Chaos Fiend

Chapter 218: Four Powers Gather

◇ OM, wonderful free! Ye Chen left. Naturally, he had already inquired about the position of the heart region, and walked towards the heart region. To be honest, he was curious about the heart region, and maybe he could unlock the secret of the island here. --- Complete copy of Yanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance )))

In addition, Sister Honglian, Ye Qifeng, Dongfang Batian and others are in the heart area, and Ye Chen just happened to meet them. However, Ye Chen didn't know what happened to Sister Honglian and Ye Qifeng. After all, before that, Sister Honglian and Ye Qifeng did not seem to have the ability to cultivate the physical body. I do n’t know how they became the genius of much attention here. As for the Eastern Tyrant, Ye Chen had played against him, and he had a hard time. Although the Eastern Tyrant did not reveal the physical power, it was also obviously cultivated.

Because he had inquired about the position this time, plus the four directions around him were occupied by humans, and the beasts were basically cleaned up, so Ye Chen soon reached the heart area.

It's not that there are only some geniuses in the heart area, and there are some scattered people who do not want to be bound.

In the heart area, there is only a huge towering giant tree. Around the giant tree are all wooden cabins built by human beings. Some people practice here.

The front trunk part of the giant tree is actually a large tiger hole with a height of more than ten meters. The big hole is dark and deep, and it is completely dark. It is impossible to see the inside, but the aura of breath comes out.

Ye Chen's arrival didn't attract people's attention, but Ye Chen saw an acquaintance in front of Hukou Dadong, and it was the dry dust that was about to enter it.

And Ye Chen apparently found Ye Chen.

"Chen Gongzi? You are still alive?" Although Su Chen and others had Ye Chen still there, Su Yunzhe and early summer also came in. They knew Ye Chen was still alive, but Ye Chen hadn't lived for so long. Appeared, in the view of Dust, Ye Chen may be dead, otherwise it is impossible not to come to the heart area, the reason for not coming is probably dead. Of course, now Ye Chen doesn't have the mental power to cover his face, but the dry dust still knows it. After all, Chen Chen, Xuan Yin, and Sun Guangxin have all seen Ye Chen's true face.

"I won't die if you die." Ye Chen glared.

"Oh, here, I can't die! I'm the proud of the sky!" A wild and uninhibited momentum emanated from the dry dust, and it seemed that the people in the world were not in the eyes.

Ye Chen said he shrugged indifferently.

After all, the dry dust is dry dust. Someone soon recognized the dry dust. The situation here spread immediately, and people came to watch the scene.

"Who the two are opposite, dare to provoke the dry dust."

"Yes, dare to provoke even the dry dust. I'm afraid the two are impatient to live?"

"No, one of them is not a human. You look at it with double horns. It is a monster!"

"Yes, but we saw the monster here for the first time. I don't know if we can eat it?" Everyone around them showed the same look as when they looked at Ye Long. After all, they eat beasts here. Then Can monsters eat it?

"Huh!" Ye Long snorted coldly, glaring at the people around him.

People around were naturally not afraid of Ye Long and stared back.

"You don't believe it?" On the other side, Dust Chen saw Ye Chen shrugging his shoulders, his face gloomed, he still remembered the humiliation that day, if it was not Xuan Yin and Hai Rongwei, I'm afraid he was killed by Ye Chen directly, now Seeing Ye Chen seem to look down on him, suddenly made him feel ashamed.

"I didn't say no," Ye Chen said, "but I didn't say any."

Hearing the words in front of Ye Chen, Duchen's face eased. But Ye Chen's words left him on the verge of anger. In the final analysis, Ye Chen still looked down on him, "Here it is not outside! You are really looking for death! I will kill you easily here!"

"Really? If I were outside, I wouldn't kill you in seconds?" Ye Chen laughed.

"Abominable! You're really looking for death!" Dry dust couldn't help it anymore, so he shot.

"Dust, dare you touch my boss to try?" Just when Dust was shot, Su Yunzhe appeared and scolded.

Dust Chen stared at Su Yunzhe, "Su Yunzhe, get out of me, don't think that if you get a little chance, you can compete with me. Today I dare to interfere here, I will even kill you!"

"You have the ability to try it! See who kills who!" Su Yunzhe said.

Su Yunzhe didn't come alone. Haicheng's forces have all come over. He has been unified by him. After hearing Su Yunzhe's words, they all stood up and surrounded the dry dust. It seems that the dry dust will be eliminated in the next second. !!

However, some people came forward at the moment and said, "Su Yunzhe, this is your personal revenge, and it cannot involve our forces."

The speaker is Hai Rongwei's sister-in-law Haitian Blue. Originally he was watching the lively, but he did not expect Ye Chen to be Su Yunzhe's eldest brother. He is the second person in Haicheng ’s power ranking under Su Yunzhe. Certain authority, the people surrounded by the dust just now looked at each other, I don't know who to listen to! !!

Just before the crowd hesitated, another group rushed over. It was the skeleton robber who was headed by the thief and the eyebrows. He became as if he had the righteous spirit and glared around, "Who dares to move our boss? Want to die? "

"What are you still doing? Are you ready to retreat ?!" Hai Tianlan also spoke at this time, and the people of the Haicheng forces immediately retreated.

Although Su Yunzhe was a little angry, he did not want to cause the two major forces to go to war at this time, as long as he could save Ye Chen.

"Boss, are you okay?" The thief, mouse-eyed man saw Haicheng retreating, and immediately ran to the dry dust, showing loyalty.

"What do you say? You think that these wastes can't help me." Dry dust is naturally extremely angry. If Su Yunzhe ran out of trouble, he would directly kill Ye Chen.

"Yes, yes, Boss, what kind of waste is this stuff?" The thief, eyebrow and nodded man nodded.

The people of Haicheng Power were naturally angry when they heard what they said, and anyone who was scolded by the waste was angry.

However, Haitian Blue did not care anymore, and still looked lively. If things are not handled well today, maybe Su Yunzhe will be stepped down, so he can take the opportunity.

"You okay, boss." Su Yunzhe also came to Ye Chen and asked in a low voice.

"I'm fine." Ye Chen laughed. "He can't help me."

Su Yunzhe didn't say anything. Ye Chen was very strong outside, but this is an island, and everyone's power is suppressed here. He doesn't like Ye Chen. However, he does not need to expose Ye Chen, and he has decided to follow Ye Chen, naturally he must defend Ye Chen.

"What's going on here today, so lively here?" Sun Guangxin rushed over with the power of Baibaoxing. The man finally left, and Sun Guangxin completely controlled the power of Baibaoxing here.

During the conversation, Sun Guangxin saw Ye Chen now, "'Chen Gongzi, are you there?"

Ye Chen didn't speak and nodded.

"Thank you last time!" Ye Chen did not kill him last time, but Ye Chen also took away nearly two-thirds of the wealth of Haicheng Baibaohang, which was offset. Last time, Ye Chen stopped all the sea beasts. These talents had the opportunity to enter the island. Since Ye Chen was not dead, and his teacher let him pay Ye Chen, he can only say thank you.

"Hum." Ye Chen sneered scornfully and didn't say anything. The last time they ran away, what did it mean? Ye Chen couldn't understand it. However, Ye Chen was also fearless at the time, and he didn't care if they ran or not, but now Sun Guangxin made his last appearance, and Ye Chen would certainly not care about Sun Guangxin. Unless Sun Guangxin stayed like Su Yunzhe and early summer.

Sun Guangxin ate Ye Chen's closed door, a little awkward, but didn't say much.

And the people around me who looked at the lively melon-eating people were even more surprised. People who did not expect to offend the dust did not even sell Sun Guangxin's face.

"Oh, all three forces are here? Then I ca n’t justify it if I do n’t come. But I do n’t know what the three bosses are doing here? I do n’t know if I can talk to me?” The last party also came. It was the captain of the early summer squad. It can be said that he was the weakest one before, but his character is indeed the best one here. He happened to eat a purple fruit. , The strength directly jumped N-level, and reached the purple nine stars. If it is not weaker, it can already be compared with geniuses such as Honglian and Ye Qifeng!

Behind Scarface, there were his two younger brothers and early summer, as well as other demon hunting teams.

"Scar, go away, there's nothing to do with you here." Kuchen and Sun Guangxin disdain at the same time. If it wasn't for the scar's face that luck was so bad, how can they be qualified to stand with them now, so they still look down on the knife. Scar face.

Scar's face was a little angry when he heard the words, and he clenched his fists, but then looked at Su Yunzhe, "Boss Su, what happened here, can you tell me? Maybe I can do anything else for you? . "

"It's nothing, just that there is some contradiction between Dust and my boss." Su Yunzhe said.

"Huh!" The dry dust snorted, knowing that there are too many people here today, and he couldn't let go of Ye Chen, and he directly said to Ye Chen, "I have something to do today, so I will spare you this time If you have the ability, just follow me to the next level and watch me kill you! "

After speaking, Dust Chen said to the thief, "The forces of the skeleton robbers are given to you first! Wait for me to come back!"

"Relax, boss!"

Dust Chen snorted at Ye Chen again, and walked into the big hole in Hukou.

When they saw the dry dust entering, everyone was staring at Hukou big hole.

Ten minutes later, the tiger's eyes in Hukou Dadong were glared, and everyone who saw this skeleton thief was immediately excited, "Boss, passed!"

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