After curing Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping, Chen Yu stepped forward and collected the items dropped by the dead broadsword warrior.

This broadsword warrior was quite wealthy.

He had a set of fifth-tier epic suits.

Even if they were not all dropped, they could still fetch a lot of money if sold separately. The sudden appearance of the swordsman made Chen Yu pause.

Dozens of abyssal thorn demons quickly surrounded the newcomer.

"Who are you?" Chen Yu stared at the swordsman with explosive special effects.

"You are... Chen Yu?"

The swordsman originally had an anxious look on his face, but when he saw Chen Yu, his brows slowly relaxed and he revealed a faint smile.

"My name is Qin Zhaoxue, the mentor of Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping"

"Since you are here, I think the two girls should be fine."

Her voice is neutral, rich and mellow but friendly.

"They are fine." Chen Yu nodded.

This teacher should be the reinforcements brought by Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping.

He came just in time. Even if Chen Yu didn't show up, he could have rescued the two.

"Teacher!""Teacher Qin!"

Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping pushed aside the legendary plant life blocking their way and came to the front of the female swordsman.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Qin Zhaoxue nodded with a smile,"It seems that I came at the wrong time!"

"But now that I'm here, I'll take up a little of your time."

"Tell me, what happened?"

Qin Zhaoxue asked Su Miaoyue with a slightly cold look in her eyes,"I want to know, where did these barbarians come from who are so bold as to attack the students of Tenglong University in the capital of the empire?"

"He is from the Bruce family of the White Eagle Empire. I heard that he is a very powerful chaebol."

Su Miaoyue looked at the entrance of the lounge.

However, there was no one at the entrance of the lounge except for the broken wall.

Robbins and his men had long disappeared.

Chen Yu came over and his attention was attracted by the big knife warrior.

Lu Pingping and Su Miaoyue were attracted by Chen Yu.

Then, everyone was attracted by Qin Zhaoxue's appearance.

For a moment, no one noticed that Robbins and his men had escaped.

""Master! Yueyue! Oh no! They ran away!" Lu Pingping, who was standing by, also reacted and screamed.

"They must not have gotten far! Let’s chase them!"

"No need to chase him." Qin Zhaoxue shook her head,"As long as we know who it is, it will be easy to deal with."

""We won't chase them?" Lu Pingping was at a loss,"They are so excessive, won't we take revenge?"

Su Miaoyue also showed a puzzled look

"How to take revenge? Kill them all?"Qin Zhaoxue smiled slightly.

"Isn't it possible?" Lu Pingping was stunned.

"It's not impossible." Qin Zhaoxue replied,"It's meaningless."

"Why?" Lu Pingping showed an expression of disbelief,"Are we just going to let it go like this?"

"Of course, we can't just let it go like this." Qin Zhaoxue said,"But the next thing can be handled by the Imperial Security Department."

"Ministry of Public Security? Teacher, you mean……"Su Miaoyue suddenly realized

"That's right." Qin Zhaoxue nodded,"It would be too easy for those barbarians to just kill them like that."

"Your injuries should not be in vain."

"Isn’t the Bruce family a wealthy chaebol, rich enough to rival a country?"

"Then let them pay the price, let them cut their flesh and bleed!"

"All barbarians must understand that the dignity of our Tenglong Empire is inviolable!"

Lu Pingping was confused again,"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

Su Miaoyue was speechless.

Lu Pingping, this girl, exudes a charming aura all over her body. If you have to say where she is charming, it is her charming brain.

"Do you want money? A lot of money!" Su Miaoyue asked directly

""I want to!" Lu Pingping's eyes sparkled

"Then wait patiently."Su Miaoyue did not explain any more.

After being pointed out by Qin Zhaoxue, Su Miaoyue also understood that there was no benefit in killing Robbins now except to vent his anger.

Although Robbins had provoked first and had done things that hurt Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping, there was nothing wrong with killing him.

Similarly, the Bruce family of the White Eagle Empire would distance themselves from the matter.

My people were wrong first, but now they have been killed by you, what else do you want?

In the end, it is likely that this will be left unresolved.

If the Imperial Public Security Department intervenes, the situation will be different.

Robbins has committed such a crime. Big thing.

He dared to threaten to rape the talented female student who lived in the villa of Tenglong University in public, and put it into action. He will definitely not be able to escape, and will definitely be caught by the Ministry of Public Security.

There are witnesses and evidence, and the case is ironclad. He will definitely face severe punishment and huge compensation.

Robbins himself can't afford this compensation, and the Bruce family of the White Eagle Empire will also pay.

Even if the Bruce family wants to give up Robbins, it can't.

Who made him a member of your family?

Who told you not to take care of your own descendants and violated the heavenly law in the capital of Tenglong Empire?


Chen Yu immediately clapped his hands in praise.

Strictly speaking, this was just a public security crime.

A foreign rich kid with a lot of sex on his mind coveted the beauty of Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping, and did not really endanger the lives of the two women.

After all, if the other party had murderous intentions, Su Miaoyue and Lu Pingping would have been dead.

They had no chance of getting hurt in front of a fifth-level warrior.

But once someone is arrested and it rises to the diplomatic level, there will be a lot of room for argument.

In the end, the Bruce family will most likely have to pay the money.

After paying the money, the grandson of the Bruce family will have a slim chance of survival.

Even if the Tenglong Empire did not sentence him to death, his own family would no longer protect him.

At that time, if he wanted to take revenge personally, there would be many ways.

Sure enough, the old ones are still the best.

"You two, learn from this incident." Qin Zhaoxue said with disgust.

"Barbarians are no different from animals. They can only be intimidated by authority, but not educated by etiquette."

"Don’t come to places like this where beasts gather!"

"Yes, teacher. Su Miaoyue replied respectfully.

""Oh." Lu Pingping nodded, not quite understanding.

She now probably understood that because of the attack on her, she could get a lot of compensation from the foreigner's family.

At this moment, nearly thirty fully armed professionals suddenly walked in from outside.

These professionals were all level five.

Moreover, they were all foreigners.

Qin Zhaoxue frowned immediately, raised the ancient bronze sword in his hand, pointed the sword tip in the distance, and the sharp edge flickered.

"Who are you? Please tell me your name!"

""Sir! Please don't misunderstand! We have no ill intentions!"

A sweet voice sounded.

The crowd parted, and a female professional with big wavy blond hair came out with an anxious look on her face, and bowed repeatedly to Qin Zhaoxue.

"I am Nicole Morgan, the director of the Tongda Group's dungeon park."

"Is this park your business? You've come just in time! Tell me, why are my students in danger here? How do you run your business?"Qin Zhaoxue pointed the sword at Nicole Morgan and asked coldly

""Sir! Let me explain!" Nicole said with fear on her face and a trembling voice.

"I heard that someone in the campus wanted to harm the students of Tenglong University, so I rushed here immediately!"

"You are a mentor at Tamlong University, so please believe that we at the Morgan Group have absolutely no ill will towards the students of Tamlong University!"

"We are willing to compensate the two ladies for being frightened in our park."

"in addition……"

Nicole waved behind her.

Three professionals came out carrying five corpses.

"These people are the culprits who frightened Miss Su and Miss Lu."

"They tried to escape, but we shot them dead on the spot." Nicole smiled ingratiatingly.

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