Chaos Fiend

Chapter 211: Conquer the Great Lord of the Sea Beasts (2)

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"If you're not afraid of death, I'll do it a few more times!" Ye Chen saw that the skin of the whale was thick and rough, and he continued to attack like this, and threatened, "Did you cultivate for so long? Do you really want to die? !!! I want to take Haidan for cultivation? "

When other tiger sharks and giant octopuses saw the look of the dragon and whale, they all felt a little scared. If Ye Chen entered their body, the consequences would not be imaginable. (((Catino Novel Network ))) but two silver sea beasts are big The lord showed a look of greed again, because now is also an opportunity. If the whale died, would they eat the body of the whale, would it be more powerful?

Ye Chen ’s mental strength is also paying attention to the external situation, noting the greedy look revealed in the eyes of tiger sharks and giant octopuses, and immediately said, “And your body was eaten by your two companions and enemies! Do you think this is so cool? You worked so hard to make wedding dresses for others for so many years? You have also seen my strength. Follow me and I will not be wronged by you !!! "

The dragon whale apparently noticed the look of the tiger shark and the giant octopus, and finally said, "I agree! But I'm not threatened by you, I just don't want to get those two guys cheap!"

"Very good, is that right!" Ye Chen was satisfied when he heard the whale agreed, and said to Su Yunzhe again, "Hey, Su Yunzhe, right? How to make it my mount? You live by the sea Yes, there should be a way, right? "

"Yes, take out a drop of blood from the sea beast, and then make a special seal." Su Yunzhe passed the seal to Ye Chen.

"Give me a drop of your blood!" Ye Chen said.

The dragon whale had already acknowledged and persuaded, Ye Chen said what it was, and gave the essence blood directly to Ye Chen in the stomach.

Ye Chen then used the method of Su Yunzhe to create the seal of the law. While playing the seal of the law, Ye Chen also tried to add his own spiritual power to it, just like the mark left by the two purple seven-star warriors before. .

This test was really easy to use. After he was completely in control, he had a special feeling that the life and death of the dragon whale were in his mind.

"Master!" Everything is settled, and the whale can only lower its proud head.

"Okay, open your mouth!" After Ye Chen got out of the dragon whale's belly, he stood on the dragon whale's head and said, "Can you be smaller?"

"Okay." Although the sea beast is bigger and stronger, the silver sea beast can still change its shape freely. The whale has become the size of a person who can stand Ye Chen, and the dolphin is almost the same.

"You have become a lot cuter." Ye Chen laughed as he watched the whale as if he had become a dolphin.

The dragon whale stopped talking, only to feel that he was really sad. A grand lord of silver sea beasts, thus became a human mount? Also called cute? It's obviously fierce.

"You two guys? You want to die!" Ye Chen looked at the tiger shark and giant octopus again.

The tiger shark and the giant obviously did not expect that things would change so fast, and the dragon whale was thus surrendered? There isn't even time for them to run.

Ye Chen can break the stomach walls of dragon whales, and naturally they can also break their defenses. Moreover, if dragon whales eat them, they may not be able to escape, but Ye Chen can come out, indicating that they are much stronger than them, and two sea beasts are bigger. The lords looked at each other silently, and it was difficult to accept them as human mounts.

The dragon whale watched a good show. If it wasn't for the two guys' eyes that were too greedy, they would eat their corpses. They would rather die than become Ye Chen's mount. But now it has become Ye Chen's mount, it just wants to pull tiger sharks and giant octopuses into the water.

"Give you a few minutes to consider, otherwise, you will all become the nourishment in the belly of the whale."

The whale's eyes suddenly lighted up, revealing the sharp fangs of flashing cold light. This is good. I ate tiger sharks and giant octopuses. It may reach the peak of the silver Samsung. When it breaks through to the silver four stars, it can rule. Miles of waters.

Su Yunzhe and early summer also stopped tiger sharks and giant octopuses to prevent them from running away.

"I'm going, is it so horrible?" Tiger sharks and giant octopuses did not expect Ye Chen to threaten them in this way. When they saw the way, they seemed to be intercepted, and they were distressed. They came to seek revenge on humans. Chen grabbed a mount?

"Hurry up and think about it, time is limited!" The dragon whale said at this moment, it couldn't handle it now, and together with the master, it would kill two opponents, swallow them, and improve its strength.

"We agree!" Tiger sharks and giant octopuses saw the whale's particular desire to eat them, and eventually succumbed. It is better to eat other sea beasts than to be eaten by other sea beasts!

"Very well, human beings have a word, and the current affairs person is Junjie. Follow me, at least your life will survive, and there is a chance of promotion!" Ye Chen nodded, asking for the essence of tiger sharks and giant octopuses , Using the previous method to control the two sea beast lords.

However, after controlling, Ye Chen felt that his spirit was a bit empty and his body was extremely weak, and he looked suspiciously at Su Yunzhe.

Su Yunzhe said, "'Mr. Chen,' most people can only subdue one sea beast mount. You have conquered three of them. I also met for the first time. If you look at me like this, I don't know why."

"I know." Early summer said, "To control the sea beast's horses requires mental power. Although the warriors are weak, they have strong willpower, and" Chen Gongzi "has very strong mental and willpower. But controlling the three silver sea beast lords at the same time will definitely consume a lot, which will cause some weakness. "

Ye Chen thought about it, as if he had said in the early summer, he recovered with ten thoughts.

The tiger shark and giant octopus have also become mini tiger sharks and mini octopuses, looking at each other with the dragon and whale. They do not know what to say, now they have become the mount of the same person.

An hour later, Ye Chen was full of energy, and his mental strength broke through to the purple five-star.

"What are you two doing here waiting for me? Don't run with them?" Ye Chen said.

"'Gong Chen,' I want to follow you," Su Yunzhe said.

"Oh? Why?" Ye Chen was surprised.

"Because of your talent and your strength, I deserve admiration. It is a matter of pride to follow a strong man like you!" Su Yunzhe said.

"Very well, I agree." Ye Chen agreed naturally because Su Yunzhe's last sentence, it is a matter of pride to follow him. Well, it's very good. He took a picture of the idea and Ye Chen slightly narcissistic.

"What about you, what are you doing here?" Ye Chen looked to early summer. He was unfamiliar with early summer and had a contradiction with Xuan Yin. Early summer did not leave at this time, and Ye Chen was also very puzzled.

"You used the animal sound formula before, don't deny it, I have noticed it." Early summer road.

"That's right, it's animal sounds, so what?" Ye Chen admitted.

"Animal Yinjue is one of our top extremist schools. No one can spread it. Are you also our one?" Surprised in early summer. "But we only recruit female disciples."

"Oh, this way, how I learned has nothing to do with you." Ye Chen had speculated before that Dongfang Tianqin really had a relationship with Xuan Yin, but she didn't know how they were related. If the relationship between them is good, I don't know how to deal with it.

"This is our peerless study of Tian Yinzong, why is it irrelevant to me?" Early summer was angry.

"Do you still want to take it back?" Ye Chen glanced at Xia Xia.

"Oh, do you want to do something?" The three big beast lords who looked at each other instantly unanimously, and looked towards early summer.

Immediately in the early summer I felt a stress.

"Okay, don't mention this." Although early summer stayed to ask about the beast sounds, but Ye Chen thought he could be the one who stayed. After all, the infinite sea beasts wrapped themselves before, and everyone thought they were dead. Certainly, there must be a desire to help him in early summer, which is always better than that of Xuan Yin.

"Where are you going?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the fleet that had disappeared into the mist. But it is strange that even if the fog is heavy, the island is still clearly visible.

"We're going to that small island." Su Yunzhe and early Xia agree.

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