"A fifth-level expert?" Lu Pingping looked desperate and about to cry.

"It's over, I'm not going to be clean anymore!"

"The great god definitely doesn't want me anymore!"

Su Miaoyue was speechless.

What on earth are you thinking at this critical moment?

"That person wanted to catch me, not you, so why are you so depressed?" Su Miaoyue couldn't help but complain.

"That’s right! They won’t arrest me!" Lu Pingping’s face suddenly brightened.

""Don't worry, Yueyue, I'll find someone to rescue you right away!"

Su Miaoyue:...

At this moment, Robbins said to the warrior again,"Catch that gun warrior as well!"

"If M dares to lie to me, I will find a hundred men to rape her! And then send the video to the whole world!"

Lu Pingping:……

"Yueyue, let’s just commit suicide. I don’t want to be beaten by 100 bastards!"

"I won't be beaten by 100 bastards." Su Miaoyue glanced at Lu Pingping calmly.

"Uh." Lu Pingping was speechless for a moment.

"Come on, why are you crying there?" Su Miaoyue held the hilt of the sword at her waist,"He said he was a fifth-level warrior, and you believed him?"

"You can lie to him, but he can't lie to you?"

At the same time, Su Miaoyue sent a message to Lu Pingping through the friend panel.

"I have just contacted the instructor, and he is on his way and will find us soon."

"Fight first, and if it's really impossible, just pretend to obey"

"This is Tenglong Capital, we are students of Tenglong University, he has no chance to really do anything to us."

Lu Pingping also replied

"I know! Hehe! If he really gets caught, I'll play him again!"

"You will know whether I am lying to you or not soon!" Robbins showed a cruel and excited smile.

A series of blood-pumping pictures kept appearing in his mind, eroding his remaining rationality.

Thinking that he was about to get the super genius girl of the Tamron Empire, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

As for what kind of consequences this behavior would have, Robbins, whose brain was filled with anger and desire, did not consider it at all.

"Come on!"

Su Miaoyue suddenly drew out her sword and rushed towards Robbins like lightning.

The warrior was Robbins's subordinate. As long as she controlled Robbins, the other party would not dare to act rashly.

So this time she did not prepare to draw her sword again, but directly used the super high speed bonus of the sword-drawing technique to launch a surprise attack.

Suddenly, the high-level warrior took a step forward and swung the sword in his hand lightly.


The sword in Su Miaoyue's hand was knocked away.

At the same time, Lu Pingping passed by at an extremely fast speed and rushed straight to Robbins.

The sword warrior knocked Su Miaoyue away with a sword, and then blocked in front of Lu Pingping.


Lu Pingping's spear pierced the broadsword warrior.

The broadsword warrior's health bar was hit, but his defense was not broken at all.

However, due to the effect of the skill, he was stunned for a moment.

"Knight skill charge?"

"This guy is a meat shield? Not even a warrior?!"

Robbins in the back recognized the skill used by Lu Pingping, and suddenly he seemed to have grown a pair of donkey ears on his head.

"Fuck! Maurice, hurry up and catch them for me!"

""Yes, my Lord!"

The broadsword warrior slapped Lu Pingping on the shoulder with the back of his sword. Most of Lu Pingping's health bar evaporated and he collapsed to the ground.

Su Miaoyue's situation was not much better, and he was knocking on the blood bottle.

Robbins' two melee professionals immediately stepped forward and controlled Lu Pingping.

The broadsword warrior walked towards Su Miaoyue step by step.


The top floor of the Tongda Park Building.

The scene in the lounge was seen by Maltz and Mork.

"Sir, shall we take action now?" Mork asked

"Almost there." Maltz nodded,"Let Nicole prepare for action!"

"There is a saying in Tenglong Empire, which is to send charcoal in the snow."

"Choose the right moment to strike, and make them feel that the danger is real, but never let them suffer irreversible damage!"

"Yes, sir, I am here to inform Miss Nicole. Mork said respectfully

"Wait." Maltz waved to Mork.


"Give this to Nicole, and make sure to kill Robbins and the people involved."Martz took out a black staff less than a foot long from the inventory.

On the top of the staff, there was a gray-black round gem inlaid.

Mork trembled all over, and took the staff with fear on his face.

【Soul Crushing Staff]

Quality: Five-Colored Myth

Effect: Can only be used on the dead, destroying the soul of the dead after use.

Use times: 17/50

Note: If the target has a resurrection item, and the lethal damage level is lower than the resurrection priority, this item will be invalid and the number of uses will be consumed as usual.

Note: The number of uses cannot be replenished, and the item will be automatically damaged and cannot be repaired after it is reset to zero.

"Sir." Mork couldn't help but ask,"Is it worth it?"

"Of course." Maltz nodded expressionlessly.

"Do you still remember the original purpose of Tenglong Empire’s open college entrance examination?"

"Remember." Mork said,"Use your genius as bait to lure spies from all sides, and follow the clues to destroy all forces that dare to take action against your genius."

"This is the Tenglong Empire!" Maltz's expression was filled with fear, and then turned into madness and greed.

"Miss Su is someone close to the number one genius, so the level of attention she receives must be higher than her own value."

"The behavior of that idiot from the Bruce family has violated the bottom line of the Tenglong Empire."

"If he is not completely silenced, the Tenglong Empire will definitely find out about it."

"Even if we find out that we staged this farce just to make friends with Su Miaoyue, and that the number one genius was not involved,"

"They will never give up."

"Sir, Miss Nicole's technique is very secretive."Morke frowned and said,"It just magnifies the desires of people a little bit."

"Even a soul-type forbidden expert would probably find it difficult to notice that Mr. Robbins was affected by the spell."

"On the contrary, deliberately destroying Robbins and the other families by destroying their souls, so that the Tenglong Empire would lose all clues, might attract more attention."

"Stupid!" Maltz said coldly.

"Robbins cruelly endangered the talents of Tamron Empire in our campus"

"Isn't it normal for us to destroy the Tenglong Empire out of respect for it?"

"If you use the Soul Crushing Staff openly, no one in the Tenglong Empire will suspect anything!"

"Put yourself in their shoes. If you were someone from the investigation department of the Tamron Empire"

"What would you think when you see foreign businessmen, out of fear of the empire's majesty, using high-end props to completely kill the culprit who is detrimental to the empire's genius in order to wash away the guilt of poor management?"

"I would think……"Mork pondered for a moment:"Although this foreign businessman's methods are fierce, what he did is indeed to maintain the dignity of the empire, and it is a normal behavior to please the empire!"

"Then, go ahead." Maltz said calmly.

""Yes!" Mork held the Soul Crushing Staff and retreated respectfully.

A moment later, Maltz also walked out of the secret glass room filled with countless magic barriers, which did not exist at all in the eyes of the outside world.

The moment he left the room, his face was quickly filled with panic.

Then, he hurried away.


Level 2 dungeon area.

Chen Yu finished all the level 2 dungeons that could be played in the entire Tongda Park, and it didn't take long.

The level 2 dungeons are not much different from the level 1 dungeons.

The upper limit difficulty is still purgatory level.

The dungeons in Tongda Park are of poor quality. There are only 8 monster-clearing dungeons, and the rest are all defensive.

At this time, Chen Yu has no time to slowly play defensive dungeons.

Moreover, among the monster-clearing dungeons, there are only two with purgatory difficulty.

After brushing 8 dungeons, Chen Yu's level rose from level 115 to level 128.

Most of the experience still comes from the two purgatory difficulty dungeons.

"Let's go back to school." Chen Yu said to Liu Jingming who was standing beside him like a servant.

""Okay! Please wait a moment! I'll go get the car ready for you!" Liu Jingming ran downstairs in a hurry.

"Secret realm, what is it like?"

Thinking that he will be able to explore the third type of terrain in this world besides the main world and the dungeon tomorrow, Chen Yu couldn't help but feel excited.

"Oh, wait."

"I have already reached the second level. I should not be able to enter the first level dungeon.……"

Chen Yu was so crazy about enjoying the fun of brushing the book that he selectively forgot the agreement between himself and the little Lolita.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu opened the friend panel awkwardly and sent a message to Yun Chenyu.

Chen Yu: Teacher, are you there?

Yun Chenyu: Oh, so polite? Where did that perverted look go when you fed me the lollipop?

Chen Yu:...

Chen Yu: Watch your words! I'm kind enough to share food with you, how can it be perverted? Isn't it normal for everyone to eat delicious food together?

Yun Chenyu: Stop it, tell me, what's the matter.

Chen Yu: That... I shouldn't���Help you to fight the first-level copy.

Yun Chenyu:...Okay, I'll go borrow someone from another instructor.

Chen Yu: Sorry.

Yun Chenyu: Don't worry too much about the secret realm, go do your own thing, and be safe.

Chen Yu: I don't have anything to do, I just upgraded and did tasks these two days, and accidentally upgraded to the second level. Can I still go to the secret realm with you?

Yun Chenyu: ? ? ? Are you a pervert? ?

Chen Yu: So, can I still go?

Yun Chenyu: Yes! And I have other instructors here who are borrowing second-level students everywhere! If you are sure and fast enough, you can make a lot of money on this trip!

Chen Yu: Don't worry! I'm a famous quick shooter, I don't stop once every five minutes!

Yun Chenyu: No way?!! Oh... It's really hard for my sister! o(╥﹏╥)o

Chen Yu: Don't worry, I'll take you flying this time!

After closing the conversation, Chen Yu felt relieved, but he felt a little sorry for the little girl.

To be able to make a dignified seventh-level strong man cry, I think the strength of his classmates must be very poor.

He felt that he had an obligation to let the little girl experience the feeling of being carried by a great god.

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