Chaos Fiend

Chapter 220: Kill Ye Chen

◇ OM, wonderful free! "Brother, can we help?" Ye Longdao saw Su Yunzhe and Haitian Lan fighting together. --- End of the story, romance with Hong Kong and Taiwan

"No need. If he can't even beat Haitian Blue, how can he take the test." Ye Chen said, after all, Su Yunzhe said, the test is to fight with a silver one-star emperor, and Haitian blue is obviously not as good as silver one. star.

However, Ye Chen was thinking about the question, how did they enhance their strength? Ye Chen came to this for a while, and I do n’t know how others improved their strength. Is it just eating the meat of wild animals? Although this is also a way, it can't be eaten indefinitely, and the stomach will be supported.

Now all people are fighting in the flesh, returning to the most primitive way of fighting, punching to the flesh, and finally Su Yunzhe is superior and hits the sky blue with one punch.

"Boss!" Su Yunzhe, who returned from the victory, is even more imposing. "I want to chase after victory, so I will challenge the tiger hole!"

"it is good!"

"But Boss," Su Yunzhe said, "After I leave, Haitian Blue may be in trouble with you. Would you like to kill him now ?!"

"No, we are not afraid of him." Ye Chen laughed. "Yes, I always have a question to ask you, how did you improve your strength? Why did you improve so fast in just a few days."

"By the way, since I'm going to the next level, these things are useless, and they are already useless." Su Yunzhe took out a leaf package, and the space for the ring was no longer used.

"What is this?" Ye Chen said.

While others saw Su Yunzhe's leaves wrapped in a greedy look.

"This is a meatball made from the essence of a beast. Each one is equivalent to eating a beast, and there is no feeling of fullness. The stored energy will not make you hungry and enhance your strength. This is how we come." Su Yunzhe said.

"I'm going, how did you make this meatball?" Ye Chen was surprised. Couldn't the pharmacist here still make the medicine?

"Not made by us, ten minutes after the beast's death, it will be automatically converted into meatballs." Su Yunzhe said.

"Yeah." Ye Chen almost spit out the salt soda. He now understands a bit, a wild boar is so difficult. How can other people have the power to tear open the beast. Even if there is power to kill the beast, it is impossible without a weapon. Shredding the beasts, especially so many weak ones, must be that the beasts slowly turn into meatballs after they die, and then they can be directly enhanced by being eaten.

Ye Chen was very speechless, and Ye Long didn't know. Both eyes were innocent. They were really brothers.

It is estimated that Dianqing and Barbarian do not know, after all, Barbarian ’s strength is so easy to tear the beast.

The shattered beast cannot form a pill, but the body parts are preserved, just like Ye Chen ’s wild boar fangs. The sharpness is estimated to have a hole in the flesh of the purple nine stars. The pros and cons are hard to say.

"Brother, you try it first. But this meatball is limited. It wo n’t have any effect when it comes to purple Jiuxing. If you want to continue to improve, you can only enter Hukou Dadong." Although Su Yunzhe wanted to enter Hukou Dadong, But he was still worried about Ye Chen. He had to protect the law for Ye Chen first and let Ye Chen improve his strength.

"Okay." Ye Chen was also welcome. He took the leaves and found that there were four meatballs in it. He gave two to Ye Long and ate it directly.

After eating the meatballs, Ye Chen's lower abdomen directly rose to a burning sensation, and then he felt that his limbs began to warm up, and then his physical body began to rise at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

An hour later, the purple eight stars, and two hours later, the purple nine stars.

Ye Chen shook his fist and felt its power. It was really a purple star. No wonder other people's strength has improved so quickly. The meatballs that this island beast has become after death are too powerful. He really has an incredible feeling in his heart.

And Ye Long, like Ye Chen, was quickly promoted to the purple Jiuxing, except that there may be some lack of control, there is no discomfort.

Of course, the two people can improve so fast because of their deep foundation and the strong pill given by Su Yunzhe, but the others cannot.

"Xiao Hei. See if there is any dark illness in my body, I always feel a little uneasy." Ye Chen's heart was still a little uneasy as his strength improved so quickly.

"I saw it, there is nothing wrong with it." Xiao Hei was also surprised, but still said, "Actually, the master is normal if you think about it. Since this is a part of the higher continent, it is equivalent to the place where the purple king was born. It ’s not easy to raise your master ’s strength to Purple Jiuxing. Maybe this is also part of the test. Raising your strength to Purple Jiuxing on the island, so that you have the qualification to challenge the next level. ”

"You're right, maybe I think too much." Ye Chen could only think so.

"How is it, boss?" Su Yunzhe inquired at this moment.

"Very good, very good!" Ye Chen said.

"That's good. Since that's the case, I'm going to break through the barrier!" Su Yunzhe also let go of all the thoughts and went through a big hole in Hukou. This is the last time for him. If he loses, he will die!

"Let's go together!"

The three left together, and no one was in charge of Haitian Blue defeated by Su Yunzhe.

"It's too rubbish." Hai Tianlan shot, and naturally the young man with three eyes contributed to it. Hai Tianlan was encouraged by the young man with three eyes, but it was so unexpected that Hai Tianlan was so **** that even Su Yunzhe couldn't beat him. You have to do it yourself? "

However, the three-eyed young man thought for a while that it was not the time for his own shot, and Ye Chen always had a hole card in his hand.

In the end, the three-eyed youth went directly to Sun Guangxin. Ye Chen looked down on Sun Guangxin. He also saw it, and Foo was good. It was another weapon. At that time, Haicheng and Baibao were at the same time. Moreover, the weakest of these people is a purple star.

When the three-eyed young man went to the power of Baibaoxing, he found that there was a woman beside Sun Guangxin. Although the strongest person of Baibaoxing left, a woman he brought stayed, and the person could easily pass by himself The test, but could not bring the woman around her into it, she could only rely on her own efforts.

Of course, at this moment Sun Guangxin and the woman were talking about 'Chen Gongzi', and the three-eyed young man also joined it. By chance, he said the real name of 'Chen Gongzi' is Ye Chen.

When he heard that 'Chen Gongzi' was Ye Chen, Sun Guangxin suddenly realized that it was Ye Chen who was the first day of the continent that killed the three elders Wu Han. It was because his teacher could not let him move Ye Chen. It turned out to be such.

When the woman heard that it was Ye Chen, her look became more colorful, but she did not expect that the idiot she was inconspicuous at that time was much more exciting than her. The most important thing was that she thought Ye Chen was wanted all over the mainland by Ye Baoxing. Ye Chen was dead. She also caught Ye Chen's relatives and gave it to Bai Baoxing. However, she did not expect Ye Chen to live alive and came On the island.

And Ye Chen's cousin, Ye Qifeng, is also terrible. Fortunately, he protects himself, otherwise he might be killed by Ye Qifeng. What kind of monster family is this Ye family? With all kinds of wrong things, he has completely stood opposite to the Ye family.

That's right, this woman is He Jiaqi!

"Leave, convene people and follow me to kill Ye Chen!"

In the end, He Jiaqi groaned for a while and asked Sun Guangxin to convene a man and horse. She must take advantage of here to kill Ye Chen. If she went outside, she could easily deal with her with Ye Chen's strength. Now that the opportunity has come, she cannot give up.

"This ..." Sun Guangxin hesitated.

"He killed your three elders, don't you want revenge?" He Jiaqi said.

"He Meimei is right, take revenge while Ye Chen is the weakest now, otherwise what chance do you have when he leaves the island?" Three-eyed youth also hit iron while hot.

"Forget it, you take someone, I won't go." Sun Guangxin thought of Ye Chen after letting him go once and saving him once, he still couldn't fight Ye Chen.

He Jiaqi heard that regardless of Sun Guangxin, gathering people, these people knew that He Jiaqi was the man's woman, and they were willing to obey He Jiaqi's command.

When the three-eyed youth saw He Jiaqi dispatching with a group of people, he immediately went to Huyou Haitian Blue again.

As for Scarface, he will not go. He knows that everyone else looks down on Scarface, the guy who has run away with shit. Unfortunately, these people don't understand. Sometimes luck is also a kind of strength.

Haitian Lan originally had resentment. Now the three-eyed youth talked again, Haitian Blue agreed, and when Su Yunzhe left, he killed Ye Chen and Ye Long. Then he brought together his brothers again, but this time there were only seven or eight people, but all of them were absolute **** confidants, this time he was going to be foolproof.

The three-eyed youth nodded with satisfaction. Hey, Ye Chen can be as strong as you want, but I have a mouth and hum, even if they lose, finally I will come to the king again.

Ye Chen naturally did not know that he was accounted for by the young man with three eyes, nor did he understand why the young man with three eyes was deliberately trying to kill him.

Now he and Ye Long and Su Yunzhe came to the entrance of Hukou Dadong together.

"Only one person can enter here at a time? Or can several people pass through together?" Ye Chen asked.

"You can allow several people to enter together." Su Yunzhe said, "But the difficulty is three times as before, such as one person is a silver one star emperor, if two people enter it is six silver one star emperor. By analogy, so basically no one went in. "

"Okay, I see. You go in. Come on!"

"Okay, boss!" Su Yunzhe nodded and entered Hukou Dadong with confidence.

The surrounding idlers saw Su Yunzhe enter, and they all surrounded the gate of Hukou, waiting to see the excitement.

But just one minute before Su Yunzhe went in, He Jiaqi and Hai Tianlan had taken their respective people to Ye Chen.

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