Chaos Fiend

Chapter 217: Come back for revenge

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

After the two Ye Chen let go, they took the lead to leave, but they were still unwilling. One of them covered his neck and waved his head, "Our boss is not weaker than these geniuses. Why didn't you just say that? He may be jealous of our boss's identity, and dare not move us! Look at the neck now being bloated. (((Catino Novel Network ))) "

"You think wrong! If we say that, do you think the other party can let us go? Maybe because of the fear of our boss, we secretly killed us! The beasts are so strong here, we die, and no one else knows , I thought it was eaten by a wild beast. But this revenge is not revenge, I am not willing! "

"You're right. Let's follow Boss Boss. Who doesn't take a look at us and now I'm being taught by these two guys. I'm not reconciled! Especially when these two guys come here so many days late, at first glance they are very weak. Is it better than the two of us, can we pretend to be both of us and find revenge? "

"Okay! Find someone to take revenge!"

The two settled in an instant, and Qingche returned to Skull Stealing Station.

Of course, it is much faster than Ye Chen and Ye Long who do not know the road, especially the direction that Ye Chen and Ye Long are walking is the core sphere of influence of the skeleton thief.

"Boss, two people passed our forces, but didn't hand over food." The two found dry dust. After all, there are only a few people who can live here. Each of them has so many thirty or forty people. Dust can also fully realize.

"Huh? What's the matter? Kill it without handing in food, so you bother me with such a small matter?" Ku Chen was a little upset at first, and even worse when he heard the news.

"Boss, we also think about it, but they are too powerful, and they have taught us a lesson." The two said nothing.

"Huh? Lessons for you? Didn't you say you were mixing with me?" Duchen said.

"We said, but they don't pay attention to the boss at all. They also say that the boss is a waste, and that they will also lie down when the boss comes!" They said.

"Slum? Who dares to be so arrogant?" Dust was furious, and she shot the case, but turned to doubt again, "You two boys didn't lie to me?"

"Boss, how dare we lie to you? We are tired and crooked?" The two said, "And the two were just passing here, and the strength is obviously the weakest group. It is normal to have never heard of your name, this How dare you talk wildly! "

"You're right, okay, I'll give you ten people and go and catch those two. I'd like to see, why are they so mad!" Duchen said.

"Thank you, Boss." The two were overjoyed, but one of them turned their eyes and seemed to think of something, and said immediately, "Yes, boss, the two seem to be in conflict with the people of Baibaoxing. You are not with Do the people in Baibaoxing have resentment, or else we would inform the people in Baibaoxing that we could make a profit. "

"Your two boys are smart!" Duchen said, "Just as you said, you settled on the side, this thing is done, you want to improve your strength, it is simple."

"Thank you, boss!"

After the two left, there was another person beside Kuchen who looked good at stubbornly, and he looked at him, "Boss, the two of them are obviously telling lies, and they want you to take advantage of them. . "

"What is it? Do you think I didn't see it?" Bachen laughed. "I have intentionally behaved like this, there are two advantages, one is to buy people's hearts, and they will all work for me in the future, the other is not two People, the strength is suppressed here, what are two people? I think they are geniuses in the central area? I asked them to bring ten people, but it was not easy to solve. For me, it is natural to buy people ’s minds. Profitable business. "

"Still the boss is wise," the man with a jealous face praised.

"And isn't it that people from Baibaoxing are still involved?" Said Chen Chen.

"But the people of Baibaoxing are not necessarily involved."

"Hey, we don't suffer even if we don't participate, don't we? Of course, once Baibaoxing participates, we make money." Kuchen said.

"I'm throwing my ground on the boss you really admire now, and it's all in your calculations." The man with a brazen face pretended to look like he really admired it, and what he thought in his heart, others naturally didn't. understood.

Bachen was very satisfied with his touting, but he sank when he heard his last sentence. "Some things are not what I can count. It is said that the geniuses in the central area have all passed the test and have entered the next level. Now, I think I'm going to prepare too. "

"Yes, boss, I believe that it is a very simple matter to pass the test with the strength of the boss. But? ..." said the thief, "but the boss is on the island, and he can improve his strength without limit. Why go to the next level? "

"Since there is a next layer, it proves that there is something good in the next layer. What is the strength of the outside improvement? Maybe the strength of the improvement below is even greater!" Duchen Chen said, "Well, I have decided to go to the next layer. .If I succeed, the forces of the Skull Pirates will be entrusted to you, and when you want to increase your strength, you will increase your strength. "

"Thank you, boss, thank you!" The thief, the eyebrow, and the male eyebrow so brag about dry dust, isn't it for the dry dust? When the dry dust is gone, the power of the dry dust is his. At that time, he does n’t just want to do what he wants, if he wants to improve his strength, he will increase his strength. If he wants to be a girl, he will be a girl. There are no constraints on the continent at all.


"Who are you?" Ye Chen and Ye Long had just gone for about an hour, and were surrounded by more than a dozen people.

"I heard that you have resentment with our Babaoxing? The eggs we are busy with hurt," said the man who was the first to hang out.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Although I do have resentment against Baibaoxing, do you guys belong to idle eggs hurt?"

"Idle egg hurts?" The head of the man stunned, then laughed, "You are right, we are idle eggs hurt, but since you have resentment with our treasure, then we are not idle It hurts, but here comes revenge! "

"Yes, we are here to get revenge!" The man behind the head of the man also laughed.

"Master, there are a dozen people in other places, including the two you just let go." Xiao Hei said now.

"Oh, it was the person they called." But then Ye Chen was surprised, "Xiao Hei, can you use your own power to see the surrounding environment?"

"Yes." Xiao Gangdao, "I didn't say anything without asking you ..."

"Without saying this, can I use my strength?" Ye Chen said.

"Master, you can't, you still have to improve your physical strength." Xiao Hei hit.

"Okay, I know." Ye Chen glared, and no longer asked this question.

However, after Ye Chen and Xiaohei finished talking, Ye Long had beaten everyone around, especially Dang Erlang who had been ruthless before as a man. He was also taken care of by Ye Long and his face was swollen.

Ye Long clapped his hands and said, "Don't dare to seek revenge just because of this strength? It's boring."

You should know that most people's strengths before now are very weak. Only after they came here, they forcibly improved to the purple strength. There is no matching control at all. Even if they have strength, they are just fists and embroidered legs.

"You, you dare to fight even our treasures, you have a big deal!"

"Oh, what happened is what happened."

The other side saw Ye Chen and Ye Long not afraid of them, plus the fight, the man who was acting as a child could only shout, "Hey, some friends who stole the skeletons, don't you come out quickly ?!"

The people who had originally seen the skeletons saw Ye Long being so fierce, and their strength was not much stronger than Baibaoxing. They had no plans to come out. When they heard the man, they had no choice but to come out, especially before Ye Chenhe The two men who Ye Long let go, came out with an awkward look, "Two adults, do we say that all this is a misunderstanding of you ..."

"Of course we believe." Ye Chen grinned.

Seeing Ye Chen's smile, everyone had a bad feeling, and now Ye Chen had rushed up with his fist.

Ten minutes, Ye Chen and Ye Long had left contentedly. As for a group of people lying on the ground ...

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