Chaos Fiend

Chapter 279: Spirit appear

"Ha, I said the truth you don't believe it, and why should I tell you, I am my own business!" Ye Chen said. +++ Girls must go to the website

"Huh! You don't tell me if you don't tell me, you think I'm really curious!" Mu Linger hummed coldly, ignoring Ye Chen, although she was really curious enough, how did Ye Chen defeat? Devil and Emperor Tianming. But Ye Chen obviously rejected her, and Mu Linger pretended not to be curious for the sake of face!

Ye Chen was amused by Mu Linger and explained, "In fact, there is nothing bad to say. I was really not the opponent of the two at first, but you forgot, you gave me the six-armed essence blood. I refined it and absorbed it. With the six-armed blood and great strength, the two are not my opponents. "

"Bottom? Are you refining?" Mu Linger couldn't help but burst out swearing. Ye Chen actually refined the six-armed essence? The reason she gave Ye Chen is the same as her. One is that she ca n’t beat the Emperor Tianming and the magic sky. In her hands, she is a hot potato. The second is the most important. That is, she has no strength to refine. Success becomes the unconscious killing machine of the praying mantis demon. If she succeeds in refining, even if she offends the Emperor Tianming and Motian, Mu Linger will definitely refining to improve her strength.

"Yeah, refining." Ye Chenzhuang forced. "As exaggerated? Isn't refining a fine blood, that's not easy."

"Oh." Mu Linger stopped talking, yeah, even if Ye Chen was pretending to force, but he really refined the six-arm essence blood, she knew the process, but the result was Ye Chen's refining was successful.

"Can we go straight out of the formation right now?" Ye Chen is now full of confidence. Even if there is a formation, he is not afraid.

"Well, I can see it." Mu Linger saw that Ye Chen was so hanging, broke the core of the seal formation, and just went out.

"Then let's go." Ye Chen took the lead after speaking, and walked towards the exit of the core of the seal formation method. When he walked out of the core of the formation method, it was equivalent to breaking the formation method, when the instrumental spirit appeared .

Mu Linger saw Ye Chen move, followed closely behind Ye Chen.

On the other side, the Emperor Tianming stared at Ye Chen closely. It could be said that it was just a vigilance before, but this time he stared at Ye Chen without blinking. Obviously, he was extremely worried about Ye Chen's shot.

Ye Chen smiled at will, and did not attack the Emperor Tianming and walked out of the formation.

When Ye Chen stepped out of the formation, the core of the seal formation was instantly broken. All of them walked out of the misty formation.

After coming out, everyone stood on the island of death, and at the same time the seal formation that had been shrouded in the island of death was fully revealed.

At the center of the large array, a suction came, absorbing the power of the formation, as if a whale sucked water, absorbing all the power to the center.

And it took just a few seconds to absorb all the power to the center.

Soon a snake-tailed monster similar to the summoned in Aladdin's lamp appeared in the air, covering the entire island of death.

"This is Zhenling?" Ye Chen stared at the monster with a serious look. Although Zhenling's breath only had silver peaks, Ye Chen always felt that there seemed to be a terrible power in Zhenling.

"It should be." Mu Linger nodded.

Ye Chen said, "Now Zhenling is out. We can only leave the island of death if we work together to defeat Zhenling. As for what happened before, I hope that everything has not happened? How?"

"I'm okay!" Said the Emperor Tianming first. He knows what's going on here. Actually, Zhenling will not actively attack people like him and Ye Chen, but if Ye Chen actively attacks Zhenling, hehe, maybe This will make Zhenling think that Ye Chen is with the Six-armed Demon Clan, plus Ye Chen has indeed refined the blood of the Six-armed Demon Clan, I am afraid that he is also the biggest enemy of the Zhenling. He can act on his side, Looking for opportunities, in case Ye Chen is injured, it is better to refine Ye Chen by himself.

"I agree, too." Motian saw the Tianming Emperor speak for the first time. He had no choice but to agree with one third of his strength. "But you have also seen it, my strength has not been restored, so this The main force of the war can only come from Emperor Tianming. "

"Hey, there is obviously one of the strongest here, why do you want me to be the main force?" Tian Ming emperor looked at Ye Chen, he naturally disagrees first, if it is not for Yin Ye Chen, he will run directly, now he Do not want to attack Zhenling, when Ye Chen and others entangle with Zhenling, he will help Zhenling.

Ye Chen could not take the initiative to deal with Zhenling, pretending to be respectful, "My strength is not good, and now I have exerted the power of the silver five-star at most. In the face of such a strong Zhenling, it is still dominated by two seniors."

Now we know that we are seniors, but we did n’t have much respect for us just now, both of them rolled their eyes, but they could n’t say anything. Ye Chen was right. In the artifact boat, he was the top powerhouse. Outside he had the most silver five stars. Too much difference with them.

The Emperor Tianming knew that he should have no chance now. If he did n’t take the shot, Ye Chen would definitely not take the shot. He might as well have shot the island of death first, maybe he could pick up the bargain outside the island, and immediately said, “Since this is so Then, I wo n’t tell you more here, I ’ll take a step! ”

After that, Emperor Tianming surged towards the sky, and then fled quickly.

The spirit did not stop the Emperor Tianming, so he let the Emperor Tianming leave.

"What? You can leave directly ?!" Ye Chen and Motian were suddenly shocked, and then the two parties automatically separated in a very tacit manner and each fled in one direction. Of course, Ye Chen's Mu Linger followed him.

When Mo Tian and others moved, the array moved, and in Ye Chen's surprised eyes, he was divided into two, one chased to the six-armed demons such as Mo Tian, ​​and one to Ye Chen.

"Shit, what the hell? Why chase us! Why not chase the Emperor Tianming!" Ye Chen and Mo Tian scolded, which was difficult to accept, and of course he ran away quickly.

The spirit of the spirit was extremely fast, and they stopped these people in a blink of an eye, expressionless.

Ye Chen and Mo Tian stopped.

Ye Chen said to Mu Linger, "Zhenling does not intercept the Emperor Tianming. There may be a reason to only intercept me and the six-armed demons. You can leave now and see if it chases you. If it does not chase you, then I am afraid that is the problem of the six-armed demon blood. "

Ye Chen also wanted to understand in these few seconds. The island of death was originally sealed by the six-armed demon. The six-armed demon wanted to escape. I am afraid it is difficult. Now Zhenling also intercepted him. It should be because he was before. Did you refine the essence of the six-armed Demon Blood?

"Okay!" At this moment, Mu Linger didn't say much, and staying here could only hinder Ye Chen, which she still understood.

After speaking, Mu Linger, like the Emperor Tianming, rose into the sky, and Zhen Ling also did not stop, so Mu Linger left.

"Fuck, Emperor Tianming, I am at odds with you, the next meeting will be endless!" Seeing Mu Linger can leave, Mo Tian now sees no matter how stupid, even if he and Emperor Tianming defeat Ye Chen, get Ye Chen He will not be able to leave all things smoothly, and he will definitely fight with Zhenling. By then, the Emperor Tianming will pick up cheap.

It can be said that until now, everything is in the calculation of Emperor Tianming. It is indeed worthy of the former Emperor Peak Overlord. If it was not for Ye Chen, he would be eaten by Emperor Tianming. Damn it.

On the other side, Ye Chen looked serious and had just experienced a fierce battle. He did not expect to have another fierce battle. The formation was extremely powerful. Ye Chen did not have the confidence to confront in this state. He immediately took out the sea boat and directly went into the sea boat artifact. , Just like the last time with dead wood, ready to deal with the spirits.

"You traitors, actually want to run away, let's die now!" Zhen Ling suddenly spoke, leaving Ye Chen a little confused, what traitor?

But Zhenling made a statement, indicating that he was conscious. If he was not conscious, he would still have to fight. If he was conscious, he would not have to fight, Ye Chen said, "Wait a minute."

"Abominable traitor, what do you have to say?" Zhenling said.

"I'm not a six-armed monster, I'm a pure human!" Ye Chen said.

"Human? How is that possible? I can't feel wrong!" Zhenling said.

"It's just that I refined the blood of the six-armed demon clan." Ye Chen revealed the six-armed road, "You see, I'm not a six-armed demon clan."

"Yes, I feel it. You are indeed a human who has refined the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan." Zhen Ling nodded. "Humans, you are very good. For your sake, I will let you go. ! "

Ye Chen didn't expect it to be so easy, and immediately said, "Can I ask you a question? Why are the Six Armed Demon Clan a traitor? And who is here to stay? Is it a person named Ye Feifan?"

The appearance of the **** crystal Ye Chen has always thought that it was left by Ye Feifan, especially when the sea boat was born recently, and the **** crystal veins only appeared. Isn't this just for him?

"Do you actually know Ye Feifan? Oh, did you get what he left behind?" Zhen Ling scanned the whole island and found that the veins of Shenjing disappeared. Then he scanned Ye Chen and found Ye Chen's blood, saying, "You are actually Ye Feifan For future generations, since he did n’t tell you something, I wo n’t tell you either. In short, you have to remember that the Six-armed Demon is a traitor and will die! ”

When Ye Chen was talking to the spirits here, another spirit had already fought against Motian and others. Of course, the main force of the battle was the other eight six-armed young men and women. contain.

After the spirit here spoke, it merged with the other spirit and fought with the six-armed demon tribe.

After Ye Chen learned that the veins of Shenjing were really left by Ye Feifan, his expression was full of horror, and Ye Feifan was too strong. Can this be expected? Is the god-like powerhouse so terrible and can expect so many things? Did the whale, sea and beast overlord blow himself over, too? It seems that Xiao Hei said that the god-level strong man crushes the Phoenix continent with one finger, and it is really not blowing.

Although Ye Chen wanted to get into trouble, he did not stop there, but went straight out of the island of death.

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