Chaos Fiend

Chapter 229: Battle Ye Qifeng

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"Very good, but you can't use all your strength now, I don't take advantage of you, I don't need my Nine Rings sword. (((Cartino Novels ))) "Ye Qifeng started before.

"No, you still have to take out your Nine Rings Broadsword. If you lose, don't say you don't use all your energy!" Ye Chen refused.

"Abominable, killing sword! Go!" Ye Qifeng snorted coldly, and the towering sword finally condensed to the peak. It turned out that he himself also had a careful thought. He raised the momentum and sword in the words, and now finally condensed to the peak , Outrageously.

"Okay! Hell Lion Elephant Boxing!" Ye Chen took a sigh of relief, controlling the whole body muscles to swell and swell up. The entire human body was raised by half a meter. The physical body reached his level, so he could naturally control it at will. Swelling, the size of an iron pan, at the same time, he used a pure flesh to strike out a lion elephant out of phase, and made a lion roar like a real lion that hit Ye Qifeng.

"Om!" The sharp sword was buzzing when the lion slammed, like it was extremely excited when it met an evenly matched enemy.

Then Sword Yi and Lion Elephant collided together, like a war without smoke, Sword Yi and Lion Elephant annihilated each other.

Just when the two were annihilating each other, Ye Qifeng took a shot, rushing like a wind, his palm like a knife, and chopped to Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen experienced the previous two battles, and he was already as imposing as ever. When he saw Ye Qifeng coming, he did not hide, his fist greeted Ye Qifeng's hand knife.

The two sounds of 嚓, but the two were evenly matched, and the palm bones were broken.

However, Ye Chen was not affected in any way, and his palms were like Wuzhishan, pressing down towards Ye Qifeng.

"Drink!" Ye Qifeng shouted, holding a large knife in his hands and slicing into Ye Chen's palm.

"Zila Zila!" The big sword slammed into the palm of his hand, the strength canceled each other out, and at the same time, Zila Zila sounded.

"You are awesome." Ye Chen really said that before that, he had gone through two rounds of war and swallowed up all the power of the dry dust, which only increased his strength to the silver Samsung, while Ye Qifeng was the first time Fighting with him did not fall, although Ye Qifeng could use his power, but he was already very strong.

"I'm terrific !!!" Ye Qifeng was a little upset, but Ye Chen's words meant ridicule.

"Haha, if you just have this ability, I think you still give up." Ye Chen laughed. "At the peak of your momentum, you can't take me out of your shots, and fight with me now."

"Ye Chen, you are looking for death!" Ye Qifeng was angry again, "Kill the sword, and trouble the world!"

With Ye Qifeng's words falling, more than a dozen elements of power condensed into Ye Qifeng's silver nine-ring sword, as if there were no regular cuts to Ye Chen, like a group of devil dancing, but it gave Ye Chen an inevitable escape. a feeling of.

"Fuck, can't I bully if I bully? People are like guns, guns like dragons, dragons of heaven and earth, sweeping all directions!" After all, Ye Chen realized that people and guns are one, and people are guns. At this time, his own body is regarded as a gun Used to sweep Ye Qifeng's Yuanli Dadao.

‘Ding Ding Dang Dang’ sounded like the real sound of a steel crash, and Ye Qifeng ’s Yuanli Sword was wiped out by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was so powerful that he stabbed at Ye Qifeng again.

However, when stabbing at Ye Qifeng, a strange idea came to his mind. Previously, the combination of mental power, physical body, and elemental power brought out the heaven and earth dragon gun, which can no longer be called the heaven and earth dragon gun. Maybe it can be renamed the triple shot method, triple shot method.

At this time, there is no mental power and elemental power, only physical power, but also the combination of the three in the physical body turns into a gun, the arms are the gun head, the trunk is the gun rod, and the legs are the tail of the gun. After three in one, people like guns can also be three in one.

If you want to distinguish, you can call it the mental, physical, and elementary power triplet, and the physical little triplet in the back. Is this a new marksmanship created by yourself?

Ye Chen grew more and more excited and felt feasible, but unfortunately neither the mental power nor the vitality could be used, otherwise he would have to try it now. Since it is a big triplet and a small triplet, after going out, they are merging.

And Ye Chen also wanted to understand that the big triplet was a big aspect fusion, and the small triplet was a detailed aspect fusion.

By the time you have completely completed the fusion, you may be able to surpass the magic skill, after all, this is originally a change on the magic skill heaven and earth dragon gun.

Just when Ye Chen was thinking, he had already killed Ye Qifeng.

Although Ye Qifeng is not afraid, he also knows that if this goes on, the two can only fight a battle of attrition without distinction. Once consumed, in fact, he has lost, because Ye Chen did not use the power and spirit. In the outside world, if he used Ye Chendou at the same time, it should be killed by spike, so he can only defeat Ye Chen here.

Thinking of Ye Qifeng, he took out his own dark silver nine-ring sword.

"Ye Qifeng, you still take out your weapon!"

"Huh, you're terrific!" Ye Qifeng had chopped to the center of Ye Chen's gun, and also Ye Chen's body trunk.

Ye Chen's arms stabbed at Ye Qifeng like a gun.

Ye Qifeng didn't dodge at all, and stubbornly hardened with Ye Chen, because he knew that with the advantage of weapons, he could defeat Ye Chen with one stroke.

"Well." It seemed that a broken voice was heard, and Ye Chen was chopped to the ground by Ye Qifeng.

Before Ye Chen fell to the ground, Ye Qifeng was also stabbed into the lower abdomen by Ye Chen's arms, stabbing Ye Qifeng's lower abdomen into a small hole.

But Ye Chen got up after a second, and there was a deep wound on his waist.

This is also the first time Ye Chen has suffered a medium or higher injury after coming to the island. Fortunately, there is a green inner armor, otherwise he will be seriously injured by a single knife.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. This deep silver nine-ring sword is equivalent to the silver nine-star. In conjunction with Ye Qifeng's power, if there is no green inner armor, it is normal to cut Ye Chen into a serious injury. Later, the power weakened a few points, allowing Ye Chen to be seriously injured and replaced by a midfield injury.

Fortunately, in order to enhance the power of this knife, Ye Qifeng did not dodge. Although he exerted the maximum power of this knife, he was also injured. He was injured for damage, and Ye Chen was invincible.

Although Ye Chen got up quickly, Ye Qifeng said, "Ye Chen, you lost. When I took out the Nine Rings Broadsword, you didn't have any room to come back. Although I won the dishonor, I won If you do, you win! "

"Oh, before the last minute, do you really think you have won?"

Just as the two spoke a word, Ye Qifeng found that the injury on Ye Chen's waist was recovering at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"How is that possible?" Ye Qifeng showed horror, "What kind of power is this?"

"Haha, how is that impossible? This is my vitality and my continuous combat ability! If your sword has only that power, you will never defeat me, but I can consume you to death." Ye Chen though I do n’t like to fight attrition, but I have to fight attrition. After all, Ye Qifeng, who can use Yuanli here, is too strong. If he can also use Yuanli and mental power, he does n’t need to be so troublesome.

"Okay Ye Chen, this is what you forced me." Seeing Ye Chen's injuries recovered for a few seconds, and then seeing that his injuries were still intact, Ye Qifeng finally decided to release a big move.

"Come on, come on, let me see your strength!"

"Killing the sword, the strongest one, kill by killing! There is no killing in the world!" The nine-ring sword combined with the killing sword method has truly achieved only one sword in the entire artifact hall.

"It ’s a good idea to stop killing, and there is no killing in the world." In the face of the inevitable stab, Ye Chen couldn't help but praise. All of Ye Qifeng's attacks before had a unique killing intention. Ye Chen even felt that he was in a holy world without killing, as if all the killing intentions had been killed.

"I still have a heart to talk about, don't be split in half by me, I don't want to kill you yet." Ye Qifeng said.

"Then you don't need to worry about it!"

During Ye Chen's speech, the whole person was completely transformed into a gun in the form of an ice dragon gun, and touched Ye Qifeng's strongest blow with physical force.

However, at the moment when both sides were about to contact, Ye Chen's look changed dramatically.

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