"What are you so proud of?"

A voice that sounded like someone with a severe cold and not fully awake sounded in Chen Yu's ears.

Chen Yu looked down and saw a sad little girl in black standing in front of him.

"Hey, why did you appear again?"

"To tell you something."Sang Loli said slowly

"What's the matter?" Chen Yu asked,"Is someone trying to harm me again?"

"Your girlfriend is going to be gang-raped." Sang Loli said lightly.

Chen Yu pondered for a second.

Strictly speaking, he didn't have a girlfriend.

If he had to say he had one, it could only be the World Tree.

Someone was going to gang-rape the World Tree? Are you kidding?

Outsiders couldn't enter the Supreme Holy Land at all.

Even if there was a supreme or even supreme existence that broke through by force, Sang Loli couldn't have discovered it before Chen Yu.

However, given Sang Loli's identity as a forbidden strongman, Chen Yu subconsciously observed the Supreme Holy Land. The years inside were peaceful and calm.

"Stop kidding." Chen Yu handed a bag of snacks to Sang Loli and said with a smile,"Here, take it and eat it."

"Humph! A dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know the kindness of a good person!"Sang Loli snatched the snacks angrily.

"I have no obligation to tell you this."

"The lounge on the seventh floor, believe it or not, if you don't believe it, don't regret it, and don't blame me."

After saying that, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared

"What the hell?" Chen Yu felt a little puzzled, but he was still prepared to follow Sang Loli's advice and go take a look.

"Xiao Kong. Chen Yu summoned Xiao Kong from the Supreme Holy Land.

""Here!" Xiao Kong stood on Chen Yu's shoulder and said,"Master, please give me your orders."

""Help me open the door to the lounge on the seventh floor, is that okay?" Chen Yu asked.

As the original space elf, Xiaokong can teleport over short distances easily.

Chen Yu has always longed for the high big that can tear space apart at any time, and now he can finally experience it himself.


Xiaokong stretched out his hand and gently scratched.

A gap more than three meters long and one meter wide immediately appeared in the space, and a dark area appeared inside.

"Can we just walk in directly?" Chen Yu asked

"Yes, Master." Xiao Kong replied,"This is a space folding technique, suitable for short-distance travel."

"Got it!"

Chen Yu held his head high, put his hands behind his back, and stepped into the space crack with a cold look on his face.

""Master, wait a minute! Danger!" Xiao Kong suddenly screamed.

However, Chen Yu's head had been swallowed by the space crack, and he didn't hear Xiao Kong's last cry at all.


In the lounge on the 7th floor, the sword warrior threw two silver bracelets to Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping respectively.

"Put it on yourself, or I don't mind helping you."

Su Miaoyue looked at the properties of the bracelet.

【[Sealed Bracelet]

Quality: Rare

Effect: Reduce all your attributes by 95%

Professionals in the novice stage have low attributes.

If you wear this bracelet, you will immediately become an ordinary person who is powerless.

Su Miaoyue was lucky, as she gained a lot of free attribute points when she was doing the dungeon with Chen Yu.

Once Lu Pingping equips this thing, I'm afraid she will have difficulty walking.

Su Miaoyue took the bracelet, sneered, and put it directly into the inventory.

The broadsword warrior's face suddenly gloomy,"Since you don't cooperate, I can only beat you seriously and make you completely lose the ability to resist!"

"I advise you not to do that." Su Miaoyue said calmly

"As a high-level professional, you must know where this place is, right?"

"You dare to hurt the students of Tamron University in Kyoto. Have you ever thought about how you would die?"

"I know that you are from the White Eagle Empire, but if you dare to hurt me in the slightest, no matter where you are, you will never be able to escape the stranglehold of the Tenglong Empire!"

"Let me remind you that I am not an ordinary student of Tenglong University, but a top genius who ranked second in this year's college entrance examination."

"As long as you dare to touch me, not only you, but also your relatives and friends will be in endless danger!"

"Besides, you know what your master wants to do to me"

"Let me remind you again, I am not only the runner-up in this year’s college entrance examination of Tenglong Empire, but also the girlfriend of this year’s top scorer!"

"If you don’t know who this year’s top scorer is, you can search online to find out how influential he is."

"If I am insulted, you will not be able to bear the consequences, nor will your master, and even the family behind him, and even the entire White Eagle Empire, will not be able to bear it!"

Su Miaoyue spoke with full confidence and pride, as if the person in front of her was not a high-level warrior, but an ant that could be easily crushed to death. After all, she is a child of a noble family. Even if she has not eaten pork, she has seen pigs walk. She is an expert at using backstage to bluff people.

Su Miaoyue does not know whether she is so valuable, but it does not prevent her from using tiger skin as a banner.

Whether the other party believes it or not, let's delay time first.

After hearing these words, the big knife warrior really hesitated.

Because every word Su Miaoyue said was true.

A foreign Someone, in the capital of Tenglong Empire, hurt the runner-up of this year's college entrance examination of Tenglong Empire.

And this runner-up is the girlfriend of the man who is known as"the first genius champion of all time" and"the hero who killed the Demon God's clone and saved the college entrance examination."

Isn't this a slap on the face of Tenglong Empire?

Tenglong Empire! A dragon that has dominated the blue star for eight thousand years!

Once it gets angry, no one knows what the consequences will be.

When the broadsword warrior was hesitating, Robbins in the back yelled:"Morris, hurry up and do it!"

The broadsword warrior looked at Su Miaoyue standing proudly, with a calm look, and then looked at Robbins's expression that was overwhelmed by anger.

He couldn't help but walk back to Robbins and whispered to persuade him:"My lord, there are many beautiful girls in Tenglong Empire, why do you have to get her?"

"This girl can't be bought with money."

"If you really force her, something bad might happen!"

Hearing this, Robin hesitated for a moment.

After all, the broadsword warrior was a fifth-level warrior, the most powerful bodyguard around Robin, and his words still had some effect.

Not far from the lounge, a blonde woman with whirlpool eyes saw the whole scene.

Noticing Robin's hesitation, the blonde woman frowned, and the whirlpool in her eyes suddenly accelerated.

In the lounge,

Robin suddenly felt a surge of anger burning in his heart.

The strong unwillingness and the surging desire quickly drowned his remaining rationality.、

"Are you scared by her?" Robbins was furious and yelled at the sword warrior.

"I don't care who they are! I'm going to kill these two bitches today!"

"But Lord……"

"Shut up!" Robbins' face was grim."Don't forget, your life and the lives of your family are in the hands of our Bruce family!"

"You are a dog of our Bruce family!"

"I am your master!"

"Whatever I tell you to do, you must do it!"

"Now, I want you to capture those two women! Attack them until they can't resist, and then bring them to me!"

"Move! Hurry up!"

The sword warrior struggled.

Finally, he sighed and walked towards Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping.

Robbins was right. The lives of him and his family were in the hands of the Bruce family.

At this time, he could only obey Robbins' orders.

"Have you really thought it through?" Su Miaoyue looked coldly at the sword warrior.

""I'm sorry, ladies, I have to do this."

The broadsword warrior raised the sword in his hand and slapped Su Miaoyue.

Su Miaoyue's hair stood on end.

The opponent's easy attack, under the huge attribute suppression, was not something she could resist.


At this time, outside the lounge, a mocking smile appeared on the charming face of the blonde woman.

"Now, it's my turn to perform!"

The blonde woman rushed to the lounge with a short black staff in hand.


In the lounge, facing the attack of the sword warrior, Su Miaoyue struggled to use her last bit of strength to wield the sword to resist.

At the same time, she nervously watched the time.

She and Lu Pingping's mentor were on their way.

They would arrive soon.

Now, she just needed to delay the time as much as possible.


The collision of swords made a crisp sound of metal clashing.

With just one blow, the sword in Su Miaoyue's hand was knocked away.

Then, the second knife attacked her shoulder.

The big knife warrior's attack speed was not fast.

But Su Miaoyue was exhausted, and was also hit into a stiff state by the previous attack. She couldn't dodge at all.

She could only watch the attack fall on her.

At the same time, she stared at the big knife warrior with cold eyes, as well as Robbins with a distorted expression behind him.

Just when the big knife warrior's attack was about to hit her.

The space in front of Su Miaoyue suddenly cracked.

The invisible wave pushed Su Miaoyue back several steps.

A lonely and arrogant figure who seemed to have his back to all living beings stepped out from the gap in space and blocked Su Miaoyue just in front of him.


Shen���The sound rang out.

As the figure that appeared from the space crack replaced Su Miaoyue's position, the back of the sword of the broadsword warrior smashed hard on the head of the figure that suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.


The figure who suddenly appeared took a step back, covered his head, and took a breath of cold air.

Then, as if coming from the abyss of purgatory, a dull and murderous voice sounded.

"WTF! Fuck! Mud!"

(I almost forgot to update, what a sin.)

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