Episode 210: The Ruler of the Discussion Meeting (1)


An addictive melody.

“Oh, take a picture, take a picture of God Deok-seung – The second God-seung to save Seoul’s education-”

Lyrics that catch your ears.


"I will do my best! I am Deok-seung God, the second candidate for Seoul Superintendent of Education!”

“This is No. 2 God Deok-seung, the candidate who is doing his best! Have a good day!"

“This is the No. 2 God Deok-seung, a candidate you can trust! thank you!"

Dozens of people lined up next to the election car and bowed their heads at people passing by.

They are right... … .

[I will listen to even a small voice with my heart. Empathy Superintendent Koh Deok-seung]

The Republic of Korea's 'Gudojangwongong (九度壯元公)

Judicial examination, foreign affairs examination, administrative examination.

A talented person who has mastered all three of the high school high school brothers who say that even if just one of the three passes, a solid road will unfold.

A person who caused a stir among parents through an educational method called the ‘God Deokseung Study Method’ in the 1990s.

The second candidate for superintendent of education, Deok-seung God, and his campaign members.

“Hello, mother. Symbol number 2 is called Godeokseung.”

Deok-seung God held the hand of the old man who was pulling the waste paper cart with a smile like never before.

Then the old man looked at God Deok-seung in surprise.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh. Because I left it like this... I’m sorry.”

He seemed ashamed of his hands wearing his worn-out gloves.

But God Deok-seung didn't care and just grabbed the old man's hand.

“Haha no. Mum, you're cold. Please wait. Manager Kim. I have a glove that came in as a sponsor. Could you bring me one?”

Then a person called Chief Kim brought a new leather glove from somewhere and handed it to God Deok-seung.

Go Deok-seung, who was holding the glove that Chief Kim had brought, held out the glove to an old man who didn't know what to do.

“Mother, please replace it with this one.”

“Oh no. no. When I get home, it's all there. it's okay."

The old man refuses, but Godeok-seung just shakes his head with that polite smile.

“Haha, it’s because she’s like my mother.”

Then the old man pretended not to win, took the glove God had offered, and put it in his hand. Then, she looked at Goddess, with clear tears on top of her eyes full of tears.

“Oh my gosh… A person with a good face has a good heart.”

“Haha, thank you. Alright then, Mom, stay healthy. Please choose God Deok-seung as the symbol number two.”

“That’s right. A person like you must be elected so that our granddaughter can also adopt a good nuclear bridge. I will definitely let my people know.”

and after a while.

As soon as the old man disappeared across the alley with a cart loaded with a few scrap papers, God Deok-seung, who looked around for a moment, reached out to the assistant next to him."tissue."

Then the attendant hurriedly took out a wet tissue from his bosom and placed it in God Deokseung's hand.

“Oh, the smell. I'm going to change some old man's clothes."

Deokseung God, who received the wipes, started wiping his hands rough as if he was sandpapering with a nervous expression.


“Damn it. Didn't I tell you not to schedule an appointment here?"

He threw the used tissue at the aide's face and opened his mouth as if growling wildly.

The head of the aide turned to the floor at God Deok-seung's harsh attitude.


It was because he instinctively knew that if he touched God Deok-seung now, great things would happen.


“No, I’m sorry, did you say you did it or not?”

God Deok-seung only pushed him into a corner even more.

“Ha, you did.”

“Yes you did. Then, shouldn't we listen?"

Tired of Go Deok-seung's attitude, which looked like he was about to bite his neck at any moment, Director Kim started making excuses.

"that is… It was a matter that had been requested by the council of conservative groups in this area, so I had no choice but to... Yes, and in the meantime, the candidate's activity area has been focused on the Gangnam area, so I... .”

Then, Go Deok-seung, who was looking at him, looked at him with a hard face.

“Chief Kim. Don't you want to work?"

In an instant, Chief Kim's face turned blue when he was making excuses.

God Deok-seung's aide who managed to enter. It was because it was clear that his career would come to an end in an instant if he was dishonorably kicked out of this position.

“Oh, no!”

“Then why aren’t you listening? If you are a subordinate, if you bark like a subordinate, you will bark and if you cry, you will cry. Why are you trying to think?”

"sorry. I think I misunderstood.”

“Hey, Chief Kim. Let's go a little more efficiently, okay? No, I don’t have much time, so I’m going to spend it blushing with Chief Kim because of this?”

“… sorry."

The assistant bowed his head like a dog with his belly exposed.

Then Godok Seung nodded his head with a satisfied expression on his face.

“What good? Then, from now on, I'll have the local head of the town do the occasional campaign. It’s because people use them while feeding them expensive meals to do such a thing.”

"all right. In the future, we will take measures to prevent this from happening again.”

“I’ll leave it alone for now. By the way, what is the difference in approval ratings now? Aren’t you still 7 points apart from Yoo Deok-hyun?”

“Oh, come on, wait a minute.”

The aide who managed to overcome the crisis hurriedly looked for a portable tablet and checked the trend of approval ratings.

[Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo’s approval rate of 39%]

[Deokseung God’s approval rating is 32%]

[Lee Moon-ki candidate approval rate 13%]

[Candidate support rate 9%]

[Candidate Soon-Yong Choi’s approval rate of 7%]

He even opened his mouth with a nervous expression.

"Yes… There is still a gap of about 7 points.”

Then Godok-seung, who heard the sound, frowned.

It was a lot narrower compared to when he first started his campaign, but it was still a significant difference.


"Yes… I guess it’s because it’s the early and mid-term elections.”

“Hmm, for something like that, the gap doesn’t seem to be narrowing as much as I thought?”

Godok-seung looked at his assistant as if interrogating him.

If he didn't come up with a proper countermeasure, he looked like it wouldn't be fun.

I was in a situation where I was going crazy as an aide when I heard the command to ‘don’t think’ from Godeok-seung.

‘No, just do what you tell them to do!’

But in any case, the employer is the employer. It was the aide's fate to do what he had to do.

Within a short period of time, the aide who shook his head fiercely opened his mouth with a firm face.

“Candidate. How about trying unification once? If you just unite with the 4th and 5th place candidates, at least 15 points will be fine... .”

In an instant, Go Deok-seung made an expression like, 'Hey, look at this?' Although he was an aide, he did not have any expectations, so it was quite surprising that he came up with a good solution.

‘Unification of Candidates’

It refers to the unification of candidates with dispersed approval ratings into candidates with high approval ratings in order to win the election.


“It sounds like unification. Why do you think I can’t catch Yoo Deok-hyun?”

He had no intention of taking that path.

If he took that path, he could have won an easy victory, but that was because he had to give to the other person what he had and what he would have.

‘Did you put gold nuggets in their mouths because I was crazy?’

Then, after hearing Deokseung's answer, the aide looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Of course, it was a solution he came up with in a short time, but he was confident that it was a good solution.

"Yes? Oh no, it’s not like that, but if Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo tries to unify… .”

In an instant, a deep smile hung on Ko Seung-deok's face as he heard the aide's words.

“Haha, Yoo Deok-hyun unite with the other guys? make a sound sounds that make sense.”

“No, you still don’t know, do you? Candidate Moon-ki Lee in third place is similar to Candidate Deok-hyun Yoo in terms of policy… .”

After hearing the aide's words, Go Deok-seung made an interesting expression.

Obviously, if Yoo Deok-hyun tried to unify with the third-place candidate, there was nothing more threatening than that.

However… Considering the personality of candidate Yoo Duk-hyun that he knew, the unification of candidate Yoo Duk-hyun was nothing to worry about.

'That stinky bastard... Maybe even if I just take out the terminal on the single shoe, I will take off the crane and run around. Stupid.’

“It has nothing to do with that. Look, among the other candidates right now, do you see anyone who can fit in with Yoo Deok-hyun? No, even if it's just one thing, there's nothing Yoo Deok-hyun can give them. It is impossible to negotiate.”

"Ah… .”Only then did the assistant nod his head in agreement.

“I think I made a mistake again.”

Then Godok-seung smiled and opened his mouth.

"okay. So, don't worry about useless things and prepare well for sponsorship management and TV debates. It seems that Yoo Deok-hyeon has a plan, seeing that the TV debate will come out first.”

“Yes, even if it is not, we have already received all the necessary materials from the people on the foundation side. So, don't worry about the candidates. No matter what method we bring from over there, it won’t be as good as what we have prepared for you.”

At the words of the aide, Godok Seung nodded his head with satisfaction.

"great. By the way. What happened to those young supporters? Are you doing well?”

"of course. We are recruiting mainly comedians and writers who have a good image for people.”

He even showed me the list of those who have been invited so far.

[PD Kim Young-don]

[Webtoon writer Nam-in Yoon]

[Reporter Byungjae Byungjae]



After checking the list, Go Deok-seung looked at the assistant with a satisfied expression.

“You are doing well. Keep casting our names on the newspapers. Why do young people these days trust them more than opinion leaders?”

"all right."

"However… Can't you see that Kim Jun-young doing something?"

“Ah, that one… We've kept in touch with you, but... Well, it seems they want to raise the ransom a little more.”

“Heh heh heh. Listen to everything if you can. Because the big fish should be treated fairly. If he can't win, he asks me to eat together at least once. I hope I will meet you in person, but I won't refuse."

“Is that possible? Invited by Candidate Deok-seung Goh, lecturer Naburangi. You’ll probably run right into the day as soon as you put the story in.”

Then Godok-seung opened his mouth with a hazy smile.

“Heh, this guy. As I got older, only the father increased, but only the father increased.”

"no. It's true. I always respect you.”

“Okay, man. By the way, where is your next schedule?”

“Ah, first, go to Jongno and visit Tapgol Park… .”

* * * *

but a few days later.

“Chief Kim. How did this happen!”

Their expectations were horribly wrong.

What caught the eyes of Deokseung God, who turned on the tablet PC to monitor the broadcast... … .

[CEO Jun-Young Kim, the god of the CSAT, participates in the Candidate Camp for the Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education, Deok-Hyun Yoo!]

[Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo, ‘Thanks to CEO Kim’s bravery’… to entrust important positions]

[Voters' interest exploded in the news, and candidate Yoo's approval rating is expected to rise]

[Netizens' interest in the upcoming TV debate in the week ahead!]

The fish he wanted to catch.

It was the news that Kim Jun-young had headed to the place he was most afraid of.

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