for Chen Yu?" a member of the management office asked cautiously.

"Forget it, forget it." Liu Jingming felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly,"That guy has probably reached the maximum level and is doing the job transfer task, what's the point of looking for him?" It is not common for students to damage the dungeon, but it happens from time to time.

Tenglong University does not have the tradition of asking students to compensate for the dungeons.

For these more than 30 dungeons, Liu Jingming can only blame himself for his bad luck.

Fortunately, the dungeon management office is a profitable department with sufficient funds.

The broken dungeons are directly repaired.

As for the shortage of dungeons in the first-level dungeon area, we can only find those wealthy instructors to rent some to make up for it.

""Who has extra first-level copies?"

Liu Jingming looked through the address book helplessly.

He only had more than ten spare first-level copies.

In other words, he had to rent nearly twenty first-level copies.

"I can only look for them one by one. Oh, pity my old face!"

Liu Jingming made a bitter face and started to dial the phone

"Hello, Lao Liu, do you have any spare first-level copies recently?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Lend me one. Not for personal use! I put it in the academy dungeon area for students to brush."

"You must pay rent!"

"OK, OK, thank you very much! I'll come get it later! Bye!"

"Hello, old Qian? I'm Liu Jingming!"


It took two hours.

After begging dozens of instructors, he finally borrowed 20 copies.

Just as Liu Jingming was about to pick up the goods, another member of the management office ran in in a panic?

"Oh no! Director! Something big has happened!"

Liu Jingming's expression suddenly froze, his heart was filled with ominous premonition, and cold sweat instantly covered his forehead.

"What happened? Tell me!"

"Director! That Chen Yu has started destroying the copy again!"The management office member said with a sad face.

"He was getting more and more rampant! In just the past ten minutes, he had destroyed three copies in a row!"


Before the member of the management office finished speaking, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing past.

Liu Jingming in front of him had disappeared.


In the dungeon area

, Chen Yu had just finished a large dungeon.

He looked back at the leaderboard and saw that the number one position had been replaced by his record.

He checked the Tenglong badge again and found that the credits had been credited.

"Then, next one!"

Chen Yu took firm steps, with the coolness of a real man who never looked back at the explosion, and the momentum of turning his back on everyone and moving forward, and walked towards the exit of the venue.

Just as he stepped out of the venue gate and was about to go to the next dungeon venue, he was blocked by someone.


This was a man with a gloomy look.

The sky behind him seemed to have turned gray, covered by dark clouds, brewing a thunderstorm.

"You, are Chen Yu?!"

The man looked at Chen Yu with a complicated look.

The endless resentment and oppression made Chen Yu a little surprised.

"I am Chen Yu." Chen Yu took a step back with a vigilant look,"Excuse me, do I have any connection with you?"

He tried hard to recall what the connection was between him and the man in front of him who seemed to have been crushed by a Tiger tank a hundred times and had a pornographic movie made about him.

"Could it be that this person is some top genius at the next level, overshadowed by me, and is unwilling and jealous of my talent?"

"I told you! How could I, who is treated as the protagonist of the world, not have villains offering themselves to me to fight?"

Thinking of this, Chen Yu immediately rubbed his hands, eager to try

"We have no intersection."

The gloomy man approached Chen Yu step by step, gritting his teeth and said:"But I'm looking for you!"

""Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?" Chen Yu said calmly.

He was thinking in his heart whether he should smile evilly and then stretch out his little finger to pick his ear.

This is the protagonist's ultimate move - King's Contempt!

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

It's easy to smile with a crooked mouth, but not everyone can master the skill of"evil charm".

When a beginner uses it, he may be regarded as a fool by others.

Only the hidden profession among hidden professions, the genius among geniuses, and the legendary"Dragon King" can master this skill to perfection.

The gloomy man didn't speak, but approached step by step.

Like a volcano about to erupt, it slowly accumulates energy.

Once it erupts, it will be earth-shattering and all living beings will tremble!

One step... two steps... three steps...

Of course, when he walked in front of Chen Yu, his momentum had reached its peak, like a towering Mount Tai.

Chen Yu frowned, ready to summon plant life at any time to fight it to the death


Suddenly, the man put his hands together and bowed 45 degrees in front of Chen Yu.

His expression changed from gloomy to tears.

"Great God! I beg you! Stop brushing!"

"Uh, wait, what do you mean?" Chen Yu was stunned.

"No, big brother, you get up first. I am Chen Yu, how can I be worthy of such a great gift from you!"This is the same as the act of burning incense at an old grave!

Chen Yu thought that he would not lie in a coffin for future generations to worship in the short term.

No, how could he, a Daluo, lie in a coffin?

"No! If you don't agree to me! I won't get up!"

Liu Jingming bent over and followed Chen Yu's voice to turn around in place, always maintaining the posture of worshiping Chen Yu, as pious as he could be.

He had no choice!

This top scorer of this year's exam was of great origin!

Leng Xiong, who had offended him yesterday, was lying dead in his living room today!

Although the Intelligence Department was still investigating the cause of death, the well-informed Liu Jingming had learned from a colleague in the Supervision Department that this incident was related to Leng Xiong's collision with this year's top scorer!

He was a small director of the Copy Management Office, and his status and strength were not much different from Leng Xiong.

So, just follow your heart!

"No, you have to let me know what you want me to agree to!"Chen Yu asked innocently

"Please! Stop destroying the dungeon!" Liu Jingming burst into tears,"If you keep doing this, the first-level academy will have no dungeons to grind!"

"This?"Chen Yu's mouth twitched.

It turned out that this was not the villain who came to slap him in the face.

Instead, it was the victim who came to collect the debt!

""Master!" Liu Jingming begged,"All the backup copies are gone! I, the director of the copy management department, already owe a huge debt of twenty first-level copies!"

"That’s right! You’re trying to get credits, right?"

At this point, Liu Jingming’s eyes lit up.

"I can compensate you 50,000 credits privately!"

"As long as you stop destroying the copy, the credits will be credited immediately!"

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