The screen shows a scene in the novice dungeon area.

In a dungeon hall, four girls are walking out together.

After leaving the dungeon hall, two girls go downstairs and leave the dungeon park.

The other two girls go into the public lounge to recover, apparently preparing to continue challenging the dungeon after a rest.

"The second-ranked talent in the Tamron Empire this year." Maltz smiled.

"Go and tell that idiot in the Bruce family"


In the stairwell, Liu Jingming walked up with his crystal card in his arms, his hands behind his back, and humming a little tune.

23 second-level copies! How much money has this saved for Tenglong University!

Liu Jingming felt that he was simply an unsung hero who secretly protected the academy!

When he turned a corner, a scene of a boy and a girl fighting each other came into view.

Liu Jingming's smile froze slightly.

Then he turned 180 degrees on the spot, and continued to hum a little tune and walked forward with an unchanged expression.

"I'm getting old and my eyesight has been a little blurry lately. I have to buy a bottle of eye drops."

Chen Yu and Sang Loli, who were secretly competing, let go of their hands at the same time.

However, both of them put on masks of pain.

Fortunately, they are all professionals, so if they don't lose blood, it won't be considered an injury, and they will recover soon.

"Who are you?" Chen Yu couldn't help asking.

From the information given by the detection technique, Sang Loli was only a first-level professional.

But a first-level professional would never be able to fight Chen Yu to the same level in close combat.

Even if Chen Yu was not serious and was just playing around, it was impossible


Sang Loli turned around angrily.


Chen Yu smacked his lips.

He flirted with lolita girls all day, but he didn't expect that today he would be pinched on the face by a lolita girl.

"Little sister, tell me what your name is!"

Chen Yu smiled amiably, peeled a lollipop and fed it to Sang Loli.

Sang Loli glanced at Chen Yu, took the lollipop, and stuffed it into Chen Yu's mouth.

"I! Don’t! Eat! Sweets!!"

Chen Yu was stunned.

He chewed the candy and swallowed it, then took out a bag of meat jerky and handed it to the little girl.

"That's good enough!"

Sang Loli took the meat jerky with satisfaction, then turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet!" Chen Yu shouted

"I won't tell you!"

Muffled echoes came from all directions.

Chen Yu shook his head and walked down the stairs.

Liu Jingming was standing at the stairs, like a pillar, motionless.

Chen Yu patted Liu Jingming's shoulder.

Liu Jingming turned around and handed a crystal card to Chen Yu with a smile.

"This is the ticket to the second-level copy of Tongda Park. Would you like to continue?"

"No hurry." Chen Yu put the crystal card into his pocket,"Old Liu, tell me, who was that idiot just now?"

Liu Jingming suddenly shuddered all over and shook his head like an electric fan.

"What is her strength?" Chen Yu asked again,"Sixth level? Seventh level?"

Liu Jingming was motionless, his eyes watching his nose and his nose watching his heart.

""Huh, it's actually a taboo?!" Chen Yu said in surprise.

Liu Jingming's expression suddenly turned bitter, and he looked around nervously, fearing that a shadow would jump out from a corner and hit him on the head with a brick.

"Is she following me to protect me?" Chen Yu continued to ask

"I really don't know!" Liu Jingming smiled bitterly.

What is the forbidden strong man doing? Is it something that a weakling of the sixth level, a small official, should know?

Chen Yu nodded, flipped his hand, and a scarlet red spider lily appeared between his fingers.

Then, with a slight shake, the petals scattered and floated away automatically without wind.

On the roof of the Tongda Park Building, a large area of crimson flowers bloomed.


Sang Loli, who was squatting on the ground, was startled and flew up three feet high.

After taking a closer look, she found that these flowers actually formed the two big words"Thank you".

Sang Loli was stunned at first.

Then a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She leaned down, stretched out her hand, and tried to touch these bright and sad flowers that exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

The moment she touched them, the flowers suddenly withered and turned into a cloud of dust and dissipated.

"Beep Beep——"

A large number of lollipops fell out of the flowers and landed on the ground.

Sang Loli's smile froze and her mouth quickly pouted.

After a moment, she showed a sinister smile again, picked up all the lollipops, and put them in her arms.


In a novice dungeon venue in Tongda Park, five men and one woman walked out of the dungeon portal.

Among them, four white men looked tired and dusty.

The white man in the middle of the team was spotless and relaxed.

He was holding the only girl in the team in his arms and flirting with her from time to time.

Robbins Bruce.

A new generation of professionals from the Bruce family of the White Eagle Empire.

The Bruce family, like the Morgan family, is a chaebol family that has been passed down for thousands of years in the White Eagle Empire.

Since the Tenglong Empire became the overlord of Blue Star, the upper forces of other countries in Blue Star like to send their new generations to the Tenglong Empire to study abroad.

Robbins is one of the chaebol students.

However, when he came to the Tenglong Empire, he was not interested in improving his strength and enriching his knowledge.

The only thing he was interested in was the women of the Tenglong Empire.

The higher the status and the higher the talent, the more obsessed he was.

In less than two months of going to the Tenglong Empire, he had already used various means to win over several girls from the Tenglong Empire.

Since his targets were girls from poor families and he gave them huge compensation afterwards, nothing serious happened.

"You guys recover and then continue." Robbins said to his four men,"Within this month, I will reach level 50 and complete the job change."

"As you command, sir." The four men immediately began to use the supplies.

At this time, another team came over, talking and laughing.

"Unexpectedly, the second genius of Tenglong Empire would also go to Tongda Park to play a copy."

"I know this. I heard that the price of the internal copies of Tenglong University is very high. Many geniuses of Tenglong University will go outside when they need a lot of experience to upgrade their levels."

"I've heard of Su, a genius born in a small town, whose family conditions were not good."

"Indeed, she couldn't even put together a set of epic equipment for the novice period."

"etc.——"Robbins immediately stepped forward to stop the team

"Taylor, what were you talking about just now?"

In this team, the two people who just talked, like Robbins, are international students sent to the Tenglong Empire by the chaebol family to gild their reputation.

"Robbins?" Taylor turned his head."Haven't you heard of it?"

"Su, a civilian genius from Tenglong University, ranked second in this year's Tenglong Empire College Entrance Examination Ranking Competition"

"Of course I've heard of it!" Robbins smiled,"You mean, she is in this copy park?"

"Yes." Taylor answered, then looked at Robbins in astonishment and said in an exaggerated tone:

"Oh! Great Mr. Bruce! I know your hobbies! Are you looking for a chance to fuck her?"

"She is the second genius of the Tamron Empire. Although she is very poor, you can't deal with her."

"Where is she?" Robbins asked anxiously.

"Are you sure?" Taylor looked at Robbins in astonishment.

"Of course!" Robbins answered decisively.

A poor talented girl from Tenglong University.

And she also had the halo of second place in the college entrance examination ranking competition.

Robbins' heartbeat doubled.

He knew that he was not worthy of such a girl.

However, just by sleeping with her, she would get a huge fortune. Which girl who was short of money would refuse?

He even fantasized that if this girl became a super strong person in the future, he could proudly show off to the people around him: A certain strong woman in the Tenglong Empire slept with me before!

"You'd better not mess around." Taylor looked alert,"That kind of person is not someone you can mess with.""

"Tell me, please!"

Robbins took out a Professional Bank anonymous gold card and handed it to Taylor,"I'll buy you a drink."

""Okay!" Taylor reluctantly accepted the gold card.

"It seems that if I don't tell you where Su is today, you won't let me go."

"7th floor lounge"

"I'm warning you! Don't mess around!"

"Thank you!"

Robins was overjoyed and left in a hurry with several of his men.



Taylor put the gold card in his pocket and sneered at Robbins' back.

"Nothing will happen, right?"

"If that idiot really hurts Su, we will be implicated too!"

Taylor's teammates frowned and said

"What could possibly happen?" Taylor sneered,"You came late, so you don't know"

"This is Mr. Maltz from the Morgan family using this idiot to set up a trap to make friends with Su, the super genius of Tamron University."

"That idiot knows everything.���No, I can only be a poor clown."

"Haha, he won't react and cause trouble for you afterwards, right?" The teammate laughed.

"I didn't do anything, why should he bother me? He asked me to tell him." Taylor patted his pocket.

"Besides, that idiot couldn't possibly react."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

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