Chaos Fiend

Chapter 252: Huangfu Qitian arrives

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"I hehe you are stupid. Forcing. (((Cartinault Novel Network ) )) Ye Chen said rudely, "The taboo moves you use must be limited. You can't do it for a while! And I will come here soon, and you can just wait to die? If I were you, I must be running now. "

"Haha." Lord Witherwood laughed when he heard the words. "Forbidden? What are the contraindications? I still can afford this vitality. Reinforcement? Not necessarily who will kill anyone when they come! Run? I'm completely Can kill you on the road. How are you, afraid? "

"Yes, I'm a little scared." Ye Chen nodded. "Since you're here, why don't you dominate the mainland!"

"Huh!" His Hollow snorted coldly. When he saw Ye Chen's attitude, he knew that Ye Chen hadn't put him in his eyes, and said, "Yes, I just remembered it, they just called you just now. Devil, don't think they call you a demon, I'm afraid of you! Now I'll kill you! Go to death, Scarlet Devil Vine! "

In the past, Lord Deadwood did not use moves at all to deal with the magic blue, magic red, and high-brightness. They were directly crushed by power. Now they use moves to increase their power again.

Scarlet trees and vines attacked toward the island, and the huge force directly penetrated the defense around the artifact and killed Ye Chen.

Haizhou Ye Chen has full control, controlling the trees on the periphery of the island and intercepting the scarlet tree vines.

However, a barbaric ancestral fist of the former can break the island defense and escape, but now it is a peak of the dead with the dead tree, and has increased the attack by a hundred times, the power is naturally extremely powerful.

Although Ye Chen controlled the trees to intercept them, they were directly destroyed by the Scarlet Tree Vine.

After the destruction, the Scarlet Tree Vine, like red snakes, seemed to spit out snake snakes and rushed to Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen was in a good position. How could he fear the attack of His Holiness, and then hid in the core space of the sea boat.

Here he can see everything on the periphery, but no one else can see him.

Scarlet Tree Vine did not stop attacking because of the disappearance of Ye Chen, but also lost his target in an aimless attack.

Like missiles, they bombarded the islands and destroyed all the trees on the islands.

And Ye Chen mobilized the defense of the sea boat. The previous instrumental spirit could not stop it because the instrumental spirit could only control the peripheral area. Now Ye Chen can control it all, and it can be considered to barely block the attack of Scarlet Tree Vine.

However, there is a disadvantage, that is, the power of sea boat storage is decreasing. Before Ye Feifan was controlling the sea boat, now Ye Feifan is gone, then Ye Chen has come to control. Ye Chen itself has little power, so it can only consume the power stored in the sea boat itself.

Otherwise, let ’s run, Ye Chen wants to control the running of the sea boat. He ca n’t beat the dead wood, and there is no problem running.

And just can test the speed of the sea boat.

Just when Ye Chen wanted to control the running of the sea boat, a ghost rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

The shadow looks exactly like the demon in Chaos Beads.

In the center of the shadow, the magic blue and the magic red hold hands and control the shadow.

"Master Devil, I'm sorry. We must help you kill the enemy!" Between the words of Mo Qing and Mo Hong, Mo Ying has rushed to His Holiness.

"Give me death!" Lord Witherwood turned and slammed again at Moqing and Mohong.

And the magic blue and magic red are like one person this time, and they are both peak powers. The superposition of strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two. They can even fight against three peak powers together, plus two people this time. Regarding the dead wood lord, the main defense is, although the dead wood lord cannot be defeated, but the dead wood lord wants to defeat the two as before, but it is impossible.

Withered for a long time, His Holiness was very impatient.

At the same time, Gao Ming turned back again, not because he saw the magic blue and magic red suddenly become stronger, but because he followed a figure behind him.

"Kill! Fire Phoenix!" Huang Fu Qi Tian, ​​the most talented son of the Phoenix Emperor, has exposed the realm of the Emperor during the last battle, and can be described as one of the true most powerful men in the Phoenix continent. Is a super attack.

"Blood tree transfiguration!" Lord Deadwood transfigured directly into a giant blood-red tree that looked exactly like the giant tree on the island, but one was green and the other was blood.

The giant tree fluttered in the wind, and the leaves attacked the flames like a sharp weapon.

The emperor's phoenix's phoenix was also burning on the leaves at this time. The blood color on the leaves seemed to be ignited by flames, which turned into a more enchanting red.

Then the leaves wrapped up the fire phoenix, and after a bleak phoenix, the leaves extinguished the fire phoenix.

"No wonder I have been fighting against my Baibao in the East China Sea. It turned out that I had some skills!" Huangfu Qitian said coldly.

"Huh! The well-known Huangfu Qitian is also awesome! I didn't expect to have arrived in the realm of the emperor, and I really admire it from now on." The meaning of admiration is only icy murder.

"Phoenix King Fist!" Huangfu Qitian shot again, his right fist sacrifice, turned into a winged phoenix, and roared towards Lord Witherwood.

"Sculpture of eagle worms!" The leaves on the giant tree burst out again, turning into blood red pythons and biting at the phoenix.

"Bang bang!" The two sides bumped into each other and kept exploding.

And after the explosion, the most powerful emperor's realm that crushed everything was created, so that everyone seemed to be in a world of flames.

The realm of the emperor crushed all blood-red pythons, like a magma erupting, and a cloud of fire filled the sky.

Withered tree once again meets the enemy. Before that, the flying leaves attacked. This time, the branches trembled, killing the emperor's realm like a spear.

"Boom boom!" The powerful forces kept bumping into each other, and a cloud of mushrooms formed in the void, and the sea continued to swell under the mushroom cloud, like a tsunami.

After having strengthened a hundred times, the dead wood prince once again transformed into a giant tree, and his strength was strengthened again, and he could already fight against the peak strongman who owns the emperor's realm.

At this time Ye Chen was watching the excitement in the sea boat, when he could be so powerful.

In the battle between the two, Mo Qing, Mo Hong and Gao Ming could not get involved.

Their eyes were full of horror, and they did not expect that they had lost an emperor's field, and the gap in strength was so large. If Venerable Deadwood was turned into a giant tree early, I am afraid they can only escape.

Of course, the magic blue and magic red will not run away for the devil, I am afraid that only the battle died!

However, His Holiness has consumed his own vitality, and it has such power when he consumes his vitality, and Emperor Qifu has such power by himself. Under persistent fighting, His Holiness will surely die.

Everyone present was aware of this situation, and His Holiness knew that he could not win Ye Chen today, and did not want to delay time, waiting for the next opportunity to kill Ye Chen.

Thinking of His Holiness the Dead, transformed into a blood-red tree the size of one person, rushing away toward the distance, "I remember today's things! The next time I come to you, you will all die!"

Huangfu Qitian never shot again. His Holiness has huge vitality. This vitality is already a strong hole card on the bright side. Huangfu Qitian has no confidence to kill His Holiness, and can only let His Holiness leave.

"Master Demon, you should come out!" Huangfu Qitian said.

"Oh, I said let you kill His Holiness of the Dead. You can't kill him, what else can we say?" Ye Chen said.

"Although Lord Deadwood hasn't been killed, I can still see his truth, isn't it? The next time I meet, it will be much easier to deal with Lord Deadwood." And Huangfu continued, "I saw Lord Demon last time. At that time, it seemed to look down on me and wait, and even if surrounded by the strong, laughed and smiled, my courage became smaller this time, did you dare to even see me? "

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