Having just experienced the wonderful feeling of short-distance space travel.

Before Chen Yu could see the surrounding situation clearly, he was hit on the head with a club.

There was a burning pain on the top of his head, and the blood bar dropped by one twentieth.

The opponent's attack was obviously a malicious attack.

In front of him was a white-skinned warrior professional who was holding a big knife in reverse and had a look of surprise.

The weapon that attacked him was undoubtedly the big knife.

This was the first time he suffered such a big loss since his debut.

Even in the potential trial copy with great restrictions and nothing could be used, facing hundreds of fourth-level demon BOSS, he only suffered mental damage, and it was self-inflicted.

No one has ever been able to hold a big knife and hit him on the head so hard.

"You dare to hit me with a club? Are you tired of living?!!!"

Chen Yu's eyes were burning with anger.

""Young men, kill it! With all your strength!"

Densely packed beautiful girls suddenly appeared in the lounge, blocking the entire lounge.

Each of them had a blank expression on their faces, and their bodies were filled with terrifying abyssal magic.

After receiving Chen Yu's order, hundreds of abyssal legendary plant lives were collectively demonized, and their attributes increased dramatically.

Countless thorny vines bombarded the warrior profession like a torrent.

Accompanied by the vines, there was also the venom spewed by the abyss gluttonous demon spirit.

The broadsword warrior quickly raised his broadsword to resist.

Unfortunately, facing dozens of abyssal thorn demon spirits in the demonized state, his attributes were not enough.

In just a moment, he was drowned by countless vine whips.

He didn't even have time to scream before he completely disappeared.

Various items in the inventory and the equipment on his body exploded all over the ground.

"Chen Yu!"

Su Miaoyue was pleasantly surprised, and her heart finally settled down.

"Are you okay? Get well soon!"

Realizing that Chen Yu was injured, he quickly pushed aside the vegetative girl next to him, opened the bottle of medicine, and fed it to Chen Yu.

"Uh, it's okay."

Chen Yu subconsciously took the medicine bottle and drank a sip.

He found it tasted very bitter, so he returned it to Su Miaoyue.

After the second transformation, the life breath of the World Tree became stronger.

As long as it was not an instant kill, basically any damage would instantly restore the health bar.

The knife just now only made him feel pain, and did not cause any substantial damage at all.

"You don't look well, I'll treat you."

Chen Yu saw Su Miaoyue in a miserable state, her equipment was tattered, she was covered in wounds, and her health bar was only half full.

So he supported Su Miaoyue's shoulders and injected a stream of vitality into her.


The warm palms and the gentle flow of vitality that nourished the scars all over her body made Su Miaoyue couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

She raised her head slightly and looked at Chen Yu.

The heroic young man who was so close seemed to have been given a romantic filter, and every pixel of his body was shining like stars.

She was trained to be a self-reliant person since she was a child.

Even in times of crisis, she thought about how to save herself instead of praying to God.

However, when the perfect hero really appeared in front of her and helped her solve the crisis.

All the strong shells were destroyed in an instant.

Su Miaoyue felt as if her heart was hit by something and began to beat"bang bang" uncomfortably.

It was like a grain of pollen taken away by a butterfly when the flowers were in full bloom.

At that moment, the pollen no longer belonged to the flowers.

At this moment, her heart no longer belonged to her.

Chen Yu's slightly pursed lips, in Su Miaoyue's eyes at this time, seemed like a cream pudding when she was extremely hungry, making her eager to move.

Her breathing became a little heavy, and she raised her head and slowly approached Chen Yu's cheek.……

""Woo wow! Great God!"

At this moment, Lu Pingping also came over crying.

"Fortunately you came! Otherwise, I would have been beaten to death by 100 bastards!"

Lu Pingping knelt beside Chen Yu, hugged Chen Yu's knees tightly, and cried.

""Fuck! What are you doing?! Don't wipe my pants! Get out of my way!"

Chen Yu kicked hard and threw Lu Pingping away.

However, seeing that Lu Pingping was also seriously injured, he squatted down and lifted her up, sending her vitality energy to heal her.

"Wow!!! So cool!!!"

"You are worthy of being called a great god!"

Lu Pingping had a comfortable expression on her face, her body limp as mud, and she was held in Chen Yu's hand with a sigh.

Chen Yu:...

Miss Lu, could you please not say such things with such an expression?

It's easy to be misunderstood!

"Wait, what am I doing?"

Su Miaoyue came back to her senses.

Her fair cheeks were flushed.

The romantic filter was broken. Thinking of her behavior just now, Su Miaoyue was so embarrassed that she wanted to move into a three-bedroom apartment and never come out.

She secretly glanced at Chen Yu and found that Chen Yu did not notice her nymphomaniac behavior just now, and she felt relieved.

"cough cough——"Su Miaoyue cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment, and then said,"Chen Yu, how did you get here? Are you here to play a dungeon as well?"

Su Miaoyue was not surprised by the space crack.

Similar short-distance single-transmission props were not uncommon.

With Chen Yu's ability, it was not surprising to use space props as daily consumables.

"Just now I heard that someone wanted to harm you, so I came here."

At this point, Chen Yu was filled with indignation,"I didn't expect that Lao Liu would hit me with a club! It's really easy for him to die so easily!"

"Thank you for coming to save me." Su Miaoyue wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare.

The knife was meant to hit her, but Chen Yu happened to appear and took the blame for her.

"Hey, what's there to thank for?" Chen Yu saw Su Miaoyue's health bar was full, so he withdrew his hand.

"As the saying goes, if you are successful, you should help the world."

"Although I'm not rich yet, we're from the same hometown and classmates, so I still have to help!"

Just classmates?"

This sentence almost came out of her mouth, but Su Miaoyue held it back.

The education she received since childhood made Su Miaoyue know that it was not appropriate to say this sentence now.

���It is only a fairy tale that a beauty pledges her love to a man.

As a"beauty" who has just been rescued, she is not qualified to talk about love with the"hero" who saved her.

In her heart, there will be no happy love between two unequal parties.

She does not want to be a vase, a plaything, a burden, a weakness, or even a blood-sucking worm.

Chen Yu now is like a dazzling sun.

Only when she is strong enough to support him, at least she no longer needs him to travel thousands of miles to save her, at least she will not be melted by the scorching temperature if she gets close to him, will she have the confidence to hope that she can stand by his side.

It is said that in the distant ancient times, there was a group of professional boxers who believed that it was natural for women to use men's resources.

Women always marry down, and they are more than enough to be an emperor.

Women should be held in the palm of their hands and well cared for, eating, drinking and having fun all day long.

Men should obey her orders, obediently offer their blood and sweat, and work like cows and horses.

Su Miaoyue was very puzzled by this, and did not know why such thoughts would have a living space

"Is it because men of that era were too tolerant?"

"Or do such groups always exist, regardless of gender, age or status, and always in different eras and under different names, labeling themselves as the weak and shouting slogans of fairness in an effort to gain privileges for themselves?"


At this moment, an explosion like thunder sounded.

The wall separating the lounge and the corridor was shattered into powder.

A figure jumped out from the smoke and dust.

The man had sharp eyes and long black hair tied in a high ponytail, neat and tidy.

He was wearing a simple plain robe and a jade belt around his waist.

He held a blood-red bronze ancient sword in his hand, and the sword trembled, making a buzzing sound.

The tip of the sword exuded a white sword aura, which made people shudder.

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