Kyoto City, Xiangshui City.

Xiangshui City is one of the satellite cities of Kyoto City.

Outside the city, there are densely packed outdoor leveling points, radiating hundreds of kilometers around.

From level 50 to level 200, there is everything.

In the city, there are a large number of professional shops and commercial dungeon venues.

Chen Yu has not seen the whole picture of Kyoto City, but the scale and prosperity of this satellite city alone are not less than Jiufeng City, the provincial capital of Yunchuan Province.

"It is indeed Kyoto City. Chen Yu couldn't help but admire

"There are 176 first-level dungeons in the commercial dungeon venues in Xiangshui City."Liu Jingming asked,"This number should be enough for you, right?"

Liu Jingming didn't know the purpose of Chen Yu's dungeon.

However, he could vaguely guess it.

In terms of experience points, he destroyed so many dungeons and got dozens of SSS-level evaluations, which obviously exceeded the limit of 100.

The rest is nothing more than supplementing free attribute points, skill points, equipment, and special task requirements.

Among them, the possibility of brushing skill points or tasks is the greatest

"That's enough!" Chen Yu said with a smile,"By the way, a satellite city in Kyoto City actually has more copies than Tenglong University?"

"How is that possible?" Liu Jingming said proudly,"Speaking of the number of copies, the entire Kyoto City combined does not have as many as Tenglong University."

"The public copies provided in the copy area are only a small part"

"Most of the copies are in the hands of the college instructors."

"The number of tutors in the Tenglong University Basic College has remained at around 1,300 all year round, and each tutor has several to dozens of first-level copies."

"You can roughly estimate the total number of first-level copies held by Tenglong University."

"It's terrifying!" Chen Yu agreed.

Liu Jingming led Chen Yu all the way from the teleportation array in the center of Xiangshui City to the southern area of the city.

They entered a townhouse with dozens of floors and an area of thousands of square meters.

"The first floor lobby of the"Kyoto Instance Management Park of Morgan Tongda Group" has detailed instance information introduction, which is convenient for consumers to choose and buy instance tickets.

This instance park has hundreds of novice instances, 52 first-order instances, 23 second-order instances, 10 third-order instances and 2 fourth-order instances. A single first-order instance ticket is priced at 35 gold coins.

For some special instances with high experience, high burst rate and low difficulty, the ticket price will be higher accordingly.

Chen Yu wanted to go to the ticket window to buy a ticket, but Liu Jingming got there first and strongly asked him to sit down and rest for a while, treating him like a boss.

There was no way, Chen Yu's strength was there, Liu Jingming didn't want Chen Yu to continue to harm his own instance in the future, so he could only be more attentive and show his attitude.

Chen Yu looked around and found that in addition to the people of the Tenglong Empire, there were many black and white skins coming and going in this instance park.

In fact, the number of black and white skins was much larger than that of the Tenglong people.

After a while, Liu Jingming came back and handed a crystal card to Chen Yu.

It contained tickets for all the first-order instances in this instance park.

"Why are there so many foreigners here?" Chen Yu asked in confusion,"Even more than the Imperials?"

Liu Jingming smiled and said,"It's normal to have foreigners in Kyoto City."

"Moreover, Morgan Tongda Group is a long-established consortium of the White Eagle Empire. The price of the copy of this park is preferential to the people of the White Eagle Empire."

"Although the prices are lower than other places, the imperial people don't like to come here very much."

"A small number of imperial people think that black and white people are uncivilized barbarians and do not like to contact them."

"In other words, this park was opened by foreigners? The copy is also owned by foreigners?"Chen Yu raised his eyebrows.

He finally understood why Liu Jingming traveled thousands of miles and paid for the teleportation array to bring him here.

"That's right." Liu Jingming also winked at Chen Yu with an expression of"you know".

Chen Yu nodded immediately:"I know!"

The first few floors of the building are filled with various shops, selling weapons, equipment, consumables, and supplies.

At the same time, they also purchase resources and items that professionals swipe out from the dungeon.

There are also restaurants, bars, and various entertainment venues.

There are even stores with small pink lights, and beautiful exotic ladies in cool clothes standing in front.

Some male professionals with fierce faces and tattered clothes, who had just come out of the dungeon, were gently invited into the store by the ladies.

"This is too blatant!" Chen Yu was amazed.

He remembered clearly that Tenglong Empire prohibited such transactions.

Although it was repeatedly banned, once it was discovered, it would inevitably face severe crackdowns.

"Chen Yu has studied our country's laws very well! He is indeed the top scholar, a master of both civil and military affairs!"Liu Jingming exclaimed with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chen Yu clasped his fists.

"In fact, many of the laws of our Tenglong Empire are established for the citizens of the Tenglong Empire, and they are more protective than restrictive."Liu Jingming continued

"For example, the regulation of this type of industry." Liu Jingming pointed to the small pink lamp shop,"It also targets the citizens of the empire."

"Such places are bound to be full of a series of involuntary transactions such as human trafficking, so they are the target of severe crackdowns."

"However, foreigners can do whatever they want, and whether they die or not is none of our business. We can also collect heavy taxes and generate income"

"That's quite appropriate." Chen Yu nodded.

During the conversation, Chen Yu saw a Tenglong man who actually walked into the small pink lamp shop, hugging a black girl.

It can only be said that there are all kinds of strange things in the world.

Even in Kyoto, there are such heavy-tasting weirdos.

"Brother Chen Yu." Liu Jingming suddenly came over and said ambiguously,"If you are interested in foreign girls, I can give you a few clean ones, and the quality is definitely high enough!"

"No, thank you."Chen Yu shook his head quickly.

He hadn't even had time to taste the maid at home, so how could he have the energy to take care of the foreign girl?

Chen Yu didn't pay attention to these strange industries anymore. After going to the food store to buy some snacks, he followed Liu Jingming straight up to the sixteenth floor of the building.

From the sixteenth to the fortieth floor, there are first-level dungeon venues.

Unlike Tenglong University, each dungeon venue here is guarded by a higher-level professional, and fights and disturbances often occur.

Chen Yu swiped his card and walked into the dungeon venue closest to the corridor.

There happened to be a team just coming out of the dungeon.

The ingredients are five white and one black.

As soon as they left the dungeon, the team started arguing.

It seems that Xiao Hei was dissatisfied with the distribution of the dungeon drops. were dissatisfied with the team.

The five little whites immediately spoke harshly to the little black and made sarcastic remarks.

The little black couldn't bear the humiliation, so he picked up a big knife and chopped at the little white who was in the lead.

However, one little black was obviously no match for the five little whites, and was soon beaten without any chance to fight back.

At this moment, another team of six little blacks came out of the copy.

The beaten little black immediately stepped forward to ask for help.

In the new team, three more little blacks rushed towards the five little whites aggressively.

In the venue, skills were flying everywhere, and the floor tiles made of ordinary solid materials were almost cracked.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the professionals who maintained order hurried forward, violently stopped the dispute between the two sides, and directly threw the little blacks and little whites who were making trouble out of the venue one by one.

""Tsk tsk tsk tsk."

Chen Yu smacked his lips, walked around the black and white group with a look of disgust, and walked into the dungeon portal.

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