At first, Chen Yu was ready to teach this group of black and white Qiao a lesson.

Seeing injustice, a hero saves a beauty.

This was the first time he had encountered such a plot.

However, after he carefully sensed the situation of the girl and the two black Qiao, he realized that he was being sentimental.

The energy level of the girl who was dragged away was very high, almost reaching a quarter of Chen Yu's own.

In other words, her professional attribute was above 500 points.

Moreover, it was an extremely explosive and aggressive energy.

Combined with her dress, she should be an assassin.

And the two black Qiao, the professional attribute is estimated to be less than 50 points.

A professional with a professional attribute of more than 500 points was dragged away by two professionals with a professional attribute of less than 50 in public?

Isn't this clearly role-playing?

Think about it again, where is this place?

The satellite city of Kyoto City in the Tenglong Empire!

The two mud heads openly bullied the female citizens of the Tenglong Empire. Are they tired of living?

"Fortunately, I was smart, otherwise I would have made a blind shot."

Chen Yu secretly rejoiced.

If he really went up to"rescue the beauty", wouldn't it disturb her interest?

Maybe the female professional would turn against him on the spot.

Although it was a pity that an excellent woman from the Tenglong Empire was abused by two clay figures.

But sometimes, it is necessary to put aside the complex of helping others and respect other people's choices.

The female professional's cry for help still rang intermittently in Chen Yu's ears.

A group of black and white Qiao were still watching from the side.

"This is a public place, don't you know how to restrain yourself?"Chen Yu shook his head and walked away.

However, in the stairwell on the next floor, a similar scene was staged.

Two black and one white chocolates stopped a female professional from the Tenglong Empire.

The female professional looked panicked, waving her weapon randomly and retreating.

Soon, she retreated to Chen Yu's side.

"Please! Save me!" The female professional pulled Chen Yu's sleeve, pleading pitifully and helplessly with tears in her eyes.

A black chocolate came up arrogantly, put her hands behind her back, and said to Chen Yu with her nose up,"Little guy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!"

The other black and white ones also surrounded Chen Yu from two other directions.

Chen Yu was furious on the spot.

It's okay for you to play role-playing games, but why did you drag an innocent passerby like me into the set?

And I have to play against a black chocolate?

"Get out!"

Chen Yu kicked Hei Qiao in the chest.


There was a sound of bone fracture.

Hei Qiao flew backwards and hit the wall in the corridor.


A bunch of items exploded from Hei Qiao.

This was just an ordinary first-level Hei Qiao. How could it withstand a blow of 15,000 points of strength from Chen Yu?

If it was a Tenglong person, Chen Yu might have shown some mercy.

How dare a Hei Qiao take advantage of him? Who gave it the courage?

Seeing that Hei Qiao had exploded the gold coins, the remaining one black and one white showed a look of horror, turned around and ran away, not daring to say a single harsh word.

Chen Yu waved his hand lightly.

An illusory vine whip appeared out of thin air and rolled up the one black and one white.

The vine whip retracted slightly.

The one black and one white suddenly became 0.5*4, and a bunch of miscellaneous items exploded.

Then, Chen Yu summoned a gluttonous demon spirit and pointed at the remains of the three black and white Qiaos.

"Obey...your orders, lord."

Three flower stems emerged from behind the gluttonous demon spirit, and three huge bright flowers bloomed in an instant.

A few seconds later, the residue disappeared without a trace, and not a drop of blood was left.

The three black and white chocolates seemed to have never appeared.

After eating the chocolate, the gluttonous demon spirit stood beside Chen Yu obediently, motionless.

Chen Yu looked at the female professional of the Tenglong Empire beside him with a slightly cold look.

The female professional swallowed hard and forced a smile,"Thank you for saving me."

Her voice trembled, and her fear was evident.

"You're welcome." Chen Yu smiled.

"Well, let's go!" The female professional tried to calm down and said,"Their identities are not simple."

"Moreover, since you killed people in Tongda Park, Tongda Group will not let us go!"

"Not simple? How complicated can it be?"Chen Yu didn't care.

"These three people attacked me, can't I fight back?"

"My problem will be judged by the law enforcement department of the Free Empire.

Tongda Group is a business organization, what can it do to me?"

The female professional heard this and said anxiously:"You are still a student of the Professional College, right?"

"The world is not what you think!"

"The light of the law cannot illuminate every dark corner"

"You killed the VIP of Tongda Group, they lost face and will definitely attack you secretly!"

"Come with me! I'll take you to a safe place!"

The female professional grabbed Chen Yu's arm and tried to pull him away.

However, even if she tried her best, Chen Yu still stood there, motionless.

Chen Yu slowly pulled back his arm and smiled slightly.

"Thank you for your concern. In that case, let's go."

Then, he slowly started walking.

""Hurry up! Otherwise it will be too late!"

The female professional looked anxious and grabbed Chen Yu's arm again.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed by.

The female professional instantly turned into a headless corpse.

Blood gushed out like a pillar.


Chen Yu quickly took a step back to prevent himself from being sprayed with blood.

The gluttonous demon spirit happily stretched out a man-eating flower and swallowed the remains of the female professional.

"Can you let me know before you do it?"

Chen Yu looked at the black robed loli with dissatisfaction.

She had been squatting in the corner of the stairs for a long time and witnessed Chen Yu's"hero rescue".

When Chen Yu just walked into the stairwell, he noticed her presence.

But before, he only thought she was a spectator, and he didn't expect her to suddenly kill people.

"She has bad intentions towards you." Sang Loli said calmly,"I helped you solve the problem."

"Thank you so much!" Chen Yu's face darkened.

If the female professional upstairs who was dragged away by two clay figures was just an accident, then the purpose of the four role-playing people approaching him was very obvious.

The low-level plot of a hero saving a beauty is fine to deceive the hot-blooded young hero.

Using this trick to deal with Chen Yu is obviously an insult to his IQ.

He kept the female professional just to follow the clues and find out which unruly people wanted to harm me.

As a result, before the melon was touched, this"vine" was directly cut by Sang Loli.

For a moment, Chen Yu was depressed and couldn't help pinching Sang Loli's delicate face.

Sang Loli suddenly widened her eyes, touched her pinched face, and glared at Chen Yu.

Then, she jumped up, pinched Chen Yu's cheeks with both hands, and pulled hard.


Chen Yu gasped in pain.

""Humph! Fight with me!"

Sang Loli rubbed her hands triumphantly.

Chen Yu's mouth twitched, and he secretly reached out to Sang Loli's face again.


Sang Loli slapped Chen Yu's hand away and raised her eyebrows at him.

Then she tilted her face towards Chen Yu and slapped her chubby face twice.

"You asked for it!"

Chen Yu was furious. With his 15,000 points of agility, he grabbed Sang Loli's face with lightning speed.


Sang Loli glanced at Chen Yu in disbelief, then reached out and grabbed Chen Yu's face, pulling it out.

After a few seconds of stalemate, neither of them wanted to let go, and they both increased their strength.

Chen Yu's eyes widened in anger, and Sang Loli also grimaced in pain.


The top floor of the Tongda Instance Park.

Regional President Maltz frowned.

Mork asked nervously:"Sir, should we continue with the arrangements?"

"It's useless." Maltz shook his head and said,"It's too deliberate and the other party will easily see through it."

"Damn it!" Mork clenched his fists."Who on earth is that assassin? If it weren't for her, our plan might have succeeded!"

"Sir! Can't we just……"

Mork looked sinister, and made a knife-like gesture with his fingers, making a downward cutting gesture.

"No way." Maltz said,"Don't forget, this is the Tamron Empire."

"Judging from the strength shown by the assassin just now, he must be at least a high-level or even super-level strongman."

"This person is obviously a strong man who is protecting Chen Yu."

"We have no chance of killing anyone under her watch."

"Even if we do this, we can't escape the stranglehold of the Tenglong Empire."

"Are we just going to have to watch such a huge contribution disappear in vain?" Mork said unwillingly,"and suffer huge losses?"

"Just some first-level copies, not much of a loss." Maltz said calmly.

"Besides, we have other methods to use."

After saying that, Maltz tapped the table a few times.

A picture was projected in front of the two.

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