Episode 211: The Ruler of the Discussion Meeting (2)

dazzlingly dazzling lighting.

A camera like the eyes of a one-eyed giant.

With the gaze of strangers around me, I raised my head.

Then, a woman with an impressive smile. I met the reporter who will be conducting the interview today.

“CEO Junyoung Kim, thank you for accepting the interview request today. To be honest, there are a lot of people who are aiming for CEO Kim these days, so I thought he would say no.”

I smiled slightly at her words, which gave off a youthful feeling.

“I hope it is. If you call me from a reputable channel like YTM, it’s always welcome.”

“Ho-ho, thank you. Had she known that the representative would have accepted it so readily, she would have contacted me sooner than now. That's too bad."

“I’m sorry too. If you had called me to a place like this earlier, we would have talked more.”

“Thank you for your words. Now, I think we should conduct a full-fledged interview. Representative Kim. Are you okay?”

"Yes. Fine. Now that we're ready, let's get started."

"all right. Then, I will start the interview by asking CEO Junyoung Kim as many questions as possible.”

I straightened my posture and focused my gaze on her mouth.

Then she asked me her first question with her smile.

“CEO Junyoung Kim. Viewers' interest has been boiling since CEO Kim announced his support for Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo a while ago. Perhaps… When you first prepared your declaration of support, did you expect the president’s declaration of support to have such an effect?”

It was a pretty interesting question.

Before answering her question, I began to think about what had just happened.


‘Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo. You don't have to be patient. The answer that Candidate Yoo wanted to know. Because I already know.’

After the conversation with Yoo Deok-hyun was over, I started preparing for the TV debate.

It was to raise the approval rating of Yoo Deok-hyun, who was gradually decreasing through TV debates.

But I couldn't hold a TV debate blindly.

Although this election was an important one, most voters did not have much interest in the superintendent's election, and also in the by-election.

So, before the TV debate, I decided to find a way to arouse people's interest and proceed with the work.

That's right... … .

'My fellow citizens. I am here today, a candidate who will implement a policy for students, parents, and citizens rather than understanding the vested interests of the education world, and a candidate who will clear the evils in public education with untiring will. I would like to declare my support for Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo.’

Declaration of support for Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo.

It was also a large-scale declaration of support from me and the people in the academy industry who agreed with me.

‘Our supports the symbol No. 1 candidate Yoo Deok-hyun in this by-election for the Seoul Superintendent of Education… .'

‘Our instructors from the Bareun Instructors Council declared their support for the symbol No. .'



Considering that dozens or hundreds of events pop up and disappear every day, it was because I thought that people would be interested at this level.

And as a result.

[CEO Jun-Young Kim, the god of the CSAT, participates in the Candidate Camp for the Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent of Education, Deok-Hyun Yoo!]

[Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo, ‘Thanks to CEO Kim’s bravery’… to entrust important positions]

[Voters' interest exploded in the news, and candidate Yoo's approval rating is expected to rise]

[Netizens' interest in the upcoming TV debate in the week ahead!]

Reactions begin to appear at a faster rate than expected. Soon, most of the public opinion space began to shake, from major daily newspapers to large portal sites and general communities.

I think it was thanks to the fact that my recognition and credibility were rising, as I produced a large number of perfect marks in the SAT for the 2021 academic year and won the court battle with K Edu this time.

‘Well, the fact that private education officials have declared their support for the superintendent of public education must be unique.’However.

‘But I can’t tell you everything as it is’.

As there are people who sometimes mistake a confident attitude as 'cheeky', it was forbidden to express as if they were expecting everything.

‘For now, it would be better to pretend that you don’t know.’

Having gathered my thoughts, I slowly shook my head and opened my mouth.

"no. I didn't expect it.”

Then the reporter raised his eyebrows as if in surprise and leaned towards me.

“Are you saying you didn’t expect such a reaction at all? Hmm, I'm a little surprised. If it was CEO Joon-Young Kim that I knew, I think he was aware of it to some extent.”

She looked at me with a cat-like expression in front of her prey.

She seemed to be someone who did quite a bit of research on me.

'Perhaps I've investigated the things I've been doing.'

I smiled and answered her question.

“Honestly, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t expecting it. If I had thought that people wouldn’t gather, I wouldn’t have made a declaration of support.”

Then she narrowed her eyes and looked at me.

“Well, then you are saying that you expected it to some extent.”

"Yes. First of all, it’s because I’m not the type to throw birthday parties blindly.”

"Yes? what is that... ?”

"haha. It’s only natural to estimate how much guests will cost before you throw a party.”

“Ah, I guess it is. There’s nothing terrible about thinking it’s a birthday party where no one comes.”

"Yes. However, I never expected this kind of reaction. At first it was just… I thought that people with the same thoughts as me would respond.”

“But unexpectedly, more people responded to it. Are you saying this?”

"Yes. That's right."

She smiled faintly.

“Hmm, then, from CEO Kim’s point of view, this must have been an opportunity to check the name value of CEO Kim himself.”

I nodded meekly.

As she said, through this opportunity, I was able to realize once again how influential my name and words were.

“I think so. To be honest, the party doesn’t really realize how famous he has become.”

Then she slowly shook her head.

“The celebrity party doesn’t know how famous they are… It’s a fun story.”

“Haha that’s right.”

“Okay then, let me ask you the next question. As you know, these days, both online and offline public opinion is hot with the story of Mr.

I nodded.

Then she smiled and slowly opened her mouth.

“However, there are opinions that this interest is only temporary and will not affect the actual voting. What do you think of this opinion?”

It was a slightly sensitive question.

In fact, there were people who asked such questions even if they weren't.

Aren't most of those comments an internet meme that the current heat is actually passing by in an instant? Or the actual superintendent election and voting were negative things.

Of course, it was just a nonsensical comment, but the problem was that these questions could have a negative impact on this election.

‘Because public opinion is like a storm that is hard to predict.’

After thinking for a while, I slowly opened my mouth.

"Well… Of course, in the beginning, I think there were many people who were interested in the event itself.”

“Probably so.”

"Yes. But now, I think the direction of that interest has changed a bit. As you said earlier, it may have started out as an interest in my actions, but now… It would be fair to say that that interest has turned into an interest in the election itself.”

Then the reporter looked at me with an interesting expression.

In fact, even when I first came out, people were interested in myself. And I was only interested in the fact that the private education instructor declared support for the superintendent, who could be a representative of public education.

[Comment: What happened again hahaha]

[Comment: Haha this time, superintendent? No, why is the academy lecturer suddenly in the superintendent election haha?]

[Comment: Yak haha, that too is not the conservative side, but the progressive side hahaha]

[Comment: Hmmmm really?]

But as time passed, people began to think about why I participated in the election for superintendent and why I supported Candidate Deok-hyun Yoo.

[Comment: By the way, who is Kim Jun-young's support?]

[Comment: I don't know, did you just hear it? Who is it?]

[Comment: Search do not know, search hahaha search with brain.]

Then something amazing happened.

[Comment: Find out who Kim Jun-young supported? Did you come?]

[Comment: I saw it. Shiva Ning Saeng Spectacular?]

[Comment: It's goosebumps to slaughter the scoundrels.]

Not long after people became interested in Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo, stories about Candidate Duk-Hyun Yoo, which were not well known unless they were in the industry, started to come and go. soon.

progressives and conservatives.

infertility and inheritance.

teachers and professors.

It was a confrontation structure between Candidate Deok-seung Ko and Deok-hyeon Yoo, who were the second-place candidates.

[Comment: Shh. I am unconditionally number 1, even if I sell out the whole country, I will do it once!]

[Comment: What kind of brush? But isn't the superintendent God Deok-seung? No.2!]

[Comment: Real fun in this election? Hahaha]

[Comment: I was supposed to go out to play that day, but I guess I should vote.

So I think the interest people are showing now is not a temporary interest.

'It's a picture that's perfect for a TV debate.'

“Hmm… So, do you think that the current reaction is a complete interest in the election of the superintendent?”

I nodded at her question.

“Simply put… Yes, it is."

Then the reporter looked at me with a smile like an iris flower.

“Ho-ho, that’s right. I heard you well.”

Hmm... Compared to the concentration of the question, it is surprisingly easy to skip.

‘Is it because it’s an interview? Are you thinking of not doing anything else?’

However… That moment when I wanted to end this question.

“CEO Kim.”

The reporter suddenly pointed the microphone at me.


I looked at her with her puzzled expression.


“By the way, I heard that Candidate Koh Deok-seung kept in touch with the CEO. Is that true?”

She looked at me and gave me a deep smile.

'OK?'For a moment, I opened my eyes wide and looked at her.

‘No, how else does this person know that?’

I looked at her reporter with a mischievous expression on her face and shook her head.

Still, before I declared my support, I got a call from there.

‘CEO Jun-Young Kim. This is the election campaign of candidate Koh Deok-seung. If it's okay with you, how about holding hands with us?'

It seemed like they thought I was a pretty good word.

‘Honestly, the CEO knows that it is best to hold hands with us when thinking about the CEO’s business or future. A lot of people who have already joined hands with us are guaranteeing that.’

But… I did not accept their offer.

‘Hmm, well. I will think about it a little more and contact you.’

Because for me the fish are already in the water. Because there was a fish looking at me.

‘Because there is no hobby of raising two fish in one tank.’

However… Except for me, the only people who knew about this would have been the people at the Godokseung Camp?

'I can't slow this down.'

After that, I interviewed the reporter for a while.

Daily questions and answers, and secret stories hidden in them.

We talked and filled each other's needs with such things wrapped up as if they were visible or invisible.




so after a while.

The reporter, who had been signed by the filming staff, looked at me with a mischievous smile.

“As we were conducting the interview, it was almost time to finish it. CEO Junyoung Kim, thank you very much for today.”

"no. I had fun today too.”

“Then are you going to appear again next time?”

"haha. If you just call me, I’ll come right to you anytime.”

“Ho-ho, did you promise?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Thanks to CEO Kim, I feel relieved. Now, let me ask you one last question.”

I straightened my posture.

It was because it seemed like a fairly important question would arise as it was the last question.

Then the reporter who saw me smiled and opened his mouth.

“CEO Kim. Now, a week later, the first duel of this election, the TV debate, is scheduled. Do you have any strategies you have prepared for this debate?”

After she had finished speaking, she looked at me with eagerly anticipating eyes.

From her gaze, I could feel a strong will to do something big today.

“… Well."

As I spared her words, she whispered her words, leaning her towards me.

“Are you in trouble? If you're having trouble, please go to Off the Record. Actually, I am also a voter who personally supports Candidate Yoo Deok-hyun.”

Then he looked at me with a desperate expression.

Well, there was nothing as stupid as believing a journalist's words. It wasn't something I couldn't say.

Because my strategy is… … .

‘Because there was nothing that could be stopped just because I knew.’

I opened my mouth slowly.

“Haha it’s fine. Let me tell you. This is my strategy... .”

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