"What's going on?"

Lu Pingping was ready to go, with a lot of questions in her mind.

It was normal for a rich man to want to pursue Su Miaoyue, so why did they become so tense before they finished speaking? Did that foreign rich man want to force himself on them?

This was the Tenglong Empire!

How could there be such an arrogant foreigner?

"This is just an idiot."

Su Miaoyue looked at Robbins, who looked a little impatient, and was secretly alert.

"Those people in the back are warming themselves by the fire."

"Someone is using him to set a trap for me.

The current situation is not favorable to her.

There are many foreigners in Tongda Park.

Robbins may have other helpers.

"Mr. Robbins."Su Miaoyue said patiently,"Since you know me, has no one told you that I have a boyfriend?"

In the lounge, the black and white couple in the back were still sneering and provoking Robbins with words.

At this time, Robbins was already a little jealous.

Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping were alone at this time, and in his opinion, they were already within his reach.

He couldn't help but imagine how he would be proud in front of the group of bastards who looked down on him after he got the girl in front of him who had the reputation of the second talent in the Tenglong Empire.

Moreover, when he thought of Su Miaoyue, a woman at the top of the pyramid of the Tenglong Empire, being conquered by himself, it was as if he had stepped on the entire Tenglong Empire.

It's ridiculous.

But sometimes, those who have lower IQ and rationality than normal people cannot be guessed by ordinary people's thinking patterns.

"Miss Su!"

Robbins panted, took a step forward, and stared at Su Miaoyue,"It's not important!"

"I don’t ask for much!"

"Just stay with me for one day!"

"just one time!"

"I can give you whatever you want!"

"Money, equipment, potions, skill books……"

"From now on, we can be strangers to each other, and your boyfriend won’t know anything."

"Aren't these exactly what you need?"

"You accompany me for a day, and we both get what we want. Is this difficult for you?"

Instantly, a great sense of shame surged in her heart, and Su Miaoyue looked at Robbins with dangerous eyes. Any normal woman would be extremely angry if someone suddenly asked her how much she would pay for a day. This is human nature. Moreover, a girl like Su Miaoyue, a genius, would be very angry.

"You! Seeking! Death!"

Su Miaoyue stepped forward, slightly bent her waist, tightly grasped the hilt of the sword at her waist with her right hand, and locked her eyes on Robbins.


Lu Pingping, who was standing by, finished dressing in an instant.

She changed from a weak girl to a heroic female general wearing bright armor, holding a red tasseled spear, and wearing a silver helmet.

""Go! Catch them!"

Robbins shouted angrily to his four men.

Two level 50 professionals immediately approached Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping.

The other two began to prepare spells.

Lu Pingping waved her spear and stepped forward.

Su Miaoyue remained in the posture of bending over and holding the sword, and even closed her eyes.

Robbins' two melee professionals were a warrior and an assassin.

The warrior rushed towards Lu Pingping with a big sword in his hand.

The assassin quietly went around to the side and back of Lu Pingping.

"Ding ding ding——"

Lu Pingping and the warrior professional engaged in close combat and exchanged several quick blows.

The strength of the level 50 warrior was obviously stronger than Lu Pingping.

The power of the heavy sword made her palm hurt.

Neither side used any skills.

Lu Pingping was because the lounge was too small and she couldn't use her knight skills.

The warrior professional didn't dare to use heavy hands.

This is a genius student of Tenglong University. If he was really seriously injured or killed.

Then, his whole family would not be able to survive.

After both sides trembled for a few moves, the assassin professional suddenly rushed behind Lu Pingping and kicked Lu Pingping in the waist.

Lu Pingping immediately fell sideways.

The warrior professional stood up and slapped Lu Pingping with the blade of the heavy sword.

Lu Pingping quickly rolled to avoid it and jumped up quickly.

She glanced at Su Miaoyue from the corner of her eye.

Su Miaoyue nodded slightly.

Lu Pingping smiled slightly, put the red tassel spear behind her back, and suddenly spoke with a serious expression

"Since I got this legendary skill, no one has been able to force me into a situation where I need to use it!"

"Since you insist on going too far today, let me show you the power of legendary skills!"

"Legendary skills?!"Robins was horrified,"Protect me!"

The two melee professionals were also startled and quickly retreated. The two ranged professionals who were guarding behind and in front of Robbins watched Lu Pingping's movements with vigilance.

"Remember, this move is called the Thirteen Deadly Shots!"

Lu Pingping waved the red tasseled spear in her hand and made a gun flower, then slowly spoke

"My longing for Changsha is endless, and my short longing for you is endless!"

""Chang Xiang Si Xi... What does it mean?" The two melee professionals under Robbins looked at each other.

They could only say that it was indeed a legendary ability, so mysterious that they couldn't even understand the name.

However, this also made them more alert, fearing that Lu Pingping would suddenly explode.

""The first shot, lovesickness!" Lu Pingping suddenly thrust the spear in her hand forward.

Robbins and his four professionals suddenly felt their hair stand on end.

Robbins himself even tore open a defensive magic scroll to protect himself.

However, the imagined horrific damage did not come, and nothing even happened.

At this moment, Lu Pingping said again:"The thirteen fatal shots are like waves in the sea. Since you have given me the opportunity to build up momentum, there is no possibility of turning over!"

"Damn it! It turned out to be a combo skill! I just missed the best chance to interrupt her." Luo Xi's face changed drastically.

At this time, he did not dare to send out the professionals around him rashly, for fear that Lu Pingping would suddenly attack him.

""The world is not far away, the second shot, heartbroken!" Lu Pingping made another gun flower and stabbed forward.

Robbins stared at the tip of Lu Pingping's gun, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he grabbed the backs of the two melee professionals with both hands, blocking them in front of him.

A second later, when he found that this shot had no substantial attack, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his mood became heavier.

Because combo skills have a charging effect, the power of the next attack must be stronger than the previous one.

Legendary combo skills! Who knows how powerful the next attack is?

Thinking of this, Robbins couldn't help but take out another defense scroll and held it in his hand.

"It seems that you also want to see the full power of the legendary energy!" Lu Pingping said slowly with a lonely expression of a master,"Well, I will fulfill your wish today!"

"Seeing is believing, the third shot, Blind Dragon!"

"The universe is flowing under the sky, the moon is like a hook and hard to find, the fourth shot, romantic!"


Dozens of seconds passed.

Watching Lu Pingping reciting lines that he couldn't understand while dancing with her gun in a flashy way, Robbins felt something was wrong.

Logically speaking, a warrior's skills, whether combo or charging, shouldn't be so fancy and long.

Even if it's a legendary ability, it has to follow the basic principles!

Thinking of this, Robbins realized that he must have been fooled by the other party.

Seeing that Lu Pingping had an expression of trying not to laugh when she waved the gun, Robbins was immediately furious:

"Damn it! I was fooled! She doesn't have any legendary skills! She is stalling for time! Come on!"

Lu Pingping sighed,"Forget it, when will the fighting end? Let this sword end the feud between us!"

"Damn woman, you still want to deceive me, you clearly used a gun!"Robbins was furious.

Lu Pingping smiled strangely, jumped lightly, and jumped to the side.

And behind her... was Su Miaoyue!

Because Su Miaoyue stood still, Robbins' four men did not attack her first, and planned to deal with Lu Pingping first.

However, at this time, Su Miaoyue, who closed her eyes and bent her body, actually gave them a great sense of oppression.

It was like a towering mountain, and like a sword hanging over their heads.

At this moment, Su Miaoyue opened her eyes instantly.

Professional passive sword drawing!


The sword at his waist suddenly came out of its sheath three inches.

Apart from that, there was no other movement.

However, Robbins, who was not far away, and his four level 50 professionals, suddenly felt as if a huge weight was approaching them.

In an instant, it was as if they were pierced by a sharp blade countless times.

Every blood vessel, every muscle, and even every cell in their body seemed to be cut in two.


The five people immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground. Their health bars dropped to a point where only a trace of blood remained.���There are"sword-drawing" and"sword-controlling".

Of the two, she chose sword-drawing. For sword-immortals, the passive skill is the direction of cultivation.

Sword-controllers cultivate their minds, and they are free and free to do whatever they want. They ride the sword on the wind and eliminate demons between heaven and earth. Wherever their hearts go, the sword will also go.

Sword-drawers accumulate momentum, and they pay attention to hiding their edges like mortals. When the sword is out, ghosts and gods are shocked.

If they don't show it, then it's fine.

Once the edge is revealed, it will be cut.

Three inches will cut the qi, one foot will cut the soul, and the world will be destroyed when it is unsheathed.

The sword on the waist is just a carrier.

The sword that is really drawn in the sword-drawing technique, the sword that causes damage, is the"momentum" accumulated by the sword holder.

However, Su Miaoyue's cultivation at this time is too low.

Otherwise, even if there is a defensive magic scroll to protect them, these people would have died long ago.

The enemy temporarily lost their combat effectiveness, and Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping immediately stepped forward to subdue them.

However, before the two of them got close, a powerful and unmatched air wave suddenly hit and swept them away.

Then, a warrior holding a broadsword and equipped with luxurious equipment came in and stood in front of Robbins.

Robbins, who was originally terrified, saw the broadsword warrior appear, and immediately turned from surprise to joy.

He stood up from the ground with difficulty, pointed at Su Miaoyue, and said to the broadsword warrior:"Morris, catch her for me!"

""Yes, my Lord."

The broadsword warrior walked towards Su Miaoyue with an indifferent look.

Seeing this, Lu Pingping flashed and appeared beside Su Miaoyue, holding a spear and stabbing at the broadsword warrior.

The broadsword warrior made a lightning move, grabbed Lu Pingping's spear, and swept it lightly.

Lu Pingping was swept away and hit the wall of the lounge with a muffled sound.

Blood kept flowing out of his mouth and the gaps in his armor.


Su Miaoyue immediately rushed to Lu Pingping, helped her up, took out the potion from the inventory, and poured it into Lu Pingping's mouth.


Robbins showed a satisfied smile, then said fiercely,"Miss Su, I admit that you are very strong, and your skills are very weird."

"But what can you do when facing a fifth-order strongman?"

Robbins said with a crazy look:"How dare you hurt me! You almost killed me!"

"Don’t worry, I will definitely make you happy today!"

"Not only will I do it to you, I will also film you in a video and upload it to the Internet so that people all over the world can appreciate your beautiful body, hahahahahaha!"

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