Chaos Fiend

Chapter 251: Disastrous

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

Ye Chen just emerged and found that the waves were soaring that the air seemed to be blown out. Similarly, three figures kept attacking His Holiness the Dead Wood. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan

However, Lord Deadwood defends firmly and relies on his own strong vitality, and is not afraid of any attack at all.

As for the three people who attacked Lord Deadwood, Ye Chen knew each other. One was Gaoming, who had just met, and the other two were the magic blue and magic red of the demons. Both were blue pupils, and they were easy to distinguish.

But then Ye Chen wanted to understand that Gao Ming must have agreed with his previous proposal to kill His Holiness.

And to kill the peak strong, such as Lord Deadwood, we must dispatch the peak strong. In particular, Lord Deadwood is the strongest of the peak powers, and it is sure to dispatch more peak powers.

In the information of Baibaoxing, they are demons, and Moqing and Mohong are the subordinates of the demons. They must tell them to come over.

The two are both magic city powerhouses. The location of the magic city is on the southeast coast and also near the sea. Therefore, these two peak powerhouses came first.

After coming here, the magic blue and magic red attacked like the dead wood, and matched with a silver star, Gao Ming, by the way, Gao Ming is a strong mental force, the strength to be played is the weakest peak strong.

The battle between the four top powerhouses, and the battle between life and death, is naturally earthshaking.

The surrounding crowd had already been evacuated, Ye Chen could no longer see Honglian, Ye Qifeng and Ye Long.

The appearance of Ye Chen, the four people who had been fighting fiercely, also retreated.

Demon Green and Demon Red saw Ye Chen's excitement, "Master Devil! Devil and Demon Guards are late, and please forgive Master Devil."

"It's okay." Since Moqing and Mohong misunderstood, Ye Chen naturally pretended to be a demon.

"Devil?" His Holiness frowned. Originally, the magic blue, magic red, and Zhou Ming were indiscriminate like they launched a crazy attack. His Holiness still wondered how he offended these guys. The original culprit was Ye Chen, but why did Ye Chen become a demon?

"Master Demon's name can you also call it?" Mo Qing and Mo Hong glared at Lord Deadwood.

"Huh!" The dead wood sighed coldly, and Moqing and Mohong were like crazy, he didn't want to provoke him.

"Master Devil, what do you say about this person? Continue killing ?!" Since both Mo Qing and Mo Hong have identified Ye Chen's identity, it doesn't matter that Gaoming directly called Ye Chen Demon and made a beheading. Actions.

"Gaoming, you!" Lord Witherwood was furious, but at the same time he stared alertly at the crowd.

"If you can kill, kill!" In Ye Chen's eyes, he killed the dead dust himself, and exposed the chaotic magic beads in front of His Holiness. If he was remembered by His Holiness, especially everyone thought he was a demon, in fact he It is Ye Chen. His death will also cause him a lot of trouble. In order to avoid this situation, it is safer to kill His Holiness!

"Okay, since the adult has orders, then kill!" Gao Ming showed a fierce look.

Mo Ye and Mo Hong brothers and sisters already shot again when Ye Chen finished killing.

Their blue pupils turned red, which meant killing.

"You guys! You forced me!" I didn't expect the other person to say that he would take a shot. His dead wood was even more angry, especially because he had been pressed and beaten before, and he didn't know the reason. It is possible, but now that I understand everything, I know that there is no reconciliation, plus that a lot of anger has already accumulated, this time His Holiness will kill everyone!

"The **** sacrifice!" His withering body suddenly swollen with congestion, and his body became bloody, his face became even more sloppy, and his mouth was more fierce, "I sacrifice myself Life force, ten times your own attack power, although not as good as the Golden Emperor, but you are more than enough to kill you! "

"Oh, we thought we were afraid of you if you bluffed us casually?" Gao Ming sneered. "My elder is also on the way to this place. Soon there may be other peak powers, dead wood, your dead time is here!"

In fact, Gaoming is still very satisfied with the death of His Holiness. After all, His Holiness has been in the East China Sea for many years, and he has hit homes and houses, all of which are merchant ships of Baibaoxing. Now that I finally have a chance to kill His Holiness, he is naturally willing to do it.

"Yes, you did have a plan!" The Venerable Deadwood heard that the blood was even worse, and his strength was increased tenfold again. He had increased tenfold before, now he has increased tenfold, and his strength has increased by a hundredfold. Similarly, his vitality is consumed more But he no longer cares, kill the enemy in front of him and say, "I want you to die!"

During the talk, His Holiness's palm turned into a blood-red, grabbed the three, and the whole sky was blood-stained and bloody, which made people feel as if they were in blood-colored horror.

Magic Blue, Magic Red, and Gao Ming could not have imagined that Dead Wood has such a hole card. Although the three of them have been playing against Dead Wood, the damage to Dead Wood is really limited. Even if there is loss, compared to Dead Wood The great vitality of His Holiness, that little harm is a sloppy salary.

Now that the dead wood sacrifice is active, it can actually raise the power to this level, which they did not expect.

The increase of one hundred times the power has exceeded the limits of the Phoenix continent, and even reached the level of those who have the power of the emperor.

The three did not dare to keep their hands, all of them were the most powerful cards.

Gaoming cultivates spiritual power. Spiritual power is like substance. The strong spiritual ocean can be seen by the naked eye. The huge power surpasses the big **** hands and impacts the body of His Holiness.

The magic blue and magic red each took out the black magic sword, and the magic element power surged into the magic sword. Even the magic element force overflowed the magic sword, forming two giant magic swords with black magic element power in the void. The black elemental force floating outside the magic sword looks extremely powerful.

The magic blue and the magic red are brothers and sisters, and the two giant magic swords are intertwined with each other, killing the **** big hands.

"Boom!" Two giant magic swords collided with the **** hands of Lord Deadwood. First, they sent out a fierce collision, and then burst by the hands of the **** hands. The two swords were directly blown out, and the remaining blood hands Big hands grabbed at the magic blue and magic red.

"Roar!" The two roared at the same time. They didn't want to be ashamed in front of the demon Lord. The whole body's magical power was swelled again. Two for one.

But in the next second, the attack of Lord Witherwood has arrived, and Scarlet Hand directly broke through two virtual shadows, caught Mo and Red, and the powerful power was released on the two, and the two even resisted There was no strength, the ghost of the demon was instantly broken, and the two were also shot into the sea floor and disappeared.

In addition, Gao Ming's mental strength constantly harassed His Holiness, but His Holiness was full of blood to resist Gao Ming's mental power attack. After the **** hands resolved the magic blue and magic red, Gao Ming's look changed, but he resisted. Without courage, he fled towards the distance in an instant. After all, he cultivated mental strength. If he resisted the attack that even the magic blue and magic red could not stop, the end would be miserable.

"On this point, I dare to pretend to force me!" His Holiness continued to sneer and stared at Ye Chen. "Well, all three of your strengths have been killed and beaten by me, now it's my turn. is you!"

"Hehe." Ye Chen really didn't expect that Dead Wood was so strong. It seems that the peak strong have a hole card that they can't imagine. Once released, it is really terrible.

"What are you doing?" Lord Deadwood has released his hole card, and the artifact sea boat is in his eyes like nothing, and killing Ye Chen is just a matter of hand. He wants to see Ye Chen's expression of fear before he dies, and even kneel. His expression, but Ye Chen's face seemed calm, which made him unhappy.

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