"What's going on?"

Lu Pingping looked at the man in a white suit who looked more like a businessman than a professional, and then looked at the professional team with luxurious equipment beside him.

"The rich man you've always dreamed of is here to find you, come on."

Su Miaoyue patted Lu Pingping's shoulder.

"Forget it, I can't afford it."

Lu Pingping shuddered.

"You are Miss Su Miaoyue, right?" The man in the white suit walked up to Su Miaoyue and smiled elegantly.

""I'm sorry, you got the wrong person. I'm not Su Miaoyue." Su Miaoyue said quickly, then pulled Lu Pingping away.

"Rich man, I'm looking for you!" Lu Pingping said with a grin.

"Come on, let's go, it's definitely not a good thing."Su Miaoyue's face was full of gloom.

Thanks to her reputation as a genius and her relationship with Chen Yu, there are not too many wealthy people looking for her during this period.

Most of them want to pay some resources to trick her into signing a contract to sell her body.

Or they promise to provide her with a lot of resources, but hint that they want to get to know Chen Yu through her.

She, Su Miaoyue, has never seen the world, and her family is at the bottom of the Tenglong University.

But after all, it is a famous family in the city, and she still understands some of the ways of the world.

Do these people really treat her as a country girl? The man in the white suit froze, and quickly took two steps back, blocking Su Miaoyue again

"Miss Su, let me introduce myself. My name is Robbins, and I come from the Bruce family of the White Eagle Empire."

"Silver Heart Group is the property of our Bruce family."


"Don't sign the contract, don't sign the agreement, don't contact Chen Yu, you can find someone else." Su Miaoyue said patiently

"Uh." Robbins was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"Miss Su, you are worrying too much. I don't need to sign any contract agreement with Miss Su, nor do I need to contact Chen Yu."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Su Miaoyue asked in surprise.

"I admire Miss Su's talent and beauty, so I want to get to know her and make friends with her." Bruce flipped his hand and took out a rose from the inventory.

"I wonder if I will have the honor to have dinner with Miss Su?"

Robbins handed the rose to Su Miaoyue.

""Wow, that's rare!" Lu Pingping couldn't help but exclaim.

Seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls are at the age of youth.

In addition to improving their strength and enriching their knowledge, it is normal for them to hold hands and fall in love.

If the two parties have a high degree of professional compatibility and are from the same team, the probability of them developing a good impression of each other is even higher.

But she and Su Miaoyue are different.

Both of them have been labeled as Chen Yu, and ordinary boys dare not approach them.

The man in front of him is the first one to flirt with Su Miaoyue openly.

It must be said that he is really brave.

"Thank you for your kindness." Su Miaoyue said calmly,"But we have already had dinner, so we won't bother you."

"That's a pity." Robbins said,"Then, can I invite Miss Su to go shopping in Xiangshui City with me?"

"I can buy a first- and second-order epic suit for Miss Su, just as a... souvenir."

At this point, Robbins smiled proudly.

When he made this request, those girls from the Tenglong Empire who were not well-off generally agreed.

For other girls, he proposed a set of epic novice suits.

Facing Su Miaoyue, he had invested a lot of money.

The first- and second-order epic suits would make even a rich young master feel distressed.

After all, the family's wealth was not his wealth. With his strength and prestige, he did not have much money at his disposal.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I won't accept the reward without merit, so forget it."Su Miaoyue shook her head.

In fact, the first and second-level epic suits were not very useful to her.

Chen Yu took her to the dungeon, and the dungeon treasure chests she obtained were enough to make up a complete set of novice-level legendary equipment.

In terms of effect, it was not worse than the first-level epic equipment.

The credits she brought with her when she enrolled could also be exchanged for a set of high-quality equipment.

Moreover, even if she really needed equipment, she would not agree to this person's request.

There is no free lunch in the world, and she still understands this truth.

Lu Pingping winked at the side and even sent a message to Su Miaoyue through the friend panel.

"Why don't you agree to him?"

"What a good guy!"

"Can't I just extort some money from him and run away? Would he dare to chase me to Tenglong University?"

Su Miaoyue glared at Lu Pingping and also replied to the message on the friend panel.

"You think about catching a sucker every day, but if you really catch one, who knows if it is a sucker or a piranha?"

"Don't forget, you are Chen Yu's concubine. Be more restrained in your words and deeds and don't embarrass Chen Yu."

Although she and Chen Yu have no real relationship, people's words are scary.

In the eyes of many people, she and Lu Pingping are indeed Chen Yu's women.

As long as Chen Yu does not publicly say that he has no relationship with them, the reputation of both parties is one. If there is any scandal between her and Lu Pingping, it will definitely affect Chen Yu's reputation.

After Su Miaoyue said this, Lu Pingping stopped making trouble and just kept grinning on the side.

Seeing that Su Miaoyue did not agree, Robbins took out a gold card from the Professional Bank. He pinched it between his middle finger and index finger, shook it in front of Su Miaoyue, and said in a superior tone:

"Miss Su, as long as you accompany me for a walk, you can not only get a set of first-level and second-level epic equipment"

"The 1 million gold coins here are also yours."

This time Robbins spoke a little louder.

People in the lounge looked at him sideways.

"Epic level 1 and 2 suits, 1 million gold coins? To pick up girls?"

"Oh, is that Teddy Robbins? That's fine."

"Damn rich man, damn capitalist, he should be hanged on the street lamp!"

"My dear Nidic, are you going to hang yourself?"

"No no no, I'm a poor man"

"Wait, that woman is Su from Tamron University?"

"Who is Su?"

"Tenglong Empire’s runner-up in this year’s college entrance examination!"

"Oh my god! Is Robbins crazy? A girl of this level must be at least a rank seven strongman in the future, right? Is this something he can touch? It would be better if the heir of their Bruce family came over!"

"A saying from the Tenglong Empire: A toad wants to eat swan flesh, hahaha!"

"He is just a waste. If he was not born in the Bruce family, he would be no different from those mud legs at the bottom."

"There is no difference now, just a family parasite"

"He deserves such a woman? What a joke!"

The sarcastic voice came into Robbins' ears, and immediately made him angry.

""Miss Su, what do you think of my proposal?"

Robbins said, signaling to his four subordinates.

Four level 50 professionals wearing luxurious equipment spread out in all directions, blocking Su Miaoyue's way.

"Please move aside, we are leaving." Su Miaoyue frowned and pressed the hilt of the sword at her waist with her right hand.

Lu Pingping also noticed that the atmosphere was not right and immediately stood in front of Su Miaoyue, bending her waist slightly.

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