Chaos Fiend

Chapter 221: Gang up

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Ye Chen, it really is you!" After seeing Ye Chen, He Jiaqi was still full of shock. After not seeing for so long, she felt that Ye Chen was getting scarier. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

"He Jiaqi, I originally wanted to find you. I didn't expect you to come to your door!" Ye Chen snorted when he saw He Jiaqi. "There wasn't much resentment between us originally, but unfortunately everything you asked for! Even your teacher It's the Eastern Lyre, and I can't forgive you! "

"Don't make a fuss, but my teacher's name can be arbitrarily spoken?" He Jiaqi heard Ye Chen talked about Eastern Tianqin, and felt insulted immediately. "And forgive me, do you have this qualification? Today I will kill It's you! End our years of grievances! "

"Okay, the grudges between us have ended today!"

"Well, there is me!" Haitian Landao said, "No Su Yunzhe is protecting you now,‘ Chen Gongzi ’, you just wait to die!”

"Come together!" A powerful self-confidence was born from Ye Chen.

And Ye Long also stood up and confronted the enemy together with Ye Chen!

"Do n’t take the shot first, let me be alone!" He Jiaqi was extremely fast. Like a phantom, she rushed to Ye Chen. In the past, she was practicing spiritual power and could not be used here. Even if she used it, her strength was very weak, but because That person, she has resources that many people can't imagine, and has been promoted to purple nine stars. While Ye Chen has various legends on the Phoenix continent, she wants to break Ye Chen's legend today.

"Holy martial arts!" When He Jiaqi hit Ye Chen, his fists flashed a reddish light, and at the same time brought a roar. This was not any force, but the fire light produced when the fist rubbed against the air.

"Good time!" Ye Chen has just improved his strength and has not yet found a chance to test it. Now He Jiaqi has shot, just following Ye Chen's heart.

"Hell Lion Elephant Boxing!" Ye Chen can only use this one. Now there is no support from Yuanli, but there is strong power to support it, especially when Ye Chen cultivates a strong cow magic formula, the two fists seem to be transformed into two powerful hands. The Ox Demon rushed to He Jiaqi with the same terrible momentum.

"Boom!" The four punches intersected, and a huge roar rang in the ears of the people, and at the same time, everyone saw He Jiaqi's body stepping back and forth. In front of Ye Chen's absolute strength, He Jiaqi could not do it!

"Oh!" He Jiaqi was not convinced and rushed up again.

"Boom boom!" The two fists with two fists, and no one takes a step back. The barbaric attack is even more fierce.

The people who originally had respect for He Jiaqi was because of that person, but he did not expect that He Jiaqi was so fierce that everyone's eyes changed when she looked at her.

As for this time, He Jiaqi had sufferings in her heart. She had weak strength against Ye Chen, and she still fought against Ye Chen. In addition, she was dying to lose face and vowed not to step back. By this time, she had been injured by Ye Chen. Already.

"Strong bull magic trick!" Ye Chen also knew He Jiaqi's state, and her powerful power condensed again.

He Jiaqi finally couldn't carry it, her figure regressed. In the process of regressing, He Jiaqi spit blood, and all the internal injuries that had happened before recurred. At this time, she was like a madman and said madly, "Let's go together! Kill him!"

"Yes!" Others saw He Jiaqi's fighting scene just now, and also saw her fierce, and heard her order all rushed to Ye Chen bravely.

"Go to death!" A group of purple strong men rushed without a brain, and the momentum was still very scary.

The people who had been watching around had long ago retreated, for fear of being drawn in, and they also showed sympathy for Ye Chen and Ye Long. Although Ye Chen was really fierce just now, he could not stand Baibaohang and Haicheng. There are many people.

The situation here was also known to the thief, the eyebrows, and the men in the skeleton thief forces. Some subordinates advised him to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Ye Chen and wait for the dry dust to come back for invitations, but he did not bring anyone to join in the fun. Shoot and kill Ye Chen in person, he will not take the initiative, and he has just been in control, what is the time to enjoy it?

And Hei Yiya a group of people rushed over, only seven people could directly attack Ye Chen, five people surrounded Ye Chen, and the other two attacked Ye Chen from above.

All seven men attacked Ye Chen's key point, and wanted to kill Ye Chen in one stroke.

"What about many people, it's not a chicken and a dog!" Now is not the time for fun. Ye Chen took out the two fangs of the wild boar and simultaneously displayed the wings of the Phoenix. The effect is much weaker, but after all, it is a magical skill of the body, and can be released without power.

While everyone saw Ye Chen's fate, Ye Chen escaped from their attack range with a strange body method. Then Ye Chen's wild pig fangs were shot one by one, and the blink of an eye was shot seven times. Injured.

But because the speed is too fast, Ye Chen can't attack all the key points, but injuring seven people in an instant is enough to show Ye Chen's powerful strength, but it is just the injury.

Seven people were injured and retreated, and another seven replaced them instantly.

However, Ye Chen is already at the exhaustion stage, and then using the Phoenix wings to spread wings, the speed is not as fast as before, leaving a flaw.

Seven more people attacked, and Ye Chen could not completely escape the seven.

Seeing Ye Chen was about to be hit, Ye Long struck out, his hands turned into dragon claws, shining with a metallic luster, even sharper than a sharp weapon.

"Stop him!" Hai Tianlan waved his hand, and his seven or eight men attacked behind Ye Long. As long as Ye Long continued to rescue Ye Chen, they would welcome their stormy attacks.

When Ye Chen saw this situation, the previous powerful explosive power was reborn, forcibly breaking away from the war circle at a strange angle, and then Ye Chen forced out a breath.

While Ye Long ignored the attacks of seven or eight people behind him, the sharp claws of the dragon forcibly tore two enemies.

As for Ye Chen, the figure turned back, holding both teeth, and in cooperation with Ye Long, both teeth got into the hearts of two enemies.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and two of them killed four people in one hit, and Ye Chen has injured seven enemies. Ye Chen ’s outbreak and attack speed have reached an incredible level, and everyone else With physical power, it is impossible to be as strong as Ye Chen.

Seeing this, the remaining three people were already scared and did not dare to shoot.

But Haitian Blue's brother has already shot, and seven or eight people's fists greeted Ye Long.

"Bang bang!" All seven fists hit Ye Long.

"Well." Although the power is different, there are strong and weak, there are eight star warriors, and even one star warrior, but Ye Long is still vomiting blood.

Seeing Ye Long vomiting blood, the three of them who were trembling just now had no courage in their hearts and attacked Ye Long.

When ten people attacked Ye Long, Ye Chen finally calmed down. When he saw Ye Long being attacked, he suddenly became furious, clenched his teeth, and spotted each other's two strongest purple eight-star Wu King, and plunged in In the heart.

The two purple eight-star Emperor Wuxia could n’t believe they were dead when they died. They came to the island, and their strength rose to a state they could n’t even imagine. After they went out, they killed the Quartet and swept the world. died.

The three who had just braved the courage just now were trembling again, but Ye Chen showed no mercy, his teeth were shot again, and the three trembling were killed. The three were frightened, and they did not even have the courage to fight Ye Chen, so Directly killed by Ye Chen.

When others saw this, they dared not take any shots and backed up.

"Come on, follow me, they are two of them, what are they afraid of ?!" He Jiaqi was furious. After a while, her injuries recovered and she rushed to Ye Chen again.

He Jiaqi took the lead in charge, and everyone else even followed the cold.

The same is true of Haitian Blue. Since Ye Chen has been completely offended, only you will die! !!

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