Chaos Fiend

Chapter 278: Worth kissing

"Ha? This feeling is really wonderful. +++ Girls must go to the website " After refining the six-arm fine blood, Ye Chen waved the four newly-grown arms, and a strange feeling developed in the bottom of his heart. In short, the feeling was wonderful, wonderful, and inexplicable.

Now he is almost the same as the six-armed demon, but he is not a demon. He refined the blood of the six-armed demon. It can also be said that he is above the six-armed demon. Like a mantis demon is dominated by the six-armed demon blood.

"Deadly, give me death!" The Emperor Tianming was the most angry. He planned for such a long time and actually ended up cheap Ye Chen. In addition, he didn't need to suppress the praying mantis demon leader now, and resolutely shot at Ye Chen. The huge mental force crushed Ye Chen again. He was angry and forgot that he had attacked Ye Chen before.

"Hey, here it is! Virtual magic skills, Binglong roar!" Ye Chen just survived the meaning of killing in the blood of the six arms, and he countered the silver nine stars with one silver star. Although the mental power level is one silver star, but the spirit The quality of force is already comparable to the silver nine stars. Although it may be much weaker than the silver nine stars, the spiritual power of the silver nine stars can no longer destroy him. But the Emperor Tianming is the silver peak, which is the peak of the silver nine stars, which is four times stronger than the silver nine stars.

Ye Chen has seen a lot of ice dragons, especially after seeing the ice dragon dragon soul, it is easier to simulate the ice dragon, virtual magic skills and animal sounds are also his most powerful method, plus one hundred percent Simulation of the ice dragon, has fully exerted the power of the ice dragon roar.

"Boom!" After the strength of the two sides collided together, a fierce but silent collision occurred. The great spiritual power of the Emperor Tianming did not crush Yechen's ice dragon roar, but continued for ten times in the collision. A few seconds later, this destroyed Ye Chen's ice dragon, but after the ice dragon was destroyed, the Emperor Tianming left only a little power, which was easily blocked by Ye Chen.

"You are so strong?" Seeing Ye Chen resist, the Emperor Tianming calmed down, and Ye Chen was too scary. From a very weak chicken, he suddenly grew to this level. Although he was a little unbelievable, but He had to face this reality, and he didn't dare to take a shot when he calmed down.

"Oh, I never seem to be weak!" Ye Chen laughed. "Is it my turn to attack now!"

While talking, Ye Chen used virtual magic skills again to simulate swords, guns, swords, hammers, and halberds, but he simulated double swords, which were simulated according to the double swords of the deities in the chaotic magic beads. The gun simulated ice The dragon gun and the blade simulate Ye Qifeng's nine-ringed large sword, and the hammer halberd simulates an ordinary hammer halberd.

Cooperating with his six hands, Ye Chen really had a feeling that he had become three people by himself, and finally understood why when the magical sky attacked himself, he was powerless to fight, and if he could fight one by three, even if he could Play the silver peak of 100% strength, not the opponent of Magic Sky.

At this point, picking up six virtual weapons, Ye Chen attacked Motian! He wants to see how far it is from Motian.

"Come here!" The six-armed demon of the magic sky has not disappeared yet. The huge entity and Ye Chen have fought together. They could crush Ye Chen before, but this time after Ye Chen refined the six-armed demon blood, The magic sky can only have the upper hand.

After all, they are all silvery peaks. Ye Chen has played 50 strengths before, and now he has played a hundred and fifty strengths. But before the magic sky wanted to kill Ye Chen before, it has consumed half of the power. There is no supplement here. Two hundred and five strength, now because of the power consumption, can only play two hundred percent of the strength, can take the upper hand, but it is impossible to defeat or hurt Ye Chen.

"How could this be happening ?!" Motian also saw the status quo. Like the Emperor Tianming, he could not believe it, but had to face this reality.

"Why not ?!" Ye Chen laughed. "If you go on like this, you're afraid of being killed by me! Here, my power is endless!"

"Oh, just because you want to kill me?" Mo Tian disdain, "Dream!"

When talking, the magical sky condenses all the remaining half of the power, the image of the six-armed demon is more clear, and the six artifacts are more clear, it looks more like a real entity!

Ye Chen watched carefully, but Motian didn't attack him.

"Look at me destroying your artifact!" During the roar of the magic sky, six artifacts waved at the same time, attacking the sea boat space, and the huge power also opened the sea boat space instantly, and the magic sky rushed out.

When the magic sky opened up the space of the sea boat, Emperor Tianming who calmed down gave Ye Chen a glance and rushed out of the sea boat. He knew that he was still staying in Ye Chen's artifact. There was really no way to take Ye Chen.

"It's a pity." Seeing the two running away, Ye Chen could only secretly say that it was a pity. There was no way. He would have the opportunity to kill the two inside the sea boat. After he went out, he was not an opponent. And the magic sky can break the sea boat space, he also thought before, so he is not sorry, but it is a pity.

However, Ye Chen is still very satisfied now. He has a full understanding and understanding of his fighting ability in the sea boat. If there is another peak strong person to be drawn into the sea boat by the next time, he will definitely leave the other party.

On the other side, from the moment Ye Chen refined the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, the leader of the praying mantis demon stood still, his eyes still glowed with blood red, but he also obeyed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen understood instantly. The former praying mantis demon obeyed the praying mantis demon leader, but now because he refined the blood of the six-armed demon clan, he may have become their new leader in the eyes of the praying mantis demon leader. Is it because The blood of his six-armed demon tribe is pure? By the way, I remember that Motian said before that the mantis demon is still under their control. Although they do n’t understand why they finally broke away from their control, the refined six-armed demon blood can certainly suppress the mantis demon leader.

It is a pity that if it was not the Emperor Tianming who refined all the praying mantis and demons, he would own a terrible army, but it does not matter now. It is also a great gain to have a loyal mantis demon leader.

"Master is mighty ..." As Ye Chen thought, the lord of the dragon whale, tiger shark, and giant beast, the big sea beast, did not know where it came from, looking at Ye Chen full of fear. To say that the three great beast lords still looked down on Ye Chen, now they are really fully committed to Ye Chen, which belongs to the strong.

"Okay, no need to slap me, but the three of you are here to stay." After Ye Chen finished, she folded her four arms, changed into a normal person, and got out of the boat.

And after Ye Chen went out, the three big beast lords stared at the mantis demon chief and looked at them.

The mantis demon leader had already surrendered Ye Chen, and he could understand that this was also his master's hand, standing still and staying still, ignoring the three big beast lords.

After Ye Chen came out, it seemed that there was a strange atmosphere.

The first is the six-armed Demon side. The remaining eight young men and women are guarding Motian, and Motian is fully recovering its strength.

The spiritual body of the Emperor Tianming looked at the exit of the seal formation method and did not know what he was thinking.

As for Mu Linger, his eyes were always looking at Motian and Emperor Tianming. When they came out, they looked extremely embarrassed, especially Motian. When he came out, he let his people protect the law. She was really curious what happened inside.

As soon as Ye Chen came out, Mu Linger found it and rushed over at the same time. Before she thought about it, Ye Chen came out and gave Ye Chen a kiss. Who asked Ye Chen to fight the two strongest men for her? This kind of friendship, um, no one came before, and no one came, it's worth her kiss.

"Well." Mu Linger really kissed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen pushed Mu Linger away instantly, "What are you doing?"

Originally, he saw Mu Linger come over, thinking that Mu Linger wanted to come to find him, but he did not care about Mu Linger. He did not expect that Mu Linger kissed him as soon as he came over. Some reactions could not come, and he pushed Mu Linger away subconsciously .

"What can I do? You can't see it, just kiss you?" Mu Linger saw that Ye Chen actually pushed her away subconsciously, and she was instantly angry, and even had her brain filled. Ye Chen must be I'm still a virgin because she hates her. Although I'm a few decades old, I'm still a wonderful young girl in terms of human age.

"Well, you won! You really kissed me." Ye Chen ignored Mu Linger and looked at Motian and Tianming the Great.

Devil and Emperor Tianming also noticed Ye Chen's appearance, but Detian did not control Ye Chen, and continued to restore strength.

The Emperor Tianming looked at Ye Chen with a wary look, very worried that Ye Chen would encircle him in the sea boat at the same time. At the same time, the mantis demon leader did not come out this time, and he was also the man in charge of the mantis demon leader. The arm blood demons subdued Ye Chen.

If Ye Chen is pulled into the sea boat at this time, then in the sea boat, Ye Chen and the mantis demon leader attack together, the Emperor Tianming is in danger.

However, he clearly thought about it. Ye Chen's strengths outside were all silver one-star, exerting the power of silver five-star at most. This kind of power was not enough to pull Tianming Emperor into the sea boat when the Emperor Tianming was prepared.

Although Mu Linger was angry that Ye Chen seemed to hate her just now, she still couldn't hold back her inner curiosity and said, "What happened just now, I was very embarrassed when I saw them out. Are they both? Lost to you? "

"Hey, you really guessed it." Ye Chen had nothing to admit, and everyone with a good eye could see it. Devil and Emperor Tianming had no choice but to leave Ye Chen.

"How is this possible, how can you be so strong?" Mu Linger couldn't believe it. She also had an artifact. Even if there was an artifact, a strong peak could kill her, let alone two.

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