On the top floor of the Tongda Group's copy park building, in a room made of one-way transparent glass, a gloomy-faced middle-aged man in a suit and tie, looked down at the bustling crowd below through the glass wall.

Maltz Morgan, the regional president of the"Morgan Tongda Group Tenglong Empire Kyoto Region".

All the affairs of the Tongda Group in the Kyoto region are decided by Maltz alone.

Next to Maltz, another white eagle man was slightly bent over, with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Mr. Maltz, why don't you go back to your country and take shelter there for a while?"

"Mork, why do you think I should flee?" Maltz turned around and asked with a smile.

Mork's face kept changing, and finally he said with horror:"Leng Xiong acted on his own and targeted the genius champion of the Tenglong Empire, who was very famous this year. He died in his own home that day."

"He must have been secretly dealt with by the Tamron Empire."

"The relationship with our White Eagle Empire will definitely be exposed."

"It's not safe here anymore!"

"What does Leng Xiong have to do with us?" Maltz asked calmly.

"Leng Xiong's contract was not signed by anyone from our Tongda Group."

"We have never obtained any intelligence from Leng Xiong, or ordered him to take any action."

"Even Leng Xiong himself doesn't know that we have the power to call him"

"No matter how much the Tenglong Empire investigates, it can only find out that we have made a certain degree of investment in Leng Xiong."

Martz walked to the mahogany dining table in the room, poured a glass of red wine, and said slowly:"Remember, we are just ordinary businessmen."

""Yes, Mr. Maltz." Mork's expression eased a little.

Then he asked in confusion,"Why would Leng Xiong, that idiot, act on his own?"

Maltz frowned,"That's what I want to know, too."

"We did not give him any orders to do so."

"Sir."Morke said,"The Tamrons are stupid and greedy."

"Could it be that he wants to use Chen Yu to exchange for sufficient benefits from us?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."Martz nodded,"Chen Yu is really too important."

"In the near future, the world of Blue Star may even change because of him."

"His importance is even greater than all the interests of our Tongda Group in the Tenglong Empire.、"

"The family has issued a mission. If there is a chance to eliminate Chen Yu, they can sacrifice the entire Tenglong area of Tongda Group, or even a greater price!"

"Unfortunately, we have no chance to complete this level of task."

At this moment, Maltz's face suddenly changed.

"Sir? What's wrong?" Mork looked at Maltz in confusion.

"Chen Yu appeared. Maltz's expression was uncertain.

"Appeared? Where?"Morke was slightly stunned.

"This dungeon park under our feet!" Maltz took a deep breath,"is clearing the first-level dungeon at a very fast speed."

"Moreover, all the copies he opened were severely damaged."

"This! This! This……"Mork trembled as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

""Sir!" said Mork quickly,"we are definitely exposed!"

"Maybe it was a domestic spy who exposed our identity!"

"Chen Yu's behavior must be a demonstration by Tenglong University to us! It must be so!"

""Shut up! Idiot!" Maltz said in a low voice.

Mork was immediately silent.

"If we are really exposed, then the one who comes should be the strong man of Tenglong Empire, not Chen Yu himself!"

Martz showed a hint of excitement and greed,"I don't know why he appeared here"

"But this must be our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! A chance to soar to the sky!"


In the dungeon.

Several primordial elves surrounded Chen Yu, chattering about who should take action this time.

This is a dungeon full of undead monsters.

It is a large plain map with a total of five gatekeeper bosses.

At the same time, it is also the last non-defensive dungeon in the Tongda dungeon park.

Chen Yu's job transfer task progress has reached 52/10.

The extra two exceeded the upper limit of the tasks that can improve the evaluation.

However, since the tickets have been bought, it is better to finish them all.

After completing the full-time job, you will not be able to enter the first-level dungeon.

"You don't have to fight anymore."

Chen Yu said with a smile,"This last copy will be left to your mother."

Among all the lives nurtured by the Supreme Holy Land, only the World Tree has never taken action.

It is also the highest level of the Road of Rebirth, and has solved countless spiritual enemies.

Although that way of attacking is equivalent to eating snacks, it has at least allowed Chen Yu to see her fighting style.

"Mother? Emmmm... Master, are you really going to do this?" Xiao Guang asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Chen Yu nodded,"Get out of the way! I'm going to summon your mother!"

The seven elves heard this, their faces changed, and they flew to Chen Yu collectively, holding Chen Yu tightly.

Chen Yu smiled and communicated with the Supreme Holy Land.

The next moment.

A crack appeared in the space in front of Chen Yu.

A small piece of tender branch stretched out from the crack.

The bark of the branch was green, only more than ten centimeters long, and very slender.


At the moment the branch appeared, the surrounding space began to appear like a spider web of dense black cracks.

The slender branches swayed slightly.

The black cracks suddenly extended infinitely in all directions, dividing the space in the entire copy into countless tiny pieces.

Not only space.

Even time, there was chaos.

Chen Yu could clearly see that in some fragments, the flow of time was slow, while in some fragments, time was passing rapidly.

A few seconds later, the branches of the World Tree stretched out a few centimeters again.

The degree of space fragmentation and the degree of time chaos suddenly intensified.

Then, in the space divided into countless pieces, all the matter began to slowly dissipate and decompose into tiny particles

【Kill a level 60 Skeleton Archer, experience +600+60】

【Kill level 70 poisonous zombies, experience +700+70】


In an instant, numerous kill notification sounds rang out.

Then, the dungeon destruction warning, which was no longer surprising,

【Tip: The copy is settled. You have 10 minutes to rest. You can also choose to exit the copy immediately.】

【Warning: Because the copy is severely damaged, you have lost your rest time and are ready to be forced to transfer——】

"Is that the end?"

Chen Yu was a little regretful.

The World Tree showed a branch less than half a meter long, and the copy was directly broken!

"Too fragile!"

"Even a tiny part of the World Tree cannot bear it."

Just as Chen Yu was waiting to be teleported, the branches of the World Tree suddenly passed through the space crack and extended a full meter in length.

At this moment, the scarred copy space suddenly shattered.

The space that was originally cut into pieces completely turned into nothingness.


【Warning! The current copy damage level has reached 100%】

【Warning: The current instance is completely destroyed and your loot can no longer be collected】

【Warning: The current copy is completely destroyed, your clearance evaluation is invalid, and the clearance reward is invalid.

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