Chaos Fiend

Chapter 230: Red lotus on the wild

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

Originally with his strength, if there was danger, he could feel it. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan

But after heaven and earth did not kill, it seemed that there was no intention of killing at all, but it was deceived by the appearance of this move, because the killing intentions of this move actually all condensed, condensed and not dispersed, and no killing intention was revealed.

At the moment of contact, all the huge murderous intentions poured into Ye Chen's spirit.

It turned out that this was a direct attack on Shihai.

Of course, there are nine ring knives on the outside to match Ye Qifeng's elemental strength, which makes this hit extremely fierce.

Before, it was possible to cut the bodies of the green inner nails and Ye Chen, and now it is even more so.

When Ye Chen was attacked, the body's control and defense force would decrease. No wonder Ye Qifeng said that he was cut in half by him, which means that.

Although Ye Chen didn't know if his vitality could be cut into two halves and still alive, obviously Ye Chen would not try this way.

When approaching, Ye Chen quickly retreated. However, the space in the hall is not large, and locked by the sword method, even if you avoid it now, you will attack it sooner or later.

"Xiaohei, is there any way to take out my ice dragon gun." The ice dragon gun has been in the ring, and now Ye Chen cannot use the ring, so the ice dragon gun has not been removed. But after seeing Ye Qifeng being able to use his power freely, coupled with Xiao Hei ’s ability to use his power before, Ye Chen ca n’t stop thinking about it now, after all, he wo n’t go back even if he knows that there is great danger. Test the strength of the flesh. It wouldn't be brave, but a fool.

"Okay!" Xiao Hei also knew that the situation was critical, and said immediately, "Master, just use the chaotic magic bead according to the method I taught you before. In fact, the chaos magic bead completely crushes this artifact, and the master can rely on the chaos magic bead. Rejuvenate and use your own power. Just like your cousin, you rely on his teacher's sword. "

"I see! Ice Dragon Gun!" Ye Chen took out the Ice Dragon Gun from the ring by using the chaotic magic beads instantly.

With Xiao Hei's announcement, Ye Chen began to mobilize Yuanli's mental power to match the physical force. In the triple shot method, Ye Chen reconciled the physical body, and the whole person was integrated into the ice dragon gun. As before, his arms were turned into gun heads. The torso turns into a gun barrel, and the legs turn into gun tails.

"Liuhe marksmanship!" The big three plus the small three, Ye Chen finally tried to hit the strongest blow in his imagination. However, the degree of integration of the Big Three is not yet perfect, and when it is perfect, it is really the strongest. Of course, the power now also exceeds the Heaven and Earth Dragon Gun.

The most powerful knife collided with the most powerful gunshot, the most powerful killing intention and the most determined will spirit collided together.

However, Ye Qifeng has no advantage of Yuanli. Without the advantage of weapons, he is not Ye Chen's opponent at all.

Just three seconds after the knife and gun were in contact, the knife was slowly worn away. The more quickly the knife was worn away, the next two seconds, Ye Qifeng's knife attack was completely destroyed. However, Ye Chen, the ninth ring sword, could not be destroyed.

After destroying Ye Qifeng's attack, Ye Chen kept firing, and picked the Nine Rings Sword to fly, and pointed the gun directly at Ye Qifeng's neck.

"I lost." Ye Qifeng looked at Ye Chen a few more times, and he couldn't tell what it was like. He never expected to lose to Ye Chen in the end.

"Um." Ye Chen nodded.

"You kill me." Ye Qifeng said, "Only when I die, you can go to the end and unlock the changes here."

"It's okay, I said to Qi Ling here. The general meaning is that he lost to me. Anyone who is willing to surrender can stay." Ye Chen said afterwards, "Qi Ling, you can."

"It's okay. You can rest in peace." Qi Ling said Ye Qifeng did not know where to go.

Ye Chen sat still.

While Ye Chen and Ye Qifeng were fighting, Hong Lian was fighting against Barbara.

"You are the current Emperor of the Arctic Palace, Hongfu? This is also our first official meeting!" Phoenix Continent said that the big and the small, the small and the small. Although Xing Xingtian has seen the Red Lotus, but last time in the war, This is also the first official meeting.

"It's me." Honglian said, "I didn't want to kill here, but since I met you, I'll kill you."

"Huh, you people love to talk!" Cruelly disdainful.

"You barbarians are not the same. They love to engage in some conspiracy." Honglian said.

"Lazy to talk nonsense with you, although you look very beautiful, but in my eyes it is no different from food. So, let me die!" After so many days of cultivation, Man Xing Tian has risen to the top of the silver Samsung. In addition, he is a pure flesh cultivator, and when he claps his hands, he is full of vigor.

"Red Phoenix Gun!" Honglian came here, and naturally also had a hole card, which could resist the suppression of the artifact and completely release her strength. Although she also improved her physical strength here, of course, it could not be improved compared to the wild Xingtian. But because of her physical improvement, her control over the red lotus industry fire has increased, but the red lotus industry fire is Honglian's ultimate move and it will not be easily used.

The red phoenix gun was taken out, and with Honglian's fire power, he pierced the palm of Manxingtian with a broken face and opened the palm of Manxingxing.

Since the last ice dragon gun, red phoenix gun, dragon fly and phoenix dance, the red phoenix gun has become more and more powerful.

"Hmm! A little strength!" Humming again, humming again, palms patted Honglian again, this time the palms are bigger and more solid, the power is also stronger.

"Phoenix dance!" Honglian waved the red phoenix gun, dancing like a phoenix, very gorgeous, but under this splendor, there was hidden murder. Under the phoenix dance, the strong fire united together, wherever dance took place, A boiling sea of ​​fire was formed, and it burned to the sky.

Burn the palms of the barbaric sky photographed from the sky.

"Sculpture of the worms! Suppression! Suppression!" Only one hand was used before the barbarian days, and now the other hand also joined the battlefield and was photographed from above.

The sea of ​​fire under the control of Honglian was immediately suppressed by the barbaric sky and rolled down.

The face of Honglian did not change, the red phoenix spear stabbed again, but this time it turned into a phoenix, the power was also stronger, and once again canceled with the attack of the barbarous sky.

However, we must know that Barbaric Sky is only using the power of the flesh to consolidate the two palm prints towards Honglian, and the real body does not move.

Looking at Honglian now, it seems that Xing Xingtian has to show his true ability, "Black Ice Condensate!"

As a result, Black Xingtian's armor was condensed like black ice, and Black Xing condensed by Xing Xingtian surpassed the festival by a few grades. It can be seen from the appearance, it is simply not the same.

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