Almost at the same time, Chen Yu appeared directly in the dungeon venue outside.

At the same time, there were dozens of black and white people, who were confused and had no idea what was going on.

"Click, click, click——"

A loud noise woke everyone up.

Tiny cracks quickly covered the dungeon portal.

Then, the dungeon portal completely turned into a pile of powder.


A little black man looked at the remains of the copy portal with a puzzled look in his head.

""Ugh! Buy! Gah!" A newbie also exclaimed in disbelief.

"I was fighting monsters in a dungeon when I suddenly heard a message saying that the dungeon was completely damaged and I was teleported out. Do you know what happened?" a tall and thin young man asked.

"I feel the same way!" a black man answered

"Me too!"Me too!""……"

This is probably the first time that Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have experienced such an event.

Perhaps, it will also be the only time in their lives.


"If I had known, I would not have summoned the World Tree."

Chen Yu felt a little regretful.

The World Tree had damaged the dungeon.

As a result, all his settlement rewards were lost.

Leaving the dungeon venue, Liu Jingming was waiting outside.

"What's wrong with you?"

Liu Jingming looked at Chen Yu's gloomy expression and couldn't help asking

"Oh no, forget it, I accidentally broke the copy." Chen Yu waved his hands and said sadly

"Uh." Liu Jingming didn't know what to say for a moment.

Destroy the copy?

Isn't this your normal operation?

How many copies have you destroyed that were not damaged?

You were so cruel to the copies in school, and you felt sorry for this foreign copy?

Isn't this just false sympathy?

"It's fine if it's broken." Chen Yu continued,"The key is that the settlement rewards were all blacklisted for me."

"There are also many black and white ones who were kicked out."

Chen Yu pointed to the passage of the dungeon venue, and a group of black and white ones were coming out in groups.

"All the settlement rewards are gone, and everyone in the copy is kicked out?"Liu Jingming was immediately sweating.

There is only one situation where the copy does not give settlement rewards and kicks out all the professionals in the copy.

That is, the copy was attacked beyond its limit in an instant and was completely destroyed.

A copy in this situation is considered to be completely scrapped and cannot be repaired.

To completely destroy a first-level copy, is it a forbidden spell cast by a taboo master in the copy?

"Oh my god, what on earth did this guy accidentally do?"Liu Jingming couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

"Forget it, forget it. I don’t dare to think about this young master’s affairs, nor do I dare to ask about them."

""Ahem, um, classmate Chen Yu, do you want to brush the first-level dungeon? If you do, I'll take you somewhere else." Liu Jingming asked casually.

"Forget it, no need, let's go."Chen Yu shook his head.

The job transfer task has been completed, and there is no point in brushing the first-level copy.

""Okay, okay, let's go, let's go!" Liu Jingming nodded quickly.

Now, in Liu Jingming's eyes, Chen Yu is no longer just a super genius.

Liu Jingming himself knows that he can't completely destroy the first-level copy.

In fact, facing this level of attack, he doesn't even have the qualifications to resist. If

Chen Yu can completely destroy the first-level copy in less than a minute, then naturally he can also completely destroy Liu Jingming.

"This is outrageous!"

"Fortunately, I had a positive attitude before and didn't provoke him."

"Otherwise, the director of Tenglong University’s copy management office might have to be replaced!"


Walking on the road, Chen Yu first used the skill points obtained in the dungeon to upgrade all his skills.

Then he opened the task panel and submitted the settlement of the job transfer task.

In an instant, dozens of prompt sounds sounded at the same time.

【Tip: You have completed the second-level promotion task】

【Task settlement in progress……】

【Settlement completed】

【[Second-level promotion task]

Task difficulty: Purgatory level

Executor: Chen Yu

Task content: Within one month, clear at least ten first-level dungeons of Purgatory difficulty, with a clearance score of no less than SS level.

Task completion: Super perfect (within one day, clear 50 first-level dungeons of Purgatory difficulty, with clearance scores of SSS level)

【Reward settlement in progress……】

【Settlement completed】

【Tip: Your second-level promotion task has been completed, and you will receive the following rewards:】

【Basic Reward 1: The highest level limit is opened to level 150】

【Basic Reward 2: Gain +2 skill slots】

【Basic Reward 3: Obtain qualification to learn second-level skills】

【Basic Reward 4: Potential Star Level +2 (Racial Potential 1 Star + Occupational Potential 1 Star)】

【Basic Reward 5: Gain professional attribute vitality +10】

【Additional Reward 1: Gain Potential Star Level +12】

【Additional Reward 2: Gain professional attribute vitality +500】

【Additional Reward 3: All max-level first-order skills are promoted to second-order skills】

【Additional Reward 4: Obtain the mythical skill"Attribute Sharing"]

Since the level limit is opened, a large amount of experience stored in the experience pool is converted into Chen Yu's own level

【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been raised to level 101.】

【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been raised to level 102】

【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been raised to level 103.】


【The experience pool has been used up, and your level has been upgraded to level 115.

The upgraded light continued to shine from Chen Yu, causing him to instantly turn into a human-shaped little sun.


Liu Jingming, who was walking beside Chen Yu, was startled.

He was stunned for several seconds before he realized what had happened.

He thought to himself,"Sure enough, this person who keeps brushing dungeons has a special mission, and it's a job transfer mission."

"If you can destroy the dungeon, your rating will be at least SS or above."

"SSS level is very likely"

"That is���, the job transfer task requirement for this person is to obtain a large number of super-high-level copy evaluations?"

"According to the types of job transfer tasks collected by the academy, the job transfer tasks that need to meet this requirement are definitely nightmare level or even purgatory level!"

""Forget it, forget it, it has nothing to do with me! It has nothing to do with me!"

Liu Jingming's forehead was covered with cold sweat again.

How could he know about this kind of thing?

Most geniuses like to publicize that they have completed difficult job transfer tasks.

The purpose is to attract the attention of the upper level and seek more resources for their own development.

But the one in front of him obviously has no such need.

As an official of Tenglong University, Liu Jingming knows very well that for geniuses of this level, any information is top secret.

If you ask for no reason and spread it, you will lose your head!

Thinking of this, Liu Jingming immediately stepped forward as if nothing had happened. He turned a blind eye to the abnormality that happened to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu did not notice Liu Jingming either. He was checking his attribute changes and newly acquired skills.

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