Chaos Fiend

Chapter 212: Enter the island

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Go to that island?" Ye Chen said, "Is there anything special about that island?"

"I do n’t know, it ’s because Baibaoxing recruits people, so I followed them along with my captain. (((卡蒂诺 小说 网 ))) But I just listened to the captain said that this island suddenly appeared. This piece was not available before, so I came here to explore together. "Early summer road.

"Yes, I came here to explore." Su Yunzhe said, "I know the origin of this island. It is said that there is a great person inheritance. Before the Phoenix Emperor became famous, he might have entered this island first. Now. "

"So strong? So what are we still doing, let's try our luck too?" Ye Chen said.

"Wait a minute, the island is terrible. Can't you go?" Said the whale, the tiger shark, and Ju Zhang.

"Huh? What horrible?"

"We don't know where the horror is, but our instinct tells us that if we can't go, we might die if we go ..." The three silver sea beast lords said.

"What's terrible, haven't all the previous fleets entered?" Ye Chen rolled his eyes, "They can all enter without fear, are we afraid?"

"This, this." The three big silver sea beast lords don't know what to say, but they still have fears in their hearts. They don't want to go. What if Ye Chen dies inside, Ye Chen will get them before he dies. Dead, they are miserable.

"Okay, you are waiting for me outside, I will go in myself!" The three big silver sea beast lords did not dare to go in, Ye Chen would not be too reluctant, but he must go in to explore.

"Thank you Lord for your understanding. However, if the owner is in danger, can we cancel the contract with us." The three silver sea beast lords finally said.

Ye Chen's eyes turned white, damn, these three guys were afraid that they would die inside and pulled them on their backs, and then they felt uncomfortable, but finally said, "Okay, I know, look at my last mood ! "

"Thank you master." The three big beast lords can only do so, it's all up to Ye Chen's mood, but they don't want to think about it, if Ye Chen really is going to die, he is in a bad mood, maybe he will pull them back Yeah, after all, Ye Chen is only trying to kill them now.

"What about you two? Do you want to be together?" Ye Chen looked at Su Yunzhe and early summer.

"Of course, I'm here to explore!" Su Yunzhe said.

"I am also here to explore! Also, I must ask the origin of your animal sounds! I will follow you wherever you go!"

"Oh, it depends on your performance." Ye Chen smiled and shifted the topic. "Since this is the case, let's go!"

Ye Chen took the lead and rushed into the mist, while Su Yunzhe and early summer followed.

Immediately after the three rushed into the mist, the same thing happened to Sun Guangxin and others. Even if the three were less than a few meters apart, they could not see or hear.

Just when Ye Chen was a little surprised, a huge attraction fell from the sky. As soon as Ye Chen resisted, the attraction magnified a hundredfold. Ye Chen only felt that the sky was spinning, and then he fell into dizziness.

Ye Chen had just entered the mist in less than half a day.

Several figures flew here in turn from the sky.

If Ye Chen were outside, he would find that almost everyone here knew him.

There were red lotus, Ye Qifeng, the Eastern Domineering, and even two people came from the Arctic Icefield. One was actually a brutal race, and the other was a renegade celebration at the Little Arctic Palace.

There was another young man with three eyes who met during Ye Chen's very weak hour. At this time, the young man with three eyes exuded a strong breath and came to the island.

Similarly, in addition to these people you know, there are some people that Ye Chen doesn't know, who all seem to jump out of the crack in the stone. Especially one of the young people had twin horns in his head, and his body exuded an infinite icy coldness. He would freeze all the way along the way, as if the incarnation of the **** of icy cold.

There is another person, Ye Chen knows, it is He Jiaqi of Qingshicheng.

However, He Jiaqi's strength is not strong, but there is a great man standing beside her. The man stands there, it seems to emit endless dazzling light, like a dazzling sun. If it is like anyone, it is like Honglian's father Huang Fu Yuqi.

What is hidden in this island, and why is it attracting so many young strong men to come here?

The three great beast lords are hidden under the sea, and they are discussing whether to intercept these humans, and then give up after thinking about it. Such humans are obviously not easy to mess with, in case they encounter one and Ye Chen again Playing the same role as pigs and tigers, they will surely be killed. They might as well wait outside and wait for Ye Chen to come out.

Of course, the best result in their hearts is that Ye Chen died when he died, and did not pull them to die together. In this way, they are free and can be their great lords in the sea.

But at this moment, in the other direction of the island, a giant sea beast, a sea beast that is ten times larger than the peak period of the three sea beast lords, came over. It itself is like a battle fortress!

Above the Big Mac, there is a man and a woman, but the skin of both men and women is dark blue, obviously not human. After the man and the woman came, the purpose was very clear, that is, they entered the island.


As for Ye Chen, after a short vertigo, he finally returned to normal, and he appeared in the island.

The island is lush, and ninety percent of it is covered by trees. It's hard to see anything special here.

"Huh?" Ye Chen wanted to use mental power to look at the surrounding environment, but found that mental power could not be used anymore, and was completely suppressed in the sea of ​​knowledge. He wanted to use Yuanli, but also found that Yuanli could not use it.

Ye Chen instantly understood that this island actually suppressed people's mental strength and strength.

Ye Chen tried his physical strength again and found that it was not suppressed. This relieved him. As long as his physical strength is still there, he has the strength to protect himself. After all, his physical strength is equivalent to a purple five-star.

However, Ye Chen was worried about Su Yunzhe at this moment. After all, this is the younger brother he just accepted. He still has the ability to protect himself, but Su Yunzhe may not.

There are other people who entered first. How many people can compare physical strength with Ye Chen? What would those people do?

Forget it, everyone has their own way of doing things, so what to do? Just be yourself.

Ye Chen pinpointed the direction and walked towards the center of the island.

"Grumbling ..." After half an hour, Ye Chen found himself hungry. He who had reached the purple strength had not eaten for a long time. He did not expect to be hungry for half an hour after entering the island.

Ye Chen wanted to open the Na ring, but found that it could not be opened at all, that is, when he came to the island, he could only live on his own body.

But it doesn't matter, the strength of the purple five-star can survive no matter where it is.

"Oh?" Coincidentally, just a few steps away, Ye Chen saw a red-eyed rabbit that was always normal in size. Where did Ye Chen hesitate, he rushed to the rabbit instantly.

But what surprised Ye Chen was that the rabbit's speed was much faster than him, and he ran away in the blink of an eye, but Ye Chen still saw the general direction of the rabbit's escape.

Ye Chen had a feeling of scolding his mother. He started to have a purple five-star body. Any rabbit on the island who looked very ordinary could throw him off two streets. What a ghost place?

However, in order to fill his stomach, Ye Chen had no choice. Even if the rabbit is fast, he still has to catch, and people are always smarter than rabbits. Thinking of Ye Chen, they are going to catch rabbits.

On the other side, after entering, Red Lotus, Oriental Batian, Ye Qifeng, and Three-eyed Youth, they seemed to know the island's secrets for a long time. They did not stop for a moment and moved towards the center of the island.

The man from the great shore also seemed to know the secret of the island, and took He Jiaqi to the central area.

The same goes for the two blue-skinned strangers, heading to the central area together.

After Dust entered the island, it was like returning to his own home. Although he could not use his power like everyone else, Dust could control the trees on the island, as easy as commanding his arm. Of course, he seemed to know the island Secret, go to the center.

However, the two of Xingxingtian and Dianqing are both physical practitioners. Their strength has not been weakened at all here, and even has been faintly enhanced, such as fish and water. The two are also hungry and fastest. Since eating the beasts here, they have been Catching the beast.

Of course, there are other people under the age of 30 in the island, like Sun Guangxin and others who have basically lost their strength one by one. Some people happened to meet together and formed a group with each other to move forward in the island aimlessly.

At this time, Ye Chen was being burned by a rabbit.

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