"Ahem, I'm sorry to trouble Director Liu. Actually, I had no choice." Chen Yu said awkwardly,"How about this, I will try not to destroy the copy again?"

Before, he destroyed the copy and didn't know what the consequences would be.

There must be courses in this area in college, but he hasn't attended any cultural classes yet.

Now it seems that destroying a copy should result in a huge loss.

Otherwise, an academy official wouldn't cry like this.

However, he happened to accept a job transfer task of scoring, and the copy must be beaten.

There is no need to bombard it with forbidden spells.

But the boundary of damaging the copy is a bit vague. Sometimes he obviously can't be gentle enough, but the copy will still be damaged. This is a bit difficult to deal with.

"So, you must brush the dungeon in school?" Liu Jingming's eyes showed despair.

The dungeons that this kid has brushed have a damage probability of more than 60%.

If he continues to brush like this, he can't make up for the loss even if he sells his underwear!

After the dungeon is damaged, if the management office runs out of funds, it can be reported.

Tenglong University will bear the repair funds or reissue new dungeons.

But this process takes time.

During this period of time, the first-level dungeon area can't just be empty, right?

Even if Liu Jingming is not responsible for this matter, he can't escape the negative image of being incompetent.

In addition, the dungeon management office, which was originally well-funded, has become a poor government office after such a commotion!

"Well, I must clear the dungeon." Chen Yu said with difficulty,"But I can promise that I will try to be gentle and will not destroy the dungeon again."

In fact, Chen Yu was a little guilty.

To put it bluntly, his behavior was destroying public property.

It was already good enough that they didn't ask him for compensation, but they begged for mercy so humbly and even offered to pay him not to clear the dungeon.

In this case, he seemed a little unkind.

However, the job transfer task must be completed first, there is no room for negotiation.

When he is stronger, he can give back to the academy better.

"Wait!" Liu Jingming suddenly had an idea in his mind,"Student Chen Yu, do you mean that you just need to do a dungeon? You don't have to do the school dungeon?"

"That's right." Chen Yu nodded.

There is no limit to what dungeon you can play in the job transfer mission. As long as it is the first level of Purgatory difficulty, you can

"I can take you to play a lot of dungeons!" Liu Jingming was delighted,"Off-campus dungeons!"

"Off-campus copy?" Chen Yu frowned slightly,"Let me think about it."

Liu Jingming claimed that he was the director of the Copy Management Office and an administrator of Tenglong University.

But Chen Yu didn't know him and needed to confirm.

He opened the friend panel, clicked on Ling Xiuhe's call, and sent a message.

Chen Yu: Sister Ling, do you know Liu Jingming?

A few minutes later, Ling Xiuhe replied.

Ling Xiuhe: A small director of the Copy Management Office of the Logistics Department of the Basic College of Tenglong University. What are you asking him for?

Chen Yu: This is it...

Chen Yu explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Ling Xiuhe:...

Ling Xiuhe: He is right, you shouldn't harm the school's public resources like this. Don't worry, this person is fine, even if there is a problem, it can't hurt you.

Chen Yu: Okay! Thank you Sister Ling!


Tenglong University Intelligence Department.

More than a dozen forbidden masters gathered together, including Ling Xiuhe.

Intelligence Minister Zhuxu Wangzu sat at the top of the throne, his face as gloomy as water.

"Everyone, it has now been confirmed that Leng Xiong is a death squad controlled by the White Eagle Empire."

"Moreover, he died by suicide. What do you think is the possibility that he committed suicide out of fear of punishment?"

A taboo strongman stood up and said,"It is impossible."

"We assume that Leng Xiong's goal is to recruit Chen Yu as his disciple and then harm Chen Yu."

"Then, whether he succeeds or fails, he has no need to fail, because he has not exposed his intention to hurt Chen Yu."

"He hid it well."

"If he really recruited Chen Yu, then his plan would take some time to implement."

"If the recruitment failed, he should continue to hide and wait for an opportunity to commit a crime instead of committing suicide directly."

"I personally think that Leng Xiong's suicide was probably controlled by someone." Another taboo expert also said

"Then." Zhuxu Throne took a deep breath,"Everyone agrees with this, right?"

The taboo masters present all agreed.

"At the same time, it is impossible that this is an order from the White Eagle Empire." A taboo expert added,

"The reason is the same as above. Leng Xiong, this chess piece, was hidden very deeply. If he had not died suddenly at home, he might not have been discovered yet."

Tenglong University's investigation into Leng Xiong's own death was many times more intense than that into Chen Yu's case.

His identity as a White Eagle Empire death soldier was also exposed because of this.

"In the academy, he manipulated a sixth-level professional to commit suicide without leaving any trace.……"

Zhuxu Throne smiled bitterly,"It seems that this matter is far beyond the scope of our eighth-level participation."

"I suggest that we report this to the Elite Academy, and let the masters of the Elite Academy make the decision."

"Dean Ling, what do you think?"Zhuxu Throne looked at Ling Xiuhe.

Ling Xiuhe, the Flame Throne, is the tutor of Tenglong University Elite College. He is also the dean of Tenglong University Basic College.

The forbidden masters who hold great power in Tenglong University Basic College are all tutors of the Elite College.

The various departments of the Basic College are not subordinate to each other, and the dean mediates in the middle.

The power of the dean is not higher than that of the departments.

However, the Basic College must propose public-to-public communication with the higher authorities of the Tenglong Empire or the Elite College.

"I agree!" Ling Xiuhe said,"I will make a detailed report to the Elite Academy and propose"

"In addition, Zhuxu Throne, please verify���Download Liu Jingming's information"

"Liu Jingming? Why?" Zhuxu Throne asked puzzledly.

"In the past two days, Chen Yu has destroyed many first-level dungeons in the dungeon area, and is ready to continue."The Flame Throne sighed and said,"So, Liu Jingming stepped forward to stop it, and tried to take Chen Yu to go outside the school to do dungeons."

"This... Swiftwind Throne, look.……"

The Zhuxu throne looked at a forbidden strongman present.

"Tsk tsk, Lao Qi, the people under your command have very dangerous ideas!"A forbidden strongman beside him patted the Swift Wind Throne on the shoulder and said jokingly

"You said you were the same, so why deduct it? A few first-level copies, just break them, why do you have to drive the top scholar out of school?"

"At this critical moment, it is hard not to be suspected!"

The Swift Wind Throne's face suddenly turned black, and he said loudly:"I, the Minister of Logistics of Tenglong University, Qi Siyuan, the Swift Wind Throne"

"Guaranteed by the throne, Liu Jingming, the director of the copy management department"

"He has an absolutely clean background, upright thoughts, and no possibility of treason!"

"I can guarantee it! Liu Jingming just cares about the public property of the college and has absolutely no intention of harming Chen Yu!"

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