Chaos Fiend

Chapter 298: Teaching Method

"Since everyone agrees, that's fine. --- End of the book, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) We will then let the deputy leader teach us the formation method. When we fight against the swordfish school, we can exert more power and reduce our injuries. "Ye Chen said I looked at the Emperor Tianming.

Everyone else looked at the Emperor Tianming, and Ye Chen's status was naturally inferior to that of the Emperor Tianming.

The Emperor Tianming nodded and said, "Because everyone is not a force, and the swordfish may be attacking at any time. We have a short time, so I can only give you a simple but powerful one. Matrix. "

"Okay!" Everyone agreed.

The Emperor Tianming said, "The formation is the Emperor's Formation. As the name implies, the power of everyone working together can be comparable to that of the Silver Emperor. , The stronger the power exerted, we now have five forces, one with dead wood, one with the great prince Dongfang Zhige, one with treasures, one with sea beasts, one with Tianyinmen, and one person chooses the strongest one as a carrier to withstand The strength of their respective forces, so that they can exert their full power, and there is no need to worry about who has cut corners and cut materials.

"Okay, that's it!" Ye Chen nodded immediately, Emperor Tianming's strategy was good.

"Then you and leader Ye," said Dongfang Zhige, "can't you two just watch us fight?"

"Well, you're right, Ye Chen and I are on the sidelines. Of course, there are more important things." The Emperor Tianming looked around and continued, "In fact, the emperor's formation can be superimposed to become the emperor's formation. It is to bring together all the forces of the five forces onto a single carrier, and when the time comes, you can imagine yourself. "

"The carrier? Are you and the leader Ye?" Dongfang Tianqin frowned instantly when he heard the words, and seemed to understand the meaning of Emperor Tianming. .

"Yes, the carrier is naturally me and Ye Chen who are on the sidelines," said Emperor Tianming. "But I believe that the five of you who are powerful, will definitely kill the golden swordfish school."

"Is there something wrong with this?" Dongfang Tianqin always felt wrong, as if he had been calculated by the Emperor Tianming. After speaking, he looked at Ye Chen, hoping Ye Chen could refute it.

"It's okay." Ye Chen waved his hand, it didn't matter. In fact, even if it was really calculated by the Emperor Tianming, it would be good to run into the sea boat. As for Emperor Tianming's discomfort, Ye Chen was certainly very clear. He became a carrier with him, and the fool could see that Emperor Tianming had no intention.

When others heard this, they all showed a stunned look. It turned out that Emperor Tianming intentionally killed Ye Chen. How much strength does Ye Chen have? Why can we become this carrier? Afraid to be directly smashed by the forces of the five major forces? However, they were curious how Ye Chen offended Tianming Emperor, and made Tianming the Emperor so careful to calculate Ye Chen.

But it doesn't seem to be right. Why is Emperor Tianming so powerful? Can't you just kill yourself? Ye Chen, too, didn't seem to be afraid of Emperor Tianming's calculations, so he agreed directly.

When everyone was puzzled, the Emperor Tianming explained to the crowd in detail, and everyone soon understood it.

The subsequent Wudi formation and Wuhuang formation were the same theory, except that they changed the carrier and received more power.

The strength of the Emperor Tianming was already strong, and there was definitely no problem in bearing the power of the Emperor Wuzhen. As for Ye Chen, everyone naturally did not like Ye Chen, or the above thought, the Emperor Tianming was to die Ye Chen. Of course, as long as Ye Chen himself does not raise any objections, everyone will not be bothered.

"Okay, now that the formations have been learned, everyone is now back to familiarize themselves with the formations." Ye Chen said, "Fight the swordfish schools before they have responded, just destroy them, and there is no need for a martial arts formation."

"You can rest assured!" Several people, such as Dongfang Tianqin and Gaoming, nodded, agreeing with Ye Chen's statement, and even the Lord Sea Lion agreed with Ye Chen's words.

As for His Holiness and Dongfang Zhige, he did not speak.

Ye Chen ignored both of them. "Since this is the case, let's go now."

After speaking, Ye Chen and Dongfang Tianqin took the lead to leave.

Xuan Li and Xuan Yin were forced to keep up with Ye Chen and Dongfang Tianqin, although they still looked down on Ye Chen in their hearts.

Then Baibaoxing and the sea beast forces left, and Dongfang Zhige also left with his prince and princess forces.

This is the old home of His Holiness the Dead, and he looked at the Emperor Tianming. "Brother Tianming, this is the point. Should you talk to me, what is your relationship with Ye Chen? If not today Because of you, I will kill Ye Chen. "

"Oh." Emperor Tianming smiled, "Brother withered wood, brother, I can remind you, if you want to die, you try it and see if he killed you or you killed him."

"Brother Tianming, can you elaborate, but I and he have revenge. And last time I fought with him, he did not win my power." His Holiness the Dead did not know why.

"Hey, you want to do it yourself, since you have a deadly hatred with him, then I will not be able to blend in. Anyway, I still say that, if you are not afraid of death, try it." Both Emperor Tianming and Motian Ye Chen cannot be taken down, and it is even more impossible for the dead with the dead wood, so he will not blend in. Although he has been looking for opportunities to yin chen, he may not be able to get overcast anyway. If you win, you won't admit it if it's too big. But once mixed with His Holiness, it is clear that he is the enemy of Ye Chen, and he will not do such a stupid thing.

After speaking, Emperor Tianming left himself.

"Huh, God is mysterious! You aren't counting Ye Chen the same." Seeing the Emperor Tianming like this, Lord Witherwood was very upset, but there was no way, and he was wondering what Ye Chen could do to kill him. Yourself? He couldn't think about it after thinking about it. In the end, he became enthusiastic about Wu Huang Zhen and Wu Di Zhen. When he dealt with the sword sword fish school, he couldn't continue his efforts. When that time, Ye Chen and Emperor Tianming became the carriers. You can see Emperor Tianming's calculations and Ye Chen's hole cards.

On the other hand, the great prince Dongfang Zhige and other princesses are also arguing fiercely.

"What to do now? Dongfang Tianqin and Dongfang Batian are now guarding a honorable leader, Ye Chen. Even if it is useless, it can be regarded as a bonus. After all, the leader of the alliance is their people. If they say it, it must be extremely valuable. Face. "Oriental Jade Road.

"You are right, even if we all see that Ye Chen is just a puppet leader launched by Emperor Tianming, but it is also a leader. If it is passed, it will definitely add points. And when fighting, maybe he will deliberately instruct us Fight in the forefront, then let the Eastern Tianqin pick up cheaply. "Dongfang Qing also agreed with a look of unhappy.

As for the other people, when they heard the words, they looked like this. They were unhappy and helpless, which made Oriental Tianqin seize the opportunity.

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